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Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “金” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “金” title below...

  1. Gin

  2. Jinn

  3. Kim

  4. King

  5. Gold / Metal

  6. Golden/Metal Dragon

  7. Golden/Metal Snake

  8. Golden/Metal Tiger

  9. Golden/Metal Rabbit

10. Golden/Metal Rat

11. Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

12. Golden/Metal Dog

13. Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

14. Golden/Metal Monkey

15. Golden/Metal Rooster

16. Golden/Metal Horse

17. Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

18. Adamantine / King Kong

19. Akin

20. Diamond

21. Eugene

22. Ginny

23. Golden Dragon

24. Goldfish

25. Hakkim

26. Jem

27. Jinkee

28. Jinma

29. Jinni

30. Joaquin

31. Keegin

32. Kimber

33. Kinga

34. Kingi

35. Kingman

36. Kinse

37. Morgin

38. Phnom Penh

39. Regine

40. Rojin

41. Rugin

42. Tuikim

43. Tukim

44. Venus / Gold Star

45. Adkin

46. Argento

47. Dickinson

48. Gingell

49. Ginger

50. Golden Rule

51. Huggins

52. Imogen

53. Imogene

54. Jenkins

55. Jinx

56. Joaquim

57. Kimberley

58. Kimberlie

59. Kimberly

60. Kimerly

61. Kingston

62. Kinslee

63. Kintsukuroi

64. McGinily

65. Mcginley

66. Mckinley

67. Perkins

68. Sajintha

69. Scoggin

70. Shekina

71. Tulip

72. Tyekinder

73. Vajrayana

74. Taurus

75. Money / Wealth

76. Atkins

77. Time is as Precious as Gold

78. Higginbotham

79. Hopkins

80. Hoskins

81. Jin Ji Du Li

82. MacIntyre

83. Mcginnis

84. McInnis

85. Metallica

86. Rajendra

87. Reginald

88. Time is Gold

89. Five Elements

90. Time is Money

91. Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon

92. Stay Strong / Indestructible / Unbreakable

93. 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary

94. You are who you hang out with

95. Just as Liquor Turns a Face Red, Gold Turns a Heart Black

96. There’s No Place Like Home

97. The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel

98. Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 9

Gin Scroll

金 is the name Gin in Chinese (Mandarin).

Jinn Scroll

金 is the name Jinn in Chinese (Mandarin).

Kim Scroll

金 is the name Kim in Chinese (Mandarin).

King Scroll

金 is how the name King is transliterated into Mandarin Chinese.

The meaning of this character is metal or gold, and it only vaguely sounds like “king”. But it was used in many articles for famous people like Larry King. If my last name was “King”, I would rather use the character 王 which means king, and romanizes as “wang” or “wong.”

Gold / Metal

(One of the five elements)

Gold / Metal Scroll

金 is the symbol for metal (often means gold or money) in Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

In an interesting twist, in Japanese, this Kanji can also mean “Friday.” I guess Friday is “the golden day” in Japan.

Gold / Metal is one of the five elements that ancient Chinese believed all things were composed of. These elements are also part of the cycle of Chinese astrology. Every person has both an animal sign, and one of the five elements according to the date of their birth. See also Five Elements and Chinese 12 Animals / Zodiac.

Golden/Metal Dragon

The Year of the Golden/Metal Dragon

 jīn lóng
Golden/Metal Dragon Scroll

金龍 is Golden/Metal Dragon in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1880, 1940, 2000, and 2060.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚辰.

Golden/Metal Snake

The Year of the Golden/Metal Snake

 jīn shé
Golden/Metal Snake Scroll

金蛇 is Golden/Metal Snake in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1881, 1941, 2001, and 2061.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛巳.

Golden/Metal Tiger

The Year of the Golden/Metal Tiger

 jīn hǔ
Golden/Metal Tiger Scroll

金虎 is Golden/Metal Tiger in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1890, 1950, 2010, and 2070.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚寅.

Golden/Metal Rabbit

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rabbit

 jīn tù
Golden/Metal Rabbit Scroll

金兔 is Golden/Metal Rabbit in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1891, 1951, 2011, and 2071.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛卯.

Golden/Metal Rat

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rat

 jīn shǔ
Golden/Metal Rat Scroll

金鼠 is Golden/Metal Rat in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1900, 1960, 2020, and 2080.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚子.

Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

The Year of the Golden/Metal Ox/Bull

 jīn niú
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull Scroll

金牛 is Golden/Metal Ox/Bull in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1901, 1961, 2021, and 2081.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛丑.

Golden/Metal Dog

The Year of the Golden/Metal Dog

 jīn gǒu
Golden/Metal Dog Scroll

金狗 is Golden/Metal Dog in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1910, 1970, 2030, and 2090.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚戌.

Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

The Year of the Golden/Metal Pig/Boar

 jīn zhū
Golden/Metal Pig/Boar Scroll

金豬 is Golden/Metal Pig/Boar in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1911, 1971, 2031, and 2091.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛亥.

Golden/Metal Monkey

The Year of the Golden/Metal Monkey

 jīn hóu
Golden/Metal Monkey Scroll

金猴 is Golden/Metal Monkey in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1920, 1980, 2040, and 2100.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚申.

Golden/Metal Rooster

The Year of the Golden/Metal Rooster

 jīn jī
Golden/Metal Rooster Scroll

金雞 is Golden/Metal Rooster in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1921, 1981, 2041, and 2101.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛酉.

