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in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “日” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “日” title below...

  1. Day

  2. Sun / Solar

  3. Asahi / Morning Sun

  4. Hiyori

  5. Japan

  6. Neige

  7. Nichiren

  8. Nikko

  9. Progress Day by Day

10. Riku

11. Riya

12. Sunrise

13. Sunset / Twilight

14. Sunshine / Sunlight

15. Tomorrow / The Next Sun

16. Angele

17. Beautiful Clear Sky

18. Geminy

19. Geneva

20. Germain

21. Germaine

22. Katsu Hayabi

23. Lisange

24. Lysange

25. Nadege

26. Niger

27. Rizuan

28. Sarina

29. Serge

30. Sun Moon Stars

31. One Day Seems Like 1000 Years

32. Carpe Diem / Seize the Day

33. Edwige

34. Everyday Life

35. Gersendre

36. One Good Deed Each Day

37. Grzegorz

38. Happy Birthday

39. Marie-Ange

40. Marie-Neige

41. Nigeria

42. Nippon Kempo

43. The Sun, Moon, and Stars

44. Blanche-Neige

45. Efigenia

46. Gertrude

47. Every day is a good day

48. Nichiren Daishonin

49. Nippon Shorin-Ryu

50. Japanese Karate Association

51. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

52. Nippon Karate Kyokai

53. When the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain

54. Happy Birthday

55. Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour

56. Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

57. No Place Like Home

58. Eat Drink and Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die

59. Hebrews 13:8

60. The Five Principles of Reiki

61. The two most important days in your life...

62. Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

63. The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13

64. The Lord's Prayer / Luke 11:2-4

 hi / nichi
Day Scroll

This is how to write “day” in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Hanja.

This can also mean “Sun,” the star in the middle of the Solar system in which we live. In Japanese, it can also mean “sunshine” or even “Sunday.”

When writing the date in modern Chinese and Japanese, putting a number in front of this character indicates the day of the month. Of course, you need to indicate the month too... The month is expressed with a number followed by the character for the moon. So “three moons ten suns” would be “March 10th” or “3/10.”

Note: This is also the first character for the proper name of Japan. Remember that Japan is “The land of the rising sun”? Well, the first character for Japan means “sun” and the second means “origin” so you get the real meaning now. Sometimes, in China, this sun character can be a short name for Japan or a suffix for something of or from Japan.

Sun / Solar

Also means Day, Sunshine, Sunlight, or Japan

 hi / nichi
Sun / Solar Scroll

日 is the word for sun.

It also means day and can refer to the day of the month when expressing the date.
Example: October 1st would be “10 Moons, 1 Sun.”

日 is also the first Kanji for the title of Japan (in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja). Thus, this character is used as an adjective for things that are Japanese.
Ever heard of Japan being called, “The land of the rising sun”? Well, that's what the full title of Japan means.

Depending on the context, this character can mean Sunshine or Sunlight.

Note: In Japanese, this Kanji has a variety of possible pronunciations. The pronunciation changed depending on context and how this Kanji is combined with other Kanji. When used alone, this is usually "hi" (pronounced like "hee") but sometimes it’s "nichi." When combined, it can be "tsu," "ni," "ka," and a few others.

Asahi / Morning Sun

 zhāo rì
Asahi / Morning Sun Scroll

朝日 is a version of the Japanese name Asahi.

This can also be Ahisa, Asuka, Ashita, or Asaka. This means morning sun and is the name of the famous beer company in Japan.

This would be read as “Zhao Ri” in Mandarin where it means morning sun but is also known to be the Asahi company (maker of beer and other beverages).

Hiyori Scroll

日和 is the name Hiyori in Japanese.

This can also be pronounced Biwa and can mean ideal weather when not used as a proper name.

 rì běn
 nippon / nihon
Japan Scroll

This is the Chinese and Japanese Kanji name for the country of Japan.

日 means sun and 本 means origin. That is how Japan is known as the land of the rising sun (literally the place where the sun originates from).

 nèi rì
Neige Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Neige.

 rì lián
 nichi ren
Nichiren Scroll

日蓮 is the title Nichiren.

This title refers to a Buddhist priest who lived from 1222 to 1282. He is the founder of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism.
According to historical documents, the Nichiren sect was established in 1252. Adding the character 宗 for sect, this would be 日蓮宗 (Nichiren sect), which is also known as the 法華宗 or Lotus sect.

According to Soothill-Hodous...
Nichiren's chief tenets are the three great mysteries 三大祕法, representing the trikāya:
1. 本尊 or chief object of worship, being the great maṇḍala of the worlds of the ten directions, or universe, i.e., the body or nirmāṇakāya of Buddha.
2. 題目 the title of the Lotus Sutra 妙法蓮華經 Myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo, preceded by Namo, or “Adoration to the scripture of the lotus of the wonderful law,” for it is Buddha's spiritual body.
3. 戒壇 the altar of the law, which is also the title of the Lotus as above; the believer, wherever he is, dwells in the Pure-land of calm light 寂光淨土, the saṃbhogakāya.

 rì háng
Nikko Scroll

This is a Japanese surname that romanizes as Nikko or Nikkou.

This is also an abbreviation for Japanese Airline (short for 日本航空, like JAL).

In Chinese, this also an abbreviation for JAL but is not a surname.

Progress Day by Day

 rì jiàn
Progress Day by Day Scroll

This Chinese word means to progress, increase, or change day by day.

It suggests something getting better one day at a time or with each passing day.

 rì kù
Riku Scroll

日庫 is the name Riku in Chinese (Mandarin).

 rì yà
Riya Scroll

日亞 is the name Riya in Chinese (Mandarin).

 rì chū
Sunrise Scroll

日出 is a Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji word that means sunrise.

It literally means “sun coming” or “sun arrival.”

Sunset / Twilight

 rì mù
Sunset / Twilight Scroll

日暮 is a Chinese and Japanese Kanji word that means sunset, twilight, or dusk.

It can also refer to the arrival of the evening or be the Japanese surname, Higure.

Sunshine / Sunlight

 rì guāng
Sunshine / Sunlight Scroll

日光 is the Japanese Kanji word for sunshine or sunlight.

This can also be the Japanese female given name Himi.

Tomorrow / The Next Sun

 míng rì
 ashita / meibi
Tomorrow / The Next Sun Scroll

明日 is a common way to say “tomorrow” in Chinese and Japanese Kanji.

This temporal noun literally means “next sun[rise].” In addition to “tomorrow,” it can also mean “near future.”

In Japanese, this can also be the female given name Meibi.

 áng rì ěr
Angele Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Angèle or Angele.

Beautiful Clear Sky

Beautiful Clear Sky Scroll

日本晴 is a Japanese Kanji title that means beautiful weather, clear and cloudless sky, or clear weather.

It's a little odd, but if you literally translated this phrase, it says, “Japanese weather,” as if that was an indication of perfect weather (maybe a little arrogant on behalf of Japan - I've experienced a monsoon there, which was unpleasant).

 rì mǐ ní
Geminy Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male French name Géminy or Geminy.

 rì nèi wǎ
Geneva Scroll

日內瓦 is the Mandarin Chinese name for Geneva (Switzerland).

 rì ěr màn
Germain Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male French name Germain.

 rì ěr màn
Germaine Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Germaine.

Katsu Hayabi

 katsu hayabi
Katsu Hayabi Scroll

Katsu Hayabi or 勝速日 means victory at the speed of light.

勝速日 is a highly developed state in which an Aikido practitioner has reached spiritual and moral perfection.

 lì sāng rì
Lisange Scroll

麗桑日 is the name Lisange in Chinese (Mandarin).

 lì sāng rì
Lysange Scroll

麗桑日 is the name Lysange in Chinese (Mandarin).

 nà dé rì
Nadege Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Nadège or Nadege.

 ní rì ěr
Niger Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the country of Niger.

 rì zǔ ān
Rizuan Scroll

日祖安 is the name Rizuan in Chinese (Mandarin).

 sà rì nà
Sarina Scroll

薩日娜 is the name Sarina in Chinese (Mandarin).

 sāi ěr rì
Serge Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male French name Serge.

Sun Moon Stars

 rì yuè xīng
Sun Moon Stars Scroll

日月星 is the shortest way to write a title (or word list) that means Sun, Moon, Stars.

One Day Seems Like 1000 Years

 yí rì qiān qiū
 ichi jitsu sen shuu
One Day Seems Like 1000 Years Scroll

一日千秋 is a Japanese and Chinese proverb about missing someone.

一日千秋 is often used to express how hard it is to wait for someone's return or to be away from someone.

Some will translate this as “one day feels like a very long time” or “waiting for someone (something) is hard.”

You might see this romanized as a single word, Ichijitsusenshuu, or as “Ichijitsu Senshuu” from Japanese.
If you break down the characters one-by-one, we get:
一 = one/a
日 = day/sun (can also represent time or date)
千 = 1000/thousand
秋 = autumn/fall

Together, 千秋 can mean “autumn comes thousand times” (or 1000 years). It can also be read as 1000 periods of time.
However, it relays the idea of heartache as you wait for someone you miss.

Carpe Diem / Seize the Day

 bǎ wò jīn rì
Carpe Diem / Seize the Day Scroll

把握今日 is the closest and most natural way to express this proverb in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “to seize” but can also be translated as “take control of.”

The last two characters mean “today.”

 ài dé wēi rì
Edwige Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Edwige.

Everyday Life

 rì cháng shēng huó
 nichi jou sei katsu
Everyday Life Scroll

日常生活 simply means everyday life or regular life.

You can also translate it as “Living day to day.”

 rì ěr sāng dé
Gersendre Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Gersendre.

One Good Deed Each Day

 yī rì yī shàn
 ichi nichi ichi zen
One Good Deed Each Day Scroll

一日一善 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja phrase that suggests doing a good deed each day or doing one good turn a day.

It literally reads, “One Day, One Good (Deed).”

 gé léi gē rì
Grzegorz Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male Polish name Grzegorz.

Happy Birthday

 shēng rì kuài lè
Happy Birthday Scroll

生日快樂 is how to write “Happy Birthday” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “birthday,” and the second two characters mean “happiness,” or rather a wish for happiness.

Because a birthday only lasts one day per year, we strongly suggest that you find an appropriate and personal calligraphy gift that can be hung in the recipient's home year-round.

Happy Birthday

 shuku tan jou bi
Happy Birthday Scroll

祝誕生日 is the shortest way to write “Happy Birthday” in Japanese.

The first Kanji means “wish” or “express good wishes,” and the last three characters mean “birthday.”

Because a birthday only lasts one day per year, we strongly suggest that you find an appropriate and personal calligraphy gift that can be hung in the recipient's home year-round.

 mǎ lì áng rì
Marie-Ange Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Marie-Ange.

 mǎ lì nèi rì
Marie-Neige Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Marie-Neige.

 ní rì lì yà
Nigeria Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the country of Nigeria.

Nippon Kempo

 nippon kenpou / nihon kenpou
Nippon Kempo Scroll

日本拳法 is the title for Nippon Kempo, Japanese Kempo, Nihon Kempo, or Nippon Kenpo.

While Kempo or Kenpo is already a Japanese term, this has the word “Japan” (Nippon) to drive home the fact that this refers to the Japanese martial art of Kenpo.

The Sun, Moon, and Stars

 rì yuè xīng chén
The Sun, Moon, and Stars Scroll

日月星辰 is a title that encompasses all of the heavenly bodies or celestial bodies.

Namely, this includes the Sun, Moon, and Stars of our universe.


 bù lǎng shí nèi rì
Blanche-Neige Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Blanche-Neige.

 yī fěi rì nī yà
Efigenia Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female Portuguese/Latin name Efigênia or Efigenia.

 rì ěr tè lǚ dé
Gertrude Scroll

This is another common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Gertrude.

Every day is a good day

 rì rì shì hǎo rì
 nichinichi kore koujitsu
Every day is a good day Scroll

日日是好日 is an old Chinese and Japanese Buddhist proverb.

日日是好日 means “every day is a good day.”

In Japanese, it can be pronounced or romanized as “nichinichi kore koujitsu” or “hibi kore kōjitsu.”

Nichiren Daishonin

 nichi ren dai shou nin
Nichiren Daishonin Scroll

日蓮大聖人 is the title Nichiren Daishōnin or Nichirendaishōnin in Japanese Kanji.

Nippon Shorin-Ryu

 nippon shou rin ryuu
Nippon Shorin-Ryu Scroll

日本小林流 is the Japanese title Nippon Shorin-ryu.

Japanese Karate Association

 rì běn kōng shǒu xié huì
 ni hon kara te kyou kai
Japanese Karate Association Scroll

日本空手協会 is the Kanji for Nihon Karate Kyōkai or Japanese Karate Association.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

 jīn rì shì jīn rì bì
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today Scroll

今日事今日畢 is a Chinese proverb that means “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

Nippon Karate Kyokai

 nippon karate kyokai
Nippon Karate Kyokai Scroll

日本空手協会 is the title for Nippon Karate Kyokai in Japanese Kanji.

When the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain

 rì chū xiān zhào gāo shān
 hiide temazu kousan wo terasu yama
When the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain Scroll

This old Buddhist phrase means, “When the sun rises it always shines first on the highest mountain,” or “When the sun appears, it first casts its light upon the highest mountain.”

This comes from the Avatamsaka Sutra and has been used as the name or portion of the name for temples in Japan and sites in China.

The Buddha's first round of teaching (Avatamsaka period) is likened to the time when the sun rises from the east horizon. When the sun first rises it illuminates the high mountains. In this analogy, the high mountains represent the great Bodhisattvas and/or those most ready to receive enlightenment and liberation.

This can be romanized from Japanese as “Nichi shutsu sen shō kō san,” “Nisshutsu saki teru takayama,” or “Hide temazu kōzan wo terasu yama.” The last one is probably the most common. Ask three Japanese people what they think the pronunciation is, and you will get three different opinions.

Happy Birthday

 tan jou bi o me de tou
Happy Birthday Scroll

誕生日おめでとう is a verbose way to write “Happy Birthday” in Japanese.

The first part says “birthday” and the last 5 Kanji mean “congratulations.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour

 yǎng bīng qiān rì, yàng bīng yì shí
Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour Scroll

Nothing could be more true. When I was in the Marine Corps, we trained for years for combat that often lasts only hours.

養兵千日用兵一時 is a Chinese proverb that, also reminds me of a common phrase used in the military to describe combat: “Weeks of total boredom, punctuated with five minutes of sheer terror.”

This may have some roots in Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Though I can not find this passage in his writings.

On the subject of the Art of War, if you have a favorite passage, we can create a custom calligraphy scroll with that phrase.

Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

Japanese Genbu Karate Club

 rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
 ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai Scroll

日本空手道玄武會 is the title for Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai.
A Japanese karate association of the Genbu school.

Note that while this title does make perfect sense in Chinese, it is really a Japanese title. In fact, the first word is “Japanese/Japan.”

If you’d like your martial arts school, dojo or club added to our calligraphy database for easy ordering of a custom calligraphy wall scroll, just contact me.

No Place Like Home

 zài jiā qiān rì hǎo chū mén yì shí nán
No Place Like Home Scroll

在家千日好出门一时难 is a Chinese proverb that literally means “At home, one can spend a thousand days in comfort but spending a day away from home can be challenging.”

Figuratively, this means “There's no place like home,” or roughly a Chinese version of “Home sweet home.”

Eat Drink and Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die

 tabe nomi tanoshime ashita wa mina shinu
Eat Drink and Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die Scroll

食べ飲み楽しめ明日は皆死ぬ means “eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Hebrews 13:8

 yē sū jī dū zuó rì jīn rì yī zhí dào yǒng yuǎn shì yī yàng de
Hebrews 13:8 Scroll

耶穌基督昨日今日一直到永遠是一樣的 is Hebrews 13:8 which reads, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

The Five Principles of Reiki

Reiki Gokai

 kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni
The Five Principles of Reiki Scroll

These are the five principles of Reiki.

They translate into English as...

At least for today:
Do not be angry,
Do not worry,
Be grateful,
Work with diligence,
Be kind to people.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

The two most important days in your life...

 Jinsei de ichiban daijina hi wa futsuka aru. Umaretahi to, naze umareta ka o wakatta hi
The two most important days in your life... Scroll

人生で一番大事な日は二日ある。生まれた日と、なぜ生まれたかを分かった日 is Mark Twain's quote, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)

Alternate Version

 reiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate) Scroll

靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切に is an alternate version of the precepts or tenets of Reiki by Usui Mikao.

It is impossible to be sure which version or versions were actually written by Usui Mikao. This is the less common of the three versions that you might see in the wild.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
靈氣 療法 肇祖 臼井甕男。
Reiki therapy founder Mikao Usui
先生 遺訓。
Teacher's testament 招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, [and] be kind to people.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao

 shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao Scroll

These are the precepts of Reiki that are attributed to Usui Mikao.

Here is a breakdown of the characters and a rough translation:
招福の秘法, 萬病の霊薬。
Invite blessings of [the] secret method, 10,000 illnesses of spiritual medicine.
今日丈けは: 怒るな, 心配すな, 感謝して, 業をはげめ, 人に親切に。
At least for today: Do not be angry, do not worry, be grateful, work with diligence, and be kind to people.
朝夕合掌して, 心に念じ, 口に唱へよ, 心身改善。
Morning [and] evening perform gassho (join hands), [with your] heart/mind in silent prayer, [with your] mouth chant, [thusly] mind [and] body [will] reform/improve.
臼井靈氣療法! -肇祖, 臼井甕男。
Usui Reiki Ryōhō! -Founder, Usui Mikao.

The middle portion of this is often titled, “The Five Principles of Reiki” and makes a nice calligraphy selection by itself. The Japanese text presented here can be considered the more verbose version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13

 wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí jīn rì cì gěi wǒ men miǎn wǒ men de zhài rú tóng wǒ men miǎn le rén de zhài bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yīn wèi guó dù quán bǐng róng yào quán shì nǐ de zhí dào yǒng yuǎn ā men
The Lord's Prayer / Mathew 6:9-13 Scroll

Here is the Lord's Prayer in Chinese from Mathew 6:9-13.

The Chinese text with punctuation is:
Part of 6:9 ...我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。
6:10 愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。
6:11 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。
6:12 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。
6:13 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,因为国度,权柄,荣耀,全是你的,直到永远,阿们。
Note that punctuation is not included in traditional Chinese calligraphy artwork.

From KJV, this is:
Part of 6:9 ...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.
6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer / Luke 11:2-4

 wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yǒu gǔ juǎn zhǐ zuò fù ā yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng yǒu gǔ juǎn wú yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì yún yún wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí tiān tiān cì gěi wǒ men shè miǎn wǒ men de zuì yīn wèi wǒ men yě shè miǎn fán kuī qiàn wǒ men de rén bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yǒu gǔ juǎn wú mò jù
The Lord's Prayer / Luke 11:2-4 Scroll

Here is the Lord's Prayer in Chinese from Luke 11:2-4.

The Chinese text with punctuation is:
Part of 11:2 ...我们在天上的父,有古卷只作父阿愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。有古卷无愿你的旨意云云。
11:3 我们日用的饮食,天天赐给我们。
11:4 赦免我们的罪,因为我们也赦免凡亏欠我们的人。不叫我们遇见试探。救我们脱离凶恶。有古卷无末句。
Note that punctuation is not included in traditional Chinese calligraphy artwork.

From KJV, this is:
Part of 11:2 ...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
11:3 Give us day by day our daily bread.
11:4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles

 nchi; chi
    んち; ち

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Sun / Solar
sun; day; date, day of the month
(suffix) (1) (colloquialism) (See 日・にち・2) nth day (of the month); (counter) (2) (colloquialism) (See 日・にち・3) counter for days; (surname) Hiru
sūrya; the sun; a day. 蘇利耶.


see styles
rì guāng
    ri4 guang1
jih kuang
 nikkou / nikko

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Sunshine / Sunlight
(1) sunlight; sunshine; sunbeams; (2) Nikkō (city in Tochigi); (female given name) Himi
(光菩薩); 蘇利也波羅皮遮那 Sūrya-prabhāsana. Sunlight, and 月光 (月光菩薩) Moonlight, name of two Bodhisattva assistants of 藥師 the Master of Healing; Sunlight is the ninth in the Dizang Court of the Garbhadhātu group.


see styles
rì chū
    ri4 chu1
jih ch`u
    jih chu

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(See 日没) sunrise; (place-name, surname) Hinode


see styles

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(ateji / phonetic) (suffix noun) ideal weather (for some action, event, etc.); perfect day; (ateji / phonetic) (1) weather; climatic conditions; (2) fine weather; clear day; (3) situation; state of affairs; (4) sea conditions; good day for sailing; (female given name) Biwa


see styles
rì fāng
    ri4 fang1
jih fang
the Japanese side or party (in negotiations etc)
(personal name) Hinata


see styles
rì mù
    ri4 mu4
jih mu

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Sunset / Twilight
twilight; sunset; dusk; evening; (surname) Higure


see styles
rì běn
    ri4 ben3
jih pen
 nihon(p); nippon
    にほん(P); にっぽん

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Japan; (surname) Yamatono
Japan. Buddhism was introduced there from Korea in the sixth century, and in the seventh from China.



see styles
rì jiàn
    ri4 jian4
jih chien

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Progress Day by Day
to progress (or increase, change etc) day by day; more (or better etc) with each passing day


see styles
rì háng
    ri4 hang2
jih hang
 nikkou / nikko

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Japan Airlines (JAL) (abbr. for 本航空[Ri4ben3 Hang2kong1])
(company) Japan Airlines (abbreviation); JAL; (c) Japan Airlines (abbreviation); JAL



see styles
rì lián
    ri4 lian2
jih lien

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(given name) Nichiren; (person) Nichiren (Buddhist priest, 1222-82, founder of the Nichiren sect)
Nichiren, the Japanese founder, in A. D. 1252, of the 蓮宗 Nichiren sect, which is also known as the 法華宗 or Lotus sect. Its chief tenets are the three great mysteries 三大祕法, representing the trikāya: (1) 本尊 or chief object of worship, being the great maṇḍala of the worlds of the ten directions, or universe, i. e. the body or nirmāṇakāya of Buddha; (2) 題目 the title of the Lotus Sutra 妙法蓮華經 Myo-ho-ren-gwe-kyo, preceded by Namo, or, 'Adoration to the scripture of the lotus of the wonderful law, ' for it is Buddha's spiritual body; (3) 戒壇 the altar of the law, which is also the title of the Lotus as above; the believer, wherever he is, dwells in the Pure-land of calm light 寂光淨土, the saṃbhogakāya.


see styles
míng rì
    ming2 ri4
ming jih
 ashita(gikun)(p); asu(gikun)(p); myounichi(p) / ashita(gikun)(p); asu(gikun)(p); myonichi(p)
    あした(gikun)(P); あす(gikun)(P); みょうにち(P)

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Tomorrow / The Next Sun
(n,adv) (1) tomorrow; (n,adv) (2) (あす only) near future; (female given name) Meibi


see styles
zhāo rì
    zhao1 ri4
chao jih

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Asahi / Morning Sun
morning sun
morning sun; (male given name) Noboru



see styles
ní rì ěr
    ni2 ri4 er3
ni jih erh

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Niger (African state); Niger River, West Africa



see styles
rì nèi wǎ
    ri4 nei4 wa3
jih nei wa

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Geneva, Switzerland


see styles

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Beautiful Clear Sky
beautiful weather; clear and cloudless sky; clear Japanese weather


see styles
 ichinichiichizen / ichinichichizen

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One Good Deed Each Day
doing a good deed each day; doing one good turn a day


see styles
 ichijitsusenshuu; ichinichisenshuu / ichijitsusenshu; ichinichisenshu
    いちじつせんしゅう; いちにちせんしゅう

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One Day Seems Like 1000 Years
(yoji) (waiting) impatiently; (spending) many a weary day; each moment seeming like an eternity



see styles
ní rì lì yà
    ni2 ri4 li4 ya4
ni jih li ya

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see styles
 nichijouseikatsu / nichijosekatsu

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Everyday Life
everyday life; daily life


see styles
 jitsugetsuseishin; nichigetsuseishin / jitsugetsuseshin; nichigetsuseshin
    じつげつせいしん; にちげつせいしん

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The Sun, Moon, and Stars
(yoji) the Sun, the Moon and the stars; the heavenly bodies


see styles
 nipponkenpou; nihonkenpou / nipponkenpo; nihonkenpo
    にっぽんけんぽう; にほんけんぽう

More info & calligraphy:

Nippon Kempo
{MA} Nippon Kempo; Nihon Kempo; Japanese martial art



see styles
shēng rì kuài lè
    sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4
sheng jih k`uai le
    sheng jih kuai le

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Happy Birthday
Happy birthday


see styles
rì rì shì hǎo rì
    ri4 ri4 shi4 hao3 ri4
jih jih shih hao jih
 hibi kore kōjitsu

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Every day is a good day
(expression) (proverb) every day is a good day
every day is a good day



see styles
jīn rì shì jīn rì bì
    jin1 ri4 shi4 jin1 ri4 bi4
chin jih shih chin jih pi
never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)


see styles
rì chū xiān zhào gāo shān
    ri4 chu1 xian1 zhao4 gao1 shan1
jih ch`u hsien chao kao shan
    jih chu hsien chao kao shan
 nichi shutsu sen shō kō san
when the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain


see styles
pài rì
    pai4 ri4
p`ai jih
    pai jih
World Pi Day, a celebration of the mathematical constant π on March 14 each year


see styles
yī rì
    yi1 ri4
i jih
(n,adv) (1) (dated) one day; (adv,n) (2) (dated) all day (long); the whole day; (3) (poetic term) 1st day of the month; (place-name) Hitoichi
A sun, or day from sunrise to sunset.


see styles
qī rì
    qi1 ri4
ch`i jih
    chi jih
(adverbial noun) (1) the seventh day of the month; (2) seven days; (female given name) Nanoka
seven days


see styles
sān rì
    san1 ri4
san jih
(1) the third day of the month; (2) three days; (place-name) Mikkaichi
3 days


see styles
bù rì
    bu4 ri4
pu jih
within the next few days; in a few days time
(adverb) in a few days; at an early date

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Dayhi / nichirì / ri4 / rijih
hi / nichirì / ri4 / rijih
Morning Sun
朝日asahizhāo rì
zhao1 ri4 
zhao ri 
Japan日本nippon / nihon
nipon / nihon
rì běn / ri4 ben3 / ri ben / ribenjih pen / jihpen
nèi rì / nei4 ri4 / nei ri / neirinei jih / neijih
nichi ren / nichirenrì lián / ri4 lian2 / ri lian / rilianjih lien / jihlien
Nikko日航nikkou / nikorì háng / ri4 hang2 / ri hang / rihangjih hang / jihhang
Progress Day by Day日漸
rì jiàn / ri4 jian4 / ri jian / rijianjih chien / jihchien
rì kù / ri4 ku4 / ri ku / rikujih k`u / jihku / jih ku
rì yà / ri4 ya4 / ri ya / riyajih ya / jihya
Sunrise日出nisshutsu / nishutsurì chū / ri4 chu1 / ri chu / richujih ch`u / jihchu / jih chu
日暮higurerì mù / ri4 mu4 / ri mu / rimujih mu / jihmu
日光nikkou / nikorì guāng / ri4 guang1 / ri guang / riguangjih kuang / jihkuang
The Next Sun
明日ashita / meibimíng rì / ming2 ri4 / ming ri / mingriming jih / mingjih
áng rì ěr
ang2 ri4 er3
ang ri er
ang jih erh
Beautiful Clear Sky日本晴nihonbare
Geminy日米尼rì mǐ ní
ri4 mi3 ni1
ri mi ni
jih mi ni
rì nèi wǎ
ri4 nei4 wa3
ri nei wa
jih nei wa
rì ěr màn
ri4 er3 man4
ri er man
jih erh man
rì ěr màn
ri4 er3 man4
ri er man
jih erh man
Katsu Hayabi勝速日katsu hayabi
lì sāng rì
li4 sang1 ri4
li sang ri
li sang jih
lì sāng rì
li4 sang1 ri4
li sang ri
li sang jih
Nadege娜德日nà dé rì
na4 de2 ri4
na de ri
na te jih
ní rì ěr
ni2 ri4 er3
ni ri er
ni jih erh
Rizuan日祖安rì zǔ ān
ri4 zu3 an1
ri zu an
jih tsu an
sà rì nà
sa4 ri4 na4
sa ri na
sa jih na
sāi ěr rì
sai4 er3 ri4
sai er ri
sai erh jih
Sun Moon Stars日月星nichigetsuseirì yuè xīng
ri4 yue4 xing1
ri yue xing
jih yüeh hsing
One Day Seems Like 1000 Years一日千秋ichi jitsu sen shuu
ichi jitsu sen shu
yí rì qiān qiū
yi2 ri4 qian1 qiu1
yi ri qian qiu
i jih ch`ien ch`iu
i jih chien chiu
Carpe Diem
Seize the Day
把握今日bǎ wò jīn rì
ba3 wo4 jin1 ri4
ba wo jin ri
pa wo chin jih
Edwige艾德薇日ài dé wēi rì
ai4 de2 wei1 ri4
ai de wei ri
ai te wei jih
Everyday Life日常生活nichi jou sei katsu
nichi jo sei katsu
rì cháng shēng huó
ri4 chang2 sheng1 huo2
ri chang sheng huo
jih ch`ang sheng huo
jih chang sheng huo
rì ěr sāng dé
ri4 er3 sang1 de2
ri er sang de
jih erh sang te
One Good Deed Each Day一日一善ichi nichi ichi zen
yī rì yī shàn
yi1 ri4 yi1 shan4
yi ri yi shan
i jih i shan
Grzegorz格雷戈日gé léi gē rì
ge2 lei2 ge1 ri4
ge lei ge ri
ko lei ko jih
Happy Birthday生日快樂
shēng rì kuài lè
sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4
sheng ri kuai le
sheng jih k`uai le
sheng jih kuai le
Happy Birthday祝誕生日shuku tan jou bi
shuku tan jo bi
mǎ lì áng rì
ma3 li4 ang2 ri4
ma li ang ri
ma li ang jih
mǎ lì nèi rì
ma3 li4 nei4 ri4
ma li nei ri
ma li nei jih
ní rì lì yà
ni2 ri4 li4 ya4
ni ri li ya
ni jih li ya
Nippon Kempo日本拳法nippon kenpou / nihon kenpou
nipon kenpo / nihon kenpo
The Sun, Moon, and Stars日月星辰nichigetsuseishinrì yuè xīng chén
ri4 yue4 xing1 chen2
ri yue xing chen
jih yüeh hsing ch`en
jih yüeh hsing chen
bù lǎng shí nèi rì
bu4 lang3 shi2 nei4 ri4
bu lang shi nei ri
pu lang shih nei jih
yī fěi rì nī yà
yi1 fei3 ri4 ni1 ya4
yi fei ri ni ya
i fei jih ni ya
rì ěr tè lǚ dé
ri4 er3 te4 lv3 de2
ri er te lv de
jih erh t`e lü te
jih erh te lü te
Every day is a good day日日是好日nichinichi kore koujitsu
nichinichi kore kojitsu
rì rì shì hǎo rì
ri4 ri4 shi4 hao3 ri4
ri ri shi hao ri
jih jih shih hao jih
Nichiren Daishonin日蓮大聖人nichi ren dai shou nin
nichi ren dai sho nin
Nippon Shorin-Ryu日本小林流nippon shou rin ryuu
nipon sho rin ryu
Japanese Karate Association日本空手協會
ni hon kara te kyou kai
ni hon kara te kyo kai
rì běn kōng shǒu xié huì
ri4 ben3 kong1 shou3 xie2 hui4
ri ben kong shou xie hui
jih pen k`ung shou hsieh hui
jih pen kung shou hsieh hui
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today今日事今日畢
jīn rì shì jīn rì bì
jin1 ri4 shi4 jin1 ri4 bi4
jin ri shi jin ri bi
chin jih shih chin jih pi
Nippon Karate Kyokai日本空手協會
nippon karate kyokai
nipon karate kyokai
When the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain日出先照高山hiide temazu kousan wo terasu yama
hide temazu kosan wo terasu yama
rì chū xiān zhào gāo shān
ri4 chu1 xian1 zhao4 gao1 shan1
ri chu xian zhao gao shan
jih ch`u hsien chao kao shan
jih chu hsien chao kao shan
Happy Birthday誕生日おめでとうtan jou bi o me de tou
tan jo bi o me de to
Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour養兵千日用兵一時
yǎng bīng qiān rì, yàng bīng yì shí
yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 yang4 bing1 yi4 shi2
yang bing qian ri yang bing yi shi
yang ping ch`ien jih yang ping i shih
yang ping chien jih yang ping i shih
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai日本空手道玄武會
ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
ni pon kara te do gen bu kai
rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
ri4 ben3 kong1 shou3 dao4 xuan2 wu3 hui4
ri ben kong shou dao xuan wu hui
jih pen k`ung shou tao hsüan wu hui
jih pen kung shou tao hsüan wu hui
No Place Like Home在家千日好出門一時難
zài jiā qiān rì hǎo chū mén yì shí nán
zai4 jia1 qian1 ri4 hao3 chu1 men2 yi4 shi2 nan2
zai jia qian ri hao chu men yi shi nan
tsai chia ch`ien jih hao ch`u men i shih nan
tsai chia chien jih hao chu men i shih nan
Eat Drink and Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die食べ飲み楽しめ明日は皆死ぬtabe nomi tanoshime ashita wa mina shinu
Hebrews 13:8耶穌基督昨日今日一直到永遠是一樣的
yē sū jī dū zuó rì jīn rì yī zhí dào yǒng yuǎn shì yī yàng de
ye1 su1 ji1 du1 zuo2 ri4 jin1 ri4 yi1 zhi2 dao4 yong3 yuan3 shi4 yi1 yang4 de
ye su ji du zuo ri jin ri yi zhi dao yong yuan shi yi yang de
yeh su chi tu tso jih chin jih i chih tao yung yüan shih i yang te
The Five Principles of Reiki今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業をはけめ人に親切にkyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni
kyo da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyo wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni
The two most important days in your life...人生で一番大事な日は二日ある生まれた日となぜ生まれたかを分かった日Jinsei de ichiban daijina hi wa futsuka aru. Umaretahi to, naze umareta ka o wakatta hi
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao (Alternate)靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男先生遺訓招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業を励げめ人に親切にreiki ryouhou chouso usui mikao sensei ikun shoufuku no hihou yorozu byou no reiyaku kyou take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite gou o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
reiki ryoho choso usui mikao sensei ikun shofuku no hiho yorozu byo no reiyaku kyo take ke wa oko ru na shinpai suna kansha shite go o hagemu ge me hito ni shinsetsu ni
Reiki Precepts by Usui Mikao招福の秘法萬病の霊薬今日丈けは怒るな心配すな感謝して業をはげめ人に親切に朝夕合掌して心に念じ口に唱へよ心身改善臼井靈氣療法肇祖臼井甕男shou fuku no hihou man byou no rei yaku kyou da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyou wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayuu gasshou shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryou hou cho so usu i mika o
sho fuku no hiho man byo no rei yaku kyo da ke wa oko ru na shin pai su na kan sha shi te gyo wo ha ke me hito ni shin setsu ni asayu gasho shite kokoro ni nenji kuchi ni tonae yo shin shin kaizen usui rei ki ryo ho cho so usu i mika o
The Lord's Prayer
Mathew 6:9-13
wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí jīn rì cì gěi wǒ men miǎn wǒ men de zhài rú tóng wǒ men miǎn le rén de zhài bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yīn wèi guó dù quán bǐng róng yào quán shì nǐ de zhí dào yǒng yuǎn ā men
wo3 men zai4 tian1 shang4 de fu4 yuan4 ren2 dou1 zun1 ni3 de ming2 wei4 sheng4 yuan4 ni3 de guo2 jiang4 lin2 yuan4 ni3 de zhi3 yi4 xing2 zai4 di4 shang4 ru2 tong2 xing2 zai4 tian1 shang4 wo3 men ri4 yong4 de yin3 shi2 jin1 ri4 ci4 gei3 wo3 men mian3 wo3 men de zhai4 ru2 tong2 wo3 men mian3 le ren2 de zhai4 bu4 jiao4 wo3 men yu4 jian4 shi4 tan4 jiu4 wo3 men tuo1 li2 xiong1 e4 yin1 wei4 guo2 du4 quan2 bing3 rong2 yao4 quan2 shi4 ni3 de zhi2 dao4 yong3 yuan3 a1 men
wo men zai tian shang de fu yuan ren dou zun ni de ming wei sheng yuan ni de guo jiang lin yuan ni de zhi yi xing zai di shang ru tong xing zai tian shang wo men ri yong de yin shi jin ri ci gei wo men mian wo men de zhai ru tong wo men mian le ren de zhai bu jiao wo men yu jian shi tan jiu wo men tuo li xiong e yin wei guo du quan bing rong yao quan shi ni de zhi dao yong yuan a men
wo men tsai t`ien shang te fu yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju t`ung hsing tsai t`ien shang wo men jih yung te yin shih chin jih tz`u kei wo men mien wo men te chai ju t`ung wo men mien le jen te chai pu chiao wo men yü chien shih t`an chiu wo men t`o li hsiung o yin wei kuo tu ch`üan ping jung yao ch`üan shih ni te chih tao yung yüan a men
wo men tsai tien shang te fu yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju tung hsing tsai tien shang wo men jih yung te yin shih chin jih tzu kei wo men mien wo men te chai ju tung wo men mien le jen te chai pu chiao wo men yü chien shih tan chiu wo men to li hsiung o yin wei kuo tu chüan ping jung yao chüan shih ni te chih tao yung yüan a men
The Lord's Prayer
Luke 11:2-4
wǒ men zài tiān shàng de fù yǒu gǔ juǎn zhǐ zuò fù ā yuàn rén dōu zūn nǐ de míng wèi shèng yuàn nǐ de guó jiàng lín yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì xíng zài dì shàng rú tóng xíng zài tiān shàng yǒu gǔ juǎn wú yuàn nǐ de zhǐ yì yún yún wǒ men rì yòng de yǐn shí tiān tiān cì gěi wǒ men shè miǎn wǒ men de zuì yīn wèi wǒ men yě shè miǎn fán kuī qiàn wǒ men de rén bù jiào wǒ men yù jiàn shì tàn jiù wǒ men tuō lí xiōng è yǒu gǔ juǎn wú mò jù
wo3 men zai4 tian1 shang4 de fu4 you3 gu3 juan3 zhi3 zuo4 fu4 a1 yuan4 ren2 dou1 zun1 ni3 de ming2 wei4 sheng4 yuan4 ni3 de guo2 jiang4 lin2 yuan4 ni3 de zhi3 yi4 xing2 zai4 di4 shang4 ru2 tong2 xing2 zai4 tian1 shang4 you3 gu3 juan3 wu2 yuan4 ni3 de zhi3 yi4 yun2 yun2 wo3 men ri4 yong4 de yin3 shi2 tian1 tian1 ci4 gei3 wo3 men she4 mian3 wo3 men de zui4 yin1 wei4 wo3 men ye3 she4 mian3 fan2 kui1 qian4 wo3 men de ren2 bu4 jiao4 wo3 men yu4 jian4 shi4 tan4 jiu4 wo3 men tuo1 li2 xiong1 e4 you3 gu3 juan3 wu2 mo4 ju4
wo men zai tian shang de fu you gu juan zhi zuo fu a yuan ren dou zun ni de ming wei sheng yuan ni de guo jiang lin yuan ni de zhi yi xing zai di shang ru tong xing zai tian shang you gu juan wu yuan ni de zhi yi yun yun wo men ri yong de yin shi tian tian ci gei wo men she mian wo men de zui yin wei wo men ye she mian fan kui qian wo men de ren bu jiao wo men yu jian shi tan jiu wo men tuo li xiong e you gu juan wu mo ju
wo men tsai t`ien shang te fu yu ku chüan chih tso fu a yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju t`ung hsing tsai t`ien shang yu ku chüan wu yüan ni te chih i yün yün wo men jih yung te yin shih t`ien t`ien tz`u kei wo men she mien wo men te tsui yin wei wo men yeh she mien fan k`uei ch`ien wo men te jen pu chiao wo men yü chien shih t`an chiu wo men t`o li hsiung o yu ku chüan wu mo chü
wo men tsai tien shang te fu yu ku chüan chih tso fu a yüan jen tou tsun ni te ming wei sheng yüan ni te kuo chiang lin yüan ni te chih i hsing tsai ti shang ju tung hsing tsai tien shang yu ku chüan wu yüan ni te chih i yün yün wo men jih yung te yin shih tien tien tzu kei wo men she mien wo men te tsui yin wei wo men yeh she mien fan kuei chien wo men te jen pu chiao wo men yü chien shih tan chiu wo men to li hsiung o yu ku chüan wu mo chü
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

100 Years of Happy Marriage5 Tenets of Taekwondo7 Virtues of BushidoA Life of Serenity Yields UnderstandingA Moment of Time is as Precious as GoldAartiAbdulkarimAbhishekAbubakarAbundanceAbundance and ProsperityAddamAdejahAdelaideAdieAdoraAdrielAdynAebelAgathaAguilarAhmadAichaAiliAimanAironAishaAishuAislingAjmalAjnaAkashAkashiAlanisAlayaAlejandroAlexanderAlfieAliaAlinAlinaAlishaAllysonAlmightyAlmighty OmnipotentAlone Solitary ExistenceAlvinAlways Striving for Inner StrengthAlyaAlysaAmanAmandineAmarAmeliaAmnaAnaelleAnasAndreanneAndrewAneesAngelaAngelikaAngieAnishAnjaAnjaliAnoopAntoninAnwarAresAriaAriadneAriellaArissaArloArlynArmanArminArnaArneArriagaArshadArt of WarArunAseelAsherAshleyAshokAslamAudieAugustusAvengerAvinAyanAylaAzariAzharAziziAzraBangladeshBanzaiBarnardBartBarunBasameBe Like WaterBe Like Water My FriendBeatriceBelaBenevolenceBennettBetelgeuseBetzyBhargavBhavyaBibekBibiBitaBlancaBless This HomeBless This HouseBlessed by GodBloodless VictoryBoar PigBodhicittaBodhidharmaBody and MindBooneBradleyBraydenBreatheBrendaBrianBriannaBright and Promising FutureBright FutureBronsonBrother and Sister BondBrotherhoodBrotherly and Sisterly LoveBrotherly LoveBruce LeeBrysonBuddha Dharma SanghaBujinBushido CodeCainCalm and CollectedCamilleCandiceCanniCardenasCarinCarleyCarolineCarpe DiemCasperCassiusCathrineCecilCedricCelestial DragonCelineChantelleChaosCharanCharleeCharlotteChavezChekoCherishCherry BlossomChloeChoose LifeChop Wood Carry WaterChristinaChristineChristopherChristyCiroClaudiaCleoCobraConