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Simple Dictionary Definition

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(particle) (1) (at sentence end) indicates a question; (particle) (2) (after each alternative) or; whether or not; (particle) (3) (after an interrogative) (See 何か・1) some- (e.g. something, someone); (particle) (4) (indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.; sometimes after other particles) hmm; huh; (prefix) (5) (emphatic prefix; usu. before an adjective) (See か弱い) very; (suffix) (6) (suffix forming adjectives or adverbs; after an indeclinable word) (See 定か) -al; -ial; -ic; -ical; -ish; -y; (adverb) (7) (archaism) in that way

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Honesty / Fidelity
letter; mail; CL:封[feng1]; to trust; to believe; to profess faith in; truthful; confidence; trust; at will; at random
(1) honesty; sincerity; fidelity; (2) trust; reliance; confidence; (3) (religious) faith; devotion; (counter) (4) counter for received messages; (female given name) Yuki
śraddhā. Faith; to believe; belief; faith regarded as the faculty of the mind which sees, appropriates, and trusts the things of religion; it joyfully trusts in the Buddha, in the pure virtue of the triratna and earthly and transcendental goodness; it is the cause of the pure life, and the solvent of doubt. Two forms are mentioned: (1) adhimukti, intuition, tr. by self-assured enlightenment. (2) śraddhā, faith through hearing or being taught. For the Awakening of Faith, Śraddhotpāda, v. 起信論.



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jiān xìn
    jian1 xin4
chien hsin

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Firm Belief / Strong Faith
to believe firmly; without any doubt
(Christian rite of) confirmation; (personal name) Kenshin
firm faith


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(1) {cards} I doubt it (card game); cheat; bluff; bullshit; (interjection) (2) (colloquialism) I doubt that; no way; you're fibbing; (personal name) Daud; Dowd



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guān shì yīn
    guan1 shi4 yin1
kuan shih yin

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Guan Shi Yin: Protector Of Life
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
(out-dated kanji) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Regarder of the world's sounds, or cries, the so-called Goddess of Mercy; also known as 觀音; 觀世音善薩; 觀自在 (觀世自在); 觀尹; 光世音 (the last being the older form). Avalokiteśvara, v. 阿 8. Originally represented as a male, the images are now generally those of a female figure. The meaning of the term is in doubt; it is intp. as above, but the term 觀自在 (觀世自在) accords with the idea of Sovereign Regarder and is not associated with sounds or cries. Guanyin is one of the triad of Amida, is represented on his left, and is also represented as crowned with Amida; but there are as many as thirty-three different forms of Guanyin, sometimes with a bird, a vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a 'thousand' eyes and hands, etc., and, when as bestower of children, carrying a child. The island of Putuo (Potala) is the chief centre of Guanyin worship, where she is the protector of all in distress, especially of those who go to sea. There are many sūtras, etc., devoted to the cult, but its provenance and the date of its introduction to China are still in doubt. Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sūtra is devoted to Guanyin, and is the principal scripture of the cult; its date is uncertain. Guanyin is sometimes confounded with Amitābha and Maitreya. She is said to be the daughter of king Śubhavyūha 妙莊王, who had her killed by 'stifling because the sword of the executioner broke without hurting her. Her spirit went to hell; but hell changed into paradise. Yama sent her back to life to save his hell, when she was miraculously transported on a Lotus flower to the island of Poo-too'. Eitel.

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(particle) (1) too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence); (particle) (2) (as AもBも) both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence); (particle) (3) (used for emphasis or to express absence of doubt regarding a quantity, etc.) even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than; (particle) (4) (often as 〜ても, 〜でも, 〜とも, etc.) even if; even though; although; in spite of; (adverb) (5) (colloquialism) (See もう・3) further; more; again; another; the other

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(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in; at; from; because; than; (classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment)
(personal name) Sachio
what? how?


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to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do something; envoy; messenger
(1) messenger; (2) (abbreviation) (See 検非違使) police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods); (3) {Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering); (female given name) Tsukasa
To send; cause; a messenger; a pursuer, molester, lictor, disturber, troubler, intp. as 煩惱 kleśa, affliction, distress, worldly cares, vexations, and as consequent reincarnation. There are categories of 10, 16, 98, 112, and 128 such troublers, e. g. desire, hate, stupor, pride, doubt, erroneous views, etc., leading to painful results in future rebirths, for they are karma-messengers executing its purpose. Also 金剛童子 q. v.

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(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)

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the bleating of sheep; final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese)

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dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]
(adverb) (kana only) (See 嘸かし,嘸や) surely; certainly; no doubt; indeed

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dirt; disgrace
{Buddh} (See 煩悩・2) klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering); (personal name) Yoshimi
mala. Dust, impurity, dregs; moral impurity; mental impurity. Whatever misleads or deludes the mind; illusion; defilement; the six forms are vexation, malevolence, hatred, flattery, wild talk, pride; the seven are desire, false views, doubt, presumption, arrogance, inertia, and meanness.