Golden/Metal Horse

The Year of the Golden/Metal Horse

 jīn mǎ
Golden/Metal Horse Scroll

金馬 is Golden/Metal Horse in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1870, 1930, 1990, and 2050.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 庚午.

Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

The Year of the Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep

 jīn yáng
Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep Scroll

金羊 is Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep in Chinese.

In the Chinese zodiac and sexagenary (60-year) cycle, this combination occurs in years that include 1871, 1931, 1991, and 2051.

In the sexagenary cycle, this year is represented by 辛未.

Adamantine / King Kong

 jīn gāng
Adamantine / King Kong Scroll

金剛 can translate as adamantine from Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean.

Other meanings and translations can include diamond, thunderbolt, Indra's indestructible weapon, a Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth, Vajra (a mythical weapon), guardian deity, hardness, indestructibility, power, the least frangible of minerals.

The Chinese pronunciation of “Jīn Gāng” became the loanword used in English as “King Kong.” You can see King Kong as the indestructible ape guardian deity depending on how you read the story.

 ā jīn
Akin Scroll

阿金 is the name Akin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn gāng
 kon gou
Diamond Scroll

金剛 is a common way to call diamonds in Chinese and Japanese.

Traditionally, there were not that many diamonds that made their way to Asia, so this word does not have the deep cultural significance that it does in the west (thanks mostly to De Beers' marketing). Therefore, this word was kind of borrowed from other uses.

This title can also refer to vajra (a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond that originally refers to an indestructible substance); hard metal; pupa of certain insects; Vajrapani, Buddha's warrior attendant; King Kong; adamantine; Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth.

 yóu jīn
Eugene Scroll

尤金 is the name Eugene in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn nī
Ginny Scroll

金妮 is the transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Ginny.

This means “golden girl,” or “girl of gold” in Chinese.

Golden Dragon

 jīn lóng
 kin ryuu
Golden Dragon Scroll

金龍 is the Chinese title for Golden Dragon.

The first character means gold, golden, or metal.

The second character is dragon.

This title has the same meaning in Japanese but is used mainly as a given name, Kinryu, or in reference to a certain kind of noodle soup in Japan.

 jīn yú
 kin gyo
Goldfish Scroll

金魚 is the title for goldfish in Chinese and Japanese.

There was a time in ancient China when only the Emperor could possess the actual yellow-gold colored fish. This is why alternate coloration such as orange, black, red, and white was bred. Many believe this is why colors other than yellow-gold are more common for “goldfish” in pet shops today.

 hā jīn
Hakkim Scroll

哈金 is the name Hakkim in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn mǔ
Jem Scroll

金姆 is the name Jem in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn jī
Jinkee Scroll

金基 is the name Jinkee in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn mǎ
Jinma Scroll

金馬 is the name Jinma in Chinese (Mandarin).


Golden Girl

 jīn nī
Jinni Scroll

金妮 is a transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Jinni.

This means “golden girl” or “girl of gold” in Chinese.

This is the special name I made up and chose for my third daughter. There is also another, more common way to transliterate this name which is 吉尼 instead of 金妮.

 huá jīn
Joaquin Scroll

華金 is the transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the Latin / Spanish name Joaquín.

 jī jīn
Keegin Scroll

基金 is the name Keegin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn bó
Kimber Scroll

金伯 is the name Kimber in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn jiā
Kinga Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female Polish name Kinga.

 jīn jí
Kingi Scroll

金吉 is the name Kingi in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn màn
Kingman Scroll

金曼 is the name Kingman in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn sī
Kinse Scroll

金斯 is the name Kinse in Chinese (Mandarin).

 mò jīn
Morgin Scroll

莫金 is the name Morgin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn biān
Phnom Penh Scroll

金邊 is the Chinese title for Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.

In Japanese, this is the personal name, Kanabe.

 lěi jīn
Regine Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Régine or Regine.

 luó jīn
Rojin Scroll

羅金 is the name Rojin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 lǔ jīn
Rugin Scroll

魯金 is the name Rugin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 tú jīn
Tuikim Scroll

圖金 is the name Tuikim in Chinese (Mandarin).

 tú jīn
Tukim Scroll

圖金 is the name Tukim in Chinese (Mandarin).

Venus / Gold Star

 jīn xīng
 kinboshi / kinsei
Venus / Gold Star Scroll

金星 literally means gold star. Most of the time, in the context of the sky, this refers to the planet Venus.

Away from the sky, this can refer to a dazzling victory (e.g. win of a rank-and-file wrestler over the grand champion) or be the Japanese surname Kinboshi.

In the Buddhist context, this is Śukra, from Sanskrit for the planet Venus.

 ā dé jīn
Adkin Scroll

阿德金 is the name Adkin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 ā jīn tuō
Argento Scroll

阿金托 is the name Argento in Chinese (Mandarin).

 dí jīn sēn
Dickinson Scroll

迪金森 is the name Dickinson in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn gé ěr
Gingell Scroll

金格爾 is the name Gingell in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn zhè ěr
Ginger Scroll

金蔗爾 is the name Ginger in Chinese (Mandarin).

Golden Rule Scroll

黄金律 is “The Golden Rule” in Japanese.

It's understood to mean “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

 hā jīn sī
Huggins Scroll

哈金斯 is the name Huggins in Chinese (Mandarin).

 yī mò jīn
Imogen Scroll

伊莫金 is the name Imogen in Chinese (Mandarin).

 yī mò jīn
Imogene Scroll

伊莫金 is the name Imogene in Chinese (Mandarin).

 zhān jīn sī
Jenkins Scroll

This is the a common way to transliterate the surname Jenkins into Mandarin Chinese.

 jīn kè sī
Jinx Scroll

金克斯 is the name Jinx in Chinese (Mandarin).

 ruò ā jīn
Joaquim Scroll

若阿金 is the transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the Latin / Spanish name Joaquim.

 jīn bó lì
Kimberley Scroll

金伯利 is the name Kimberley in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn bó lì
Kimberlie Scroll

金伯利 is the name Kimberlie in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn bèi lì
Kimberly Scroll

This is the most common transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Kimberly.

 jīn bó lì
Kimberly Scroll

This is the second most common way to transliterate the name Kimberly into Mandarin Chinese.

 jīn bā lì
Kimberly Scroll

This is the third most common way to transliterate the name Kimberly into Mandarin Chinese.

 jīn méi lì
Kimerly Scroll

金枚莉 is the name Kimerly in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn shì dùn
Kingston Scroll

金士頓 is the name Kingston in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn sī lì
Kinslee Scroll

金斯利 is the name Kinslee in Chinese (Mandarin).

Kintsukuroi Scroll

金繕い is kintsukuroi or kinzukuroi, the Japanese art of repairing pottery with a lacquer mixed with gold, silver, etc.

I added this because many people searched for this title. Not sure how appropriate this is for a calligraphy wall scroll.

 mài jīn lì
McGinily Scroll

麥金利 is the name McGinily in Chinese (Mandarin).

In Mandarin, you cannot distinguish between McKinley, McGinley, and McGinily. All three are written as 麥金利.

 mài jīn lì
Mcginley Scroll

麥金利 is the name Mcginley in Chinese (Mandarin).

 mài jīn lì
Mckinley Scroll

麥金利 is the name Mckinley in Chinese (Mandarin).

 pò jīn sī
Perkins Scroll

珀金斯 is the name Perkins in Chinese (Mandarin).

 sà jīn tǎ
Sajintha Scroll

薩金塔 is the name Sajintha in Chinese (Mandarin).

 sī kē jīn
Scoggin Scroll

斯科金 is the name Scoggin in Chinese (Mandarin).

 xiè jīn nà
Shekina Scroll

謝金娜 is the name Shekina in Chinese (Mandarin).

 yù jīn xiāng
Tulip Scroll

鬱金香 is how to write tulip [flower] in Chinese and Japanese.

In some ancient contexts, this title can refer to saffron.

 tài jīn dé
Tyekinder Scroll

泰金德 is the name Tyekinder in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn gāng shèng
 kongou jou
Vajrayana Scroll

This is the title for Vajrayāna Buddhism in Chinese and Japanese.

Vajrayāna is the diamond vehicle or adamantine vehicle.

Sometimes referred to as 密教 or esoteric Buddhism.

Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 jīn niú zuò
Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

金牛座 is the Chinese way to write Taurus (bull) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

Money / Wealth

 jīn qián
 kin sen
Money / Wealth Scroll

金錢/金銭 means money, cash, currency, or wealth in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Literally, it means “gold coins” but has come to be used to mean money in general, as well as the idea of wealth.

銭The second character of this word is written in a variant form in Japan. The more common version in Japan is shown to the right. Click on the Kanji to the right instead of the button above if you want this Japanese variant in your calligraphy.

 ā tè jīn sī
Atkins Scroll

阿特金斯 is the name Atkins in Chinese (Mandarin).

Time is as Precious as Gold

 xī shí rú jīn
Time is as Precious as Gold Scroll

This proverb can be translated as “Cherish Time as if it was Gold” or “Time is as Valuable as Gold.”

This basically suggests that time is gold, and you should value the time you have (and use it well).


 xī jīn bō tǎn
Higginbotham Scroll

希金波坦 is the name Higginbotham in Chinese (Mandarin).

 huò pǔ jīn sī
Hopkins Scroll

霍普金斯 is the name Hopkins in Chinese (Mandarin).

 huò sī jīn sī
Hoskins Scroll

霍斯金斯 is the name Hoskins in Chinese (Mandarin).

Jin Ji Du Li

 jīn jī dú lì
 kin kei doku ritsu
Jin Ji Du Li Scroll

金雞獨立 or “Jin Ji Du Li,” means “golden rooster stands on one leg.”

This is also called “crane stance” in English. This is used in wushu, karate, and other forms of martial arts.

This can be pronounced, “kinkei dokuritsu” in Japanese but it's rarely a title used in Japanese.

 mài jīn tài ěr
MacIntyre Scroll

麥金太爾 is the name Macintyre in Chinese (Mandarin).

 mài jīn ní sī
Mcginnis Scroll

麥金尼斯 is the name McGinnis in Chinese (Mandarin).

 mài jīn nī sī
McInnis Scroll

麥金尼斯 is the name McInnis in Chinese (Mandarin).

 jīn shǔ zhì pǐn
Metallica Scroll

金屬制品 is the name Metallica in Chinese.

This literally means “Made from Metal” or “Metallic Product” in Chinese.


 lā jīn dé lā
Rajendra Scroll

拉金德拉 is the name Rajendra in Chinese (Mandarin).

 léi jīn nà dé
Reginald Scroll

雷金納德 is the name Reginald in Chinese (Mandarin).

Time is Gold

 yī kè qiān jīn
 ikko ku sen kin
Time is Gold Scroll

一刻千金 is a Chinese and Japanese proverb that can be translated as “time is gold,” “every minute counts,” “every moment is precious,” “time is money,” or “precious time.”

Five Elements

 jīn mù shuǐ huǒ tǔ
Five Elements Scroll

金木水火土 is a list of the Chinese characters for the five elements in a comfortable order (meaning that they “feel right” to a Chinese person who views this arrangement).

The order is metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Note that sometimes the metal element is translated as gold. And earth refers to soil versus the whole planet earth.

Time is Money

 toki wa kane nari
Time is Money Scroll

時は金なり is the Japanese phrase meaning “Time is Money.”

It matches the use and meaning of the same idiom as used in English.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon

 jīn ruì xiáng lóng zhī jiā
Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon Scroll

This 金瑞祥龍之家 or “home golden auspicious dragon” title was added by special request of a customer.

The first character means gold or golden.
The second and third characters hold the meaning of auspiciousness and good luck.
The fourth character is dragon.
The fifth is a possessive modifier (like making “dragon” into “dragon's”).
The last character means home (but in some context can mean “family” - however, here it would generally be understood as “home”).

Note: The word order is different than the English title because of grammar differences between English and Chinese. This phrase sounds very natural in Chinese in this character order. If written in the English word order, it would sound very strange and lose its impact in Chinese.

Note: Korean pronunciation is included above, but this has not been reviewed by a Korean translator.

Stay Strong / Indestructible / Unbreakable

 jīn gāng bù huài
 kon gou fu e
Stay Strong / Indestructible / Unbreakable Scroll

金剛不壞 is originally a Buddhist term for “The diamond indestructible.”

Sometimes, it's written 金剛不壞身, The diamond-indestructible body.

Outside that context, it still means firm and solid, sturdy and indestructible, unshakable, or adamantine (a mythological indestructible material).

壊 Note: If you order this from the Japanese master calligrapher, the last Kanji will look like the one shown to the right.

50th Golden Wedding Anniversary

 xìng fú jīn hūn
 kou fuku kin kon
50th Golden Wedding Anniversary Scroll

幸福金婚 means “Happy Golden Anniversary” and is a great gift for a couple who is celebrating 50 years together.

The first two characters mean happy, blessed, or happiness.

The last two characters mean “couple's golden anniversary.” It means “golden wedding” or “golden marriage,” but this is only used for the 50-year-mark of a marriage (the same way we use gold to represent 50 years in the west).

幸福金婚 is a nice title to use with an inscription. You could request something like, “Happy 50th Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” to be written down the side of this title in smaller Chinese characters.

Please note: This can be pronounced and understood in Japanese but not as commonly used in Japan. Japanese people who read this will understand it but might tend to feel it’s of Chinese origin.

You are who you hang out with

 āi jīn sì jīn āi yù sì yù
You are who you hang out with Scroll

金似金挨玉似玉 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [One who is] close to gold [is] like gold [and one who is] close to jade [is] like jade.

Figuratively, this means:
A good environment produces good people.
People are influenced by the company they keep.

Basically, if you hang out with good people, you are likely to become or stay good yourself. The opposite also is true. 挨This is like the moral version of “You are what you eat.”

Note: In Japanese, they have a similar phrase, 類は友を呼ぶ (rui wa tomo o yobu) Birds of a feather flock together. However, this is not a good meaning, so we’re not offering it for wall scrolls.

Just as Liquor Turns a Face Red, Gold Turns a Heart Black

 bái jiǔ hóng rén miàn huáng jīn hēi shì xīn
Just as Liquor Turns a Face Red, Gold Turns a Heart Black Scroll

白酒紅人面黃金黑世心 literally says: [Just as] white liquor makes people's faces turn red, [So] yellow gold makes people's hearts turn black.

This is a warning about the nature of greed. The suggestion is that one who lusts for gold and riches will eventually have a black heart (or become a heartless greedy bastard). As a wall scroll, this is a reminder and warning to keep yourself from following the greedy path.

There’s No Place Like Home

 jīn wō yín wō bù rú zì jǐ de gǒu wō
There’s No Place Like Home Scroll

金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝 is a Chinese slang proverb that means “Golden house, [or a] silver house, not as good as my own dog house.”

It's basically saying that even a house made of gold or silver is not as good as my own home (which may only be suitable for a dog but at least it's mine).

The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel

 bushi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi
The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel Scroll

武士の一言金鉄の如し is an old Japanese proverb about the value of the word of a warrior.

Here are a couple of versions of how this can be translated:

A warrior's single word is as unchanging and reliable as gold and steel.
A warrior's promise is as dependable as gold, and his [scabbard contains] untarnished steel (a sword).

Note: Sometimes this phrase is written as 男子の一言、金鉄の如し (danshi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi)

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 9

 chí ér yíng zhī bù rú qí yǐ chuǎi ér zhī bù kě cháng bǎo jīn yù mǎn táng mò zhī néng shǒu fù guì ér jiāo zì yí qí jiù gōng suì shēn tuì tiān zhī dào
Daodejing / Tao Te Ching  - Chapter 9 Scroll

This text is the ninth chapter of the Daodejing / Tao Te Ching.

The text reads:
持而盈之、不如其已。揣而梲之、不可長保。 金玉滿堂、莫之能守。 富貴而驕、自遺其咎。 功遂身退、天之道。

This classical Chinese passage comes from the Mawangdui (馬王堆帛書) text.

Dr. Charle Muller translates it this way:

To hold until full is not as good as stopping.
An oversharpened sword cannot last long.
A room filled with gold and jewels cannot be protected.
Boasting of wealth and virtue brings your demise.
After finishing the work, withdraw.
持而盈之不如其已揣而梲之不可長保金玉滿堂莫之能守富貴而驕自遺其咎功遂身退天之道 is the Way of Heaven.

Dr. Muller's translation of all 81 Daodejing chapters

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Gold / Metal
gold; chemical element Au; generic term for lustrous and ductile metals; money; golden; highly respected; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
(1) gold (metal); (2) (See 金色) gold (color); (3) gold (medal); first place (prize); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (4) something of great value; something golden (e.g. silence); (5) money; gold coin; (6) (written before an amount of money) sum (of money); (7) (abbreviation) (See 金曜) Friday; (n,ctr) (8) karat (measure of purity of gold); carat; (9) (See 五行・1) metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing); (10) (hist) Jin dynasty (of China; 1115-1234); Chin dynasty; Jurchen dynasty; (11) (abbreviation) {shogi} (See 金将) gold general; (12) (abbreviation) (colloquialism) (See 金玉) testicles; (surname) Kimu; Kim
hiraṇya, 伊爛拏 which means cold, any precious metal, semen, etc.; or 蘇伐刺 suvarṇa, which means "of a good or beautiful colour", "golden", "yellow", "gold", "a gold coin", etc. The Chinese means metal, gold, money.


see styles
jī jīn
    ji1 jin1
chi chin

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(noun - becomes adjective with の) fund; foundation


see styles
yóu jīn
    you2 jin1
yu chin

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Eugene (name)


see styles

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thank God it's Friday; TGIF; going out on Friday night; flowery Friday (when young men et al. stay out late)



see styles
jīn gāng
    jin1 gang1
chin kang
 kongou / kongo

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diamond; (used to translate Sanskrit "vajra", a thunderbolt or mythical weapon); guardian deity (in Buddhist iconography)
(1) vajra (indestructible substance); diamond; adamantine; (2) thunderbolt; Indra's weapon; Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth; (p,s,g) Kongou
vajra, 伐闍羅; 跋折羅 (or跋闍羅); 縛曰羅(or 縛日羅) The thunderbolt of Indra, often called the diamond club; but recent research considers it a sun symbol. The diamond, synonym of hardness, indestructibility, power, the least frangible of minerals. It is one of the saptaratna 七寶.


see styles

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(given name) Kinkichi


see styles
jīn xīng
    jin1 xing1
chin hsing

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Venus / Gold Star
gold star; stars (that one sees from blow to the head etc)
(1) dazzling victory; (2) {sumo} win of a rank-and-file wrestler over the grand champion; (surname) Kinboshi
Śukra, the planet Venus.


see styles
jīn niú
    jin1 niu2
chin niu

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Golden/Metal Ox/Bull
Taurus (star sign); Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan


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Golden/Metal Snake
(kana only) lacertid (any lizard of family Lacertidae, esp. the Japanese grass lizard, Takydromus tachydromoides)



see styles
jīn biān
    jin1 bian1
chin pien

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Phnom Penh
Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia
(surname) Kanabe



see styles
jīn jī
    jin1 ji1
chin chi

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Golden/Metal Rooster
golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)


see styles

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Golden/Metal Horse
(surname) Konma



see styles
jīn yú
    jin1 yu2
chin yü
 kingyo(p); kingyo
    きんぎょ(P); キンギョ

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goldfish (Carassius auratus); (surname, female given name) Kingyo


see styles
 kinryuu / kinryu

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Golden/Metal Dragon
golden dragon; (given name) Kinryū


see styles

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(surname) Agane



see styles
jīn gāng shèng
    jin1 gang1 sheng4
chin kang sheng
 kongō jō

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vajrayāna. The diamond vehicle, another name of the 眞言 Shingon.


see styles
jīn niú zuò
    jin1 niu2 zuo4
chin niu tso

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Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign
Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac)


see styles
 kintsukuroi; kinzukuroi
    きんつくろい; きんづくろい

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repairing pottery with a lacquer mixed with gold, silver, etc.



see styles
yù jīn xiāng
    yu4 jin1 xiang1
yü chin hsiang
 ukkonkou; ukonkou / ukkonko; ukonko
    うっこんこう; うこんこう

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(See チューリップ) tulip


see styles
 ougonritsu / ogonritsu

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Golden Rule
(See 金科玉条) The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you")


see styles
yī kè - qiān jīn
    yi1 ke4 - qian1 jin1
i k`o - ch`ien chin
    i ko - chien chin

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Time is Gold
(idiom) time is gold; every minute is precious
(expression) (yoji) every moment is precious; time is money; precious time



see styles
jīn jī dú lì
    jin1 ji1 du2 li4
chin chi tu li

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Jin Ji Du Li
golden rooster stands on one leg (tai chi posture); standing on one leg


see styles
ā tè jīn sī
    a1 te4 jin1 si1
a t`e chin ssu
    a te chin ssu

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Atkins (name)


see styles

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Time is Money
(expression) time is money



see styles
jīn wō yín wō bù rú zì jǐ de gǒu wō
    jin1 wo1 yin2 wo1 bu4 ru2 zi4 ji3 de5 gou3 wo1
chin wo yin wo pu ju tzu chi te kou wo

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There’s No Place Like Home
there's no place like home (idiom)


see styles
k jīn
    k jin1
k chin
see 開|开[kai1 jin1]


see styles
(polite language) money


see styles
{shogi} (See 歩兵・ふひょう) promoted pawn


see styles
immense sum (of money); ten thousand yen; (surname) Mangane


see styles
sān jīn
    san1 jin1
san chin
(surname) Mikane
The three metals, gold, silver, copper. The esoterics have (a) earth, water, fire, representing the 身密 mystic body; (b) space and wind, the 語密 mystic mouth or speech; (c) 識 cognition, the 意密 mystic mind.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Ginjīn / jin1 / jinchin
Jinnjīn / jin1 / jinchin
Kimjīn / jin1 / jinchin
Kingjīn / jin1 / jinchin
kinjīn / jin1 / jinchin
Golden/Metal Dragon金龍
jīn lóng / jin1 long2 / jin long / jinlongchin lung / chinlung
Golden/Metal Snake金蛇jīn shé / jin1 she2 / jin she / jinshechin she / chinshe
Golden/Metal Tiger金虎jīn hǔ / jin1 hu3 / jin hu / jinhuchin hu / chinhu
Golden/Metal Rabbit金兔jīn tù / jin1 tu4 / jin tu / jintuchin t`u / chintu / chin tu
Golden/Metal Rat金鼠jīn shǔ / jin1 shu3 / jin shu / jinshuchin shu / chinshu
Golden/Metal Ox/Bull金牛jīn niú / jin1 niu2 / jin niu / jinniuchin niu / chinniu
Golden/Metal Dog金狗jīn gǒu / jin1 gou3 / jin gou / jingouchin kou / chinkou
Golden/Metal Pig/Boar金豬
jīn zhū / jin1 zhu1 / jin zhu / jinzhuchin chu / chinchu
Golden/Metal Monkey金猴jīn hóu / jin1 hou2 / jin hou / jinhouchin hou / chinhou
Golden/Metal Rooster金雞
jīn jī / jin1 ji1 / jin ji / jinjichin chi / chinchi
Golden/Metal Horse金馬
jīn mǎ / jin1 ma3 / jin ma / jinmachin ma / chinma
Golden/Metal Goat/Sheep金羊jīn yáng / jin1 yang2 / jin yang / jinyangchin yang / chinyang
King Kong
kongou / kongojīn gāng / jin1 gang1 / jin gang / jingangchin kang / chinkang
Akin阿金ā jīn / a1 jin1 / a jin / ajina chin / achin
kon gou / kongou / kon gojīn gāng / jin1 gang1 / jin gang / jingangchin kang / chinkang
Eugene尤金yóu jīn / you2 jin1 / you jin / youjinyu chin / yuchin
Ginny金妮jīn nī / jin1 ni1 / jin ni / jinnichin ni / chinni
Golden Dragon金龍
kin ryuu / kinryuu / kin ryujīn lóng / jin1 long2 / jin long / jinlongchin lung / chinlung
kin gyo / kingyojīn yú / jin1 yu2 / jin yu / jinyuchin yü / chinyü
Hakkim哈金hā jīn / ha1 jin1 / ha jin / hajinha chin / hachin
Jem金姆jīn mǔ / jin1 mu3 / jin mu / jinmuchin mu / chinmu
Jinkee金基jīn jī / jin1 ji1 / jin ji / jinjichin chi / chinchi
jīn mǎ / jin1 ma3 / jin ma / jinmachin ma / chinma
Jinni金妮jīn nī / jin1 ni1 / jin ni / jinnichin ni / chinni
huá jīn / hua2 jin1 / hua jin / huajinhua chin / huachin
Keegin基金jī jīn / ji1 jin1 / ji jin / jijinchi chin / chichin
Kimber金伯jīn bó / jin1 bo2 / jin bo / jinbochin po / chinpo
Kinga金佳jīn jiā / jin1 jia1 / jin jia / jinjiachin chia / chinchia
Kingi金吉jīn jí / jin1 ji2 / jin ji / jinjichin chi / chinchi
Kingman金曼jīn màn / jin1 man4 / jin man / jinmanchin man / chinman
Kinse金斯jīn sī / jin1 si1 / jin si / jinsichin ssu / chinssu
Morgin莫金mò jīn / mo4 jin1 / mo jin / mojinmo chin / mochin
Phnom Penh金邊kanabejīn biān / jin1 bian1 / jin bian / jinbianchin pien / chinpien
Regine蕾金lěi jīn / lei3 jin1 / lei jin / leijinlei chin / leichin
luó jīn / luo2 jin1 / luo jin / luojinlo chin / lochin
lǔ jīn / lu3 jin1 / lu jin / lujinlu chin / luchin
tú jīn / tu2 jin1 / tu jin / tujint`u chin / tuchin / tu chin
tú jīn / tu2 jin1 / tu jin / tujint`u chin / tuchin / tu chin
Gold Star
金星kinboshi / kinseijīn xīng / jin1 xing1 / jin xing / jinxingchin hsing / chinhsing
Adkin阿德金ā dé jīn
a1 de2 jin1
a de jin
a te chin
Argento阿金托ā jīn tuō
a1 jin1 tuo1
a jin tuo
a chin t`o
a chin to
Dickinson迪金森dí jīn sēn
di2 jin1 sen1
di jin sen
ti chin sen
jīn gé ěr
jin1 ge2 er3
jin ge er
chin ko erh
jīn zhè ěr
jin1 zhe4 er3
jin zhe er
chin che erh
Golden Rule黄金律ougonritsu / ogonritsu
Huggins哈金斯hā jīn sī
ha1 jin1 si1
ha jin si
ha chin ssu
Imogen伊莫金yī mò jīn
yi1 mo4 jin1
yi mo jin
i mo chin
Imogene伊莫金yī mò jīn
yi1 mo4 jin1
yi mo jin
i mo chin
Jenkins詹金斯zhān jīn sī
zhan1 jin1 si1
zhan jin si
chan chin ssu
Jinx金克斯jīn kè sī
jin1 ke4 si1
jin ke si
chin k`o ssu
chin ko ssu
Joaquim若阿金ruò ā jīn
ruo4 a1 jin1
ruo a jin
jo a chin
Kimberley金伯利jīn bó lì
jin1 bo2 li4
jin bo li
chin po li
Kimberlie金伯利jīn bó lì
jin1 bo2 li4
jin bo li
chin po li
jīn bèi lì
jin1 bei4 li4
jin bei li
chin pei li
Kimberly金伯利jīn bó lì
jin1 bo2 li4
jin bo li
chin po li
Kimberly金巴莉jīn bā lì
jin1 ba1 li4
jin ba li
chin pa li
Kimerly金枚莉jīn méi lì
jin1 mei2 li4
jin mei li
chin mei li
jīn shì dùn
jin1 shi4 dun4
jin shi dun
chin shih tun
Kinslee金斯利jīn sī lì
jin1 si1 li4
jin si li
chin ssu li
mài jīn lì
mai4 jin1 li4
mai jin li
mai chin li
mài jīn lì
mai4 jin1 li4
mai jin li
mai chin li
mài jīn lì
mai4 jin1 li4
mai jin li
mai chin li
Perkins珀金斯pò jīn sī
po4 jin1 si1
po jin si
p`o chin ssu
po chin ssu
sà jīn tǎ
sa4 jin1 ta3
sa jin ta
sa chin t`a
sa chin ta
Scoggin斯科金sī kē jīn
si1 ke1 jin1
si ke jin
ssu k`o chin
ssu ko chin
xiè jīn nà
xie4 jin1 na4
xie jin na
hsieh chin na
ukkonkou / ukonkoyù jīn xiāng
yu4 jin1 xiang1
yu jin xiang
yü chin hsiang
Tyekinder泰金德tài jīn dé
tai4 jin1 de2
tai jin de
t`ai chin te
tai chin te
kongou jou / kongoujou / kongo jojīn gāng shèng
jin1 gang1 sheng4
jin gang sheng
chin kang sheng
Taurus Zodiac Symbol
金牛座jīn niú zuò
jin1 niu2 zuo4
jin niu zuo
chin niu tso
金錢 / 金銭
kin sen / kinsenjīn qián / jin1 qian2 / jin qian / jinqianchin ch`ien / chinchien / chin chien
Atkins阿特金斯ā tè jīn sī
a1 te4 jin1 si1
a te jin si
a t`e chin ssu
a te chin ssu
Time is as Precious as Gold惜時如金
xī shí rú jīn
xi1 shi2 ru2 jin1
xi shi ru jin
hsi shih ju chin
Higginbotham希金波坦xī jīn bō tǎn
xi1 jin1 bo1 tan3
xi jin bo tan
hsi chin po t`an
hsi chin po tan
Hopkins霍普金斯huò pǔ jīn sī
huo4 pu3 jin1 si1
huo pu jin si
huo p`u chin ssu
huo pu chin ssu
Hoskins霍斯金斯huò sī jīn sī
huo4 si1 jin1 si1
huo si jin si
huo ssu chin ssu
Jin Ji Du Li金雞獨立
kin kei doku ritsu
jīn jī dú lì
jin1 ji1 du2 li4
jin ji du li
chin chi tu li
mài jīn tài ěr
mai4 jin1 tai4 er3
mai jin tai er
mai chin t`ai erh
mai chin tai erh
mài jīn ní sī
mai4 jin1 ni1 si1
mai jin ni si
mai chin ni ssu
mài jīn nī sī
mai4 jin1 ni1 si1
mai jin ni si
mai chin ni ssu
jīn shǔ zhì pǐn
jin1 shu3 zhi4 pin3
jin shu zhi pin
chin shu chih p`in
chin shu chih pin
Rajendra拉金德拉lā jīn dé lā
la1 jin1 de2 la1
la jin de la
la chin te la
léi jīn nà dé
lei2 jin1 na4 de2
lei jin na de
lei chin na te
Time is Gold一刻千金ikko ku sen kin
iko ku sen kin
yī kè qiān jīn
yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1
yi ke qian jin
i k`o ch`ien chin
i ko chien chin
Five Elements金木水火土jīn mù shuǐ huǒ tǔ
jin1 mu4 shui3 huo3 tu3
jin mu shui huo tu
chin mu shui huo t`u
chin mu shui huo tu
Time is Money時は金なりtoki wa kane nari
Home of the Auspicious Golden Dragon金瑞祥龍之家
jīn ruì xiáng lóng zhī jiā
jin1 rui4 xiang2 long2 zhi1 jia1
jin rui xiang long zhi jia
chin jui hsiang lung chih chia
Stay Strong
金剛不壞 / 金剛不壊
kon gou fu e
kon go fu e
jīn gāng bù huài
jin1 gang1 bu4 huai4
jin gang bu huai
chin kang pu huai
50th Golden Wedding Anniversary幸福金婚 / 倖福金婚
kou fuku kin kon
ko fuku kin kon
xìng fú jīn hūn
xing4 fu2 jin1 hun1
xing fu jin hun
hsing fu chin hun
You are who you hang out with挨金似金挨玉似玉āi jīn sì jīn āi yù sì yù
ai1 jin1 si4 jin1 ai1 yu4 si4 yu4
ai jin si jin ai yu si yu
ai chin ssu chin ai yü ssu yü
Just as Liquor Turns a Face Red, Gold Turns a Heart Black白酒紅人面黃金黑世心
bái jiǔ hóng rén miàn huáng jīn hēi shì xīn
bai2 jiu3 hong2 ren2 mian4 huang2 jin1 hei1 shi4 xin1
bai jiu hong ren mian huang jin hei shi xin
pai chiu hung jen mien huang chin hei shih hsin
There’s No Place Like Home金窩銀窩不如自己的狗窩
jīn wō yín wō bù rú zì jǐ de gǒu wō
jin1 wo1 yin2 wo1 bu4 ru2 zi4 ji3 de5 gou3 wo1
jin wo yin wo bu ru zi ji de gou wo
chin wo yin wo pu ju tzu chi te kou wo
The Warrior’s Word, Dependable as Gold and Steel武士の一言、金鉄の如しbushi no ichigon kintetsu no gotoshi
Tao Te Ching - Chapter 9
chí ér yíng zhī bù rú qí yǐ chuǎi ér zhī bù kě cháng bǎo jīn yù mǎn táng mò zhī néng shǒu fù guì ér jiāo zì yí qí jiù gōng suì shēn tuì tiān zhī dào
chi2 er2 ying2 zhi1 bu4 ru2 qi2 yi3 chuai3 er2 棁 zhi1 bu4 ke3 chang2 bao3 jin1 yu4 man3 tang2 mo4 zhi1 neng2 shou3 fu4 gui4 er2 jiao1 zi4 yi2 qi2 jiu4 gong1 sui4 shen1 tui4 tian1 zhi1 dao4
chi er ying zhi bu ru qi yi chuai er 棁 zhi bu ke chang bao jin yu man tang mo zhi neng shou fu gui er jiao zi yi qi jiu gong sui shen tui tian zhi dao
ch`ih erh ying chih pu ju ch`i i ch`uai erh chih pu k`o ch`ang pao chin yü man t`ang mo chih neng shou fu kuei erh chiao tzu i ch`i chiu kung sui shen t`ui t`ien chih tao
chih erh ying chih pu ju chi i chuai erh chih pu ko chang pao chin yü man tang mo chih neng shou fu kuei erh chiao tzu i chi chiu kung sui shen tui tien chih tao
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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50th AnniversaryA Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like OneA Journey of a Thousand MilesA Moment of Time is as Precious as GoldAamirAbbieAbdullahAbelAdariAddamAdelinaAdemarAdenAdventureAdynAeriAftabAgathaAgnesAhmadAhmedAidaAiki JujutsuAimanAimiAishaAjaniAkashAkinoAkiraAkivaAlecAleeAleeshaAleidaAlexAlexusAlfieAliaAliceaAlirezaAlizeAllaAllahAllanAllieAlmightyAlone With Only Your Shadow for CompanyAlvinAmanAmeliaAmelieAmerican KenpoAmitAmnaAndersonAndreaAndreaneAndreiAngelAnieAnjeAnkitAnkitaAnn-MarieAnnyaArchangelAriaAristArjunArmyArringtonArshadArt of WarArtemArunAryanAsheAshokAshrafAshwiniAspenAstroAtharAubreyAudieAvitalAylaAylinAzkaBaileyBambangBarneyBe Like WaterBeautiful SpiritBelenBelieve in YourselfBenaBennettBentleyBibekBirkBlack BeltBlack Tiger FistBlairBlancaBless This HouseBlessed by GodBlessingsBlissBlood BrotherBohaiBorjasBorsBoutainaBoxingBrandiBrave HeartBrave WarriorBrennenBrettBrother and Sister BondBrotherly and Sisterly LoveBruce LeeBrysonBushi-Ryu JujutsuBushido CodeCadeCadenCainCalm MindCandelariaCaraCarliCarrieCarsonCasperCassiusCatherineCaydonCayetanoCeciliaCecilleCharanChaudharyChelleChenelleCherry BlossomChienChloeChop Wood Carry WaterChow Yun-FatChristinChristinaClaineClaraClarissaClaudeClavelleCliffordCobraCocoCompassionConchitaConsciousnessConstanciaContentmentCorrinaCosmoCraneCristinCristinaCroatiaCyrusDakotaDanaDannahDannyDanshaDaodejing Tao Te Ching - Chapter 54Dark AngelDavontaeDear GrandfatherDeath Before DishonorDebbiDeenaDeepikaDelilahDemiDeniseDennieDereckDexterDhammaDhannaDhia TasneemDiamondDibashDiehlDimitra

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.