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to confuse; to be puzzled
{Buddh} (See 煩悩・ぼんのう・2) klesha; (given name) Waku
moha. Illusion, delusion, doubt, unbelief; it is also used for kleśa, passion, temptation, distress, care, trouble.

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the more...(the more...); to recover; to heal; better
(adverb) (archaism) more and more; increasingly; (adverb) (1) (kana only) more and more; all the more; increasingly; (2) (kana only) at last; finally; beyond doubt; (3) (kana only) (at the) last moment; worst possible time; (given name) Masaru
to heal

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(bound form) to doubt; to suspect
doubt; distrust; suspicion (of)
vicikitsā; doubt, suspect; hesitate, be uncertain, fear, surmise.

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 shoku(p); jiki(ok); shi(ok)
    しょく(P); じき(ok); し(ok)
to feed (a person or animal)
(1) food; foodstuff; (2) (しょく only) eating; appetite; (n,ctr) (3) (しょく only) meal; portion
āhāra, 阿賀羅 food; to eat, feed. The rules are numerous, and seem to have changed; originally flesh food was not improper and vegetarianism was a later development; the early three rules in regard to 'clean' foods are that 'I shall not have seen the creature killed, nor heard it killed for me, nor have any doubt that it was killed for me'. The five 'unclean' foods are the above three, with creatures that have died a natural death; and creatures that have been killed by other creatures. The nine classes add to the five, creatures not killed for me; raw flesh, or creatures mauled by other creatures; things not seasonable or at the right time; things previously killed. The Laṅkavātāra Sutra and certain other sutras forbid all killed food.


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(particle) (1) sentence-ending particle expressing doubt; (particle) (2) sentence-ending particle expressing a rhetorical question; (female given name) Kayo


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(interjection) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (expressing mild surprise or doubt) hum; hmm; (interjection) (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (See ふふ) hm hm (light chuckle with mouth closed); (interjection) (3) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (indicating agreement) (See うんうん・1) uh-huh; (interjection) (4) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (deep in thought) mm; hmm; (interjection) (5) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (calling attention) well; (female given name) Mumu


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qī shǐ
    qi1 shi3
ch`i shih
    chi shih
The seven messengers, agents, or kleśas—desire 欲愛; anger, or hate 瞋恚; attachment, or clinging 有愛; pride or arrogance 慢; ignorance, or unenlightenment 無明; false views 見; and doubt 疑.


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qī gòu
    qi1 gou4
ch`i kou
    chi kou
The seven defilements―desire 欲, false views 見, doubt 疑, pride 慢, arrogance 憍 torpor 隨眠, and 慳 stinginess; cf. 七使.



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qī huā
    qi1 hua1
ch`i hua
    chi hua
(female given name) Hanaka
The seven flowers of enlightenmenmt, idem. 七善提分. Another versionispure in the commandments, in heart, in views, in doubt-discrimination, in judgment, in conduct, and in nirvana.



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sān jié
    san1 jie2
san chieh
(female given name) Miyui
The three ties: (a) 見結 , the tie of false views, e.g. of a permanent ego; (b) 戒取結 of discipline; (c) 疑結 of doubt. The three are also parts of見惑 used for it.



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bù shěn
    bu4 shen3
pu shen
(noun or adjectival noun) doubt; suspicion; question; strangeness
A term of greeting between monks. i. e. I do not take the liberty of inquiring into your condition.


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bù huò
    bu4 huo4
pu huo
without doubt; with full self-confidence; forty years of age
past forty; following right course



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jiǔ jié
    jiu3 jie2
chiu chieh
The nine bonds that bind men to mortality: love, hate, pride, ignorance, (wrong)views, possessions (or grasping), doubt, envy, meanness (or selfishness). They are the 六隨眠 plus grasping, envy, and meanness.


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wǔ lì
    wu3 li4
wu li
pañcabalāni, the five powers or faculties — one of the categories of the thirty-seven bodhipakṣika dharma 三十七助道品; they destroy the 五障 five obstacles, each by each, and are: 信力 śraddhābala, faith (destroying doubt); 精進力 vīryabala, zeal (destroying remissness); 念 or 勤念 smṛtibala, memory or thought (destroying falsity); 正定力 samādhibala, concentration of mind, or meditation (destroying confused or wandering thoughts); and 慧力 prajñābala, wisdom (destroying all illusion and delusion). Also the five transcendent powers, i. e. 定力 the power of meditation; 通力 the resulting supernatural powers; 借識力 adaptability, or powers of 'borrowing' or evolving any required organ of sense, or knowledge, i. e. by beings above the second dhyāna heavens; 大願力 the power of accomplishing a vow by a Buddha or bodhisattva; and 法威德力 the august power of Dharma. Also, the five kinds of Mara powers exerted on sight, 五大明王.


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wǔ zhì
    wu3 zhi4
wu chih
(place-name, surname) Gochi
The five kinds of wisdom of the 眞言宗 Shingon School. Of the six elements 六大 earth, water, fire, air (or wind), ether (or space) 曇空, and consciousness (or mind 識 ), the first five form the phenomenal world, or Garbhadhātu, the womb of all things 胎藏界, the sixth is the conscious, or perceptive, or wisdom world, the Vajradhātu 金剛界, sometimes called the Diamond realm. The two realms are not originally apart, but one, and there is no consciousness without the other five elements. The sixth element, vijñāna, is further subdivided into five called the 五智 Five Wisdoms: (1) 法界體性智 dharmadhātu-prakṛti-jñāna, derived from the amala-vijñāna, or pure 識; it is the wisdom of the embodied nature of the dharmadhātu, defined as the six elements, and is associated with Vairocana 大日, in the centre, who abides in this samādhi; it also corresponds to the ether 空 element. (2) 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna, the great round mirror wisdom, derived from the ālaya-vijñāna, reflecting all things; corresponds to earth, and is associated with Akṣobhya and the east. (3) 平等性智 samatā-jñāna, derived from mano-vijñāna, wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally; corresponds to fire, and is associated with Ratnasaṃbhava and the south. (4) 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, derived from 意識, wisdom of profound insight, or discrimination, for exposition and doubt-destruction; corresponds to water, and is associated with Amitābha and the west. (5) 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna, derived from the five senses, the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self-welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to air 風 and is associated with Amoghasiddhi and the north. These five Dhyāni-Buddhas are the 五智如來. The five kinds of wisdom are the four belonging to every Buddha, of the exoteric cult, to which the esoteric cult adds the first, pure, all-refecting, universal, all-discerning, and all-perfecting.


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wǔ fǎ
    wu3 fa3
wu fa
pañcadharma. The five laws or categories, of which four groups are as follows: I. 相名五法 The five categories of form and name: (1) 相 appearances, or phenomena; (2) 名 their names; (3) 分別 sometimes called 妄想 ordinary mental discrimination of them— (1) and (2) are objective, (3) subjective; (4) 正智 corrective wisdom, which corrects the deficiencies and errors of the last: (5) 如如 the 眞如 Bhutatathata or absolute wisdom, reached through the 如理智 understanding of the law of the absolute, or ultimate truth. II. 事理五法 The five categories into which things and their principles are divided: (1) 心法 mind; (2) 心所法 mental conditions or activities; (3) 色法 the actual states or categories as conceived; (4) 不相應法 hypothetic categories, 唯識 has twenty-four, the Abhidharma fourteen; (5) 無爲法 the state of rest, or the inactive principle pervading all things; the first four are the 事 and the last the 理. III. 理智五法 cf. 五智; the five categories of essential wisdom: (1) 眞如 the absolute; (2) 大圓鏡智 wisdom as the great perfect mirror reflecting all things; (3) 平等性智 wisdom of the equal Buddha nature of all beings; (4) 妙觀察智 wisdom of mystic insight into all things and removal of ignorance and doubt; (5) 成所作智 wisdom perfect in action and bringing blessing to self and others. IV. 提婆五法 The five obnoxious rules of Devadatta: not to take milk in any form, nor meat, nor salt; to wear unshaped garments, and to live apart. Another set is: to wear cast-off rags, beg food, have only one set meal a day, dwell in the open, and abstain from all kinds of flesh, milk, etc.



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wǔ zhuó
    wu3 zhuo2
wu cho
the five impurities (Buddhism)
五滓; 五渾 The five kaṣāya periods of turbidity, impurity, or chaos, i. e. of decay; they are accredited to the 住 kalpa, see 四劫, and commence when human life begins to decrease below 20,000 years. (1) 劫濁 the kalpa in decay, when it suffers deterioration and gives rise to the ensuing form; (2) 見濁 deterioration of view, egoism, etc., arising; (3) 煩惱濁 the passions and delusions of desire, anger, stupidity, pride, and doubt prevail; (4) 衆生濁 in consequence human miseries increase and happiness decreases; (5) 命濁 human life time gradually diminishes to ten years. The second and third are described as the 濁 itself and the fourth and fifth its results.



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wǔ gài
    wu3 gai4
wu kai
The five covers, i. e. mental and moral hindrances— desire, anger, drowsiness, excitability, doubt.

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A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

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A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

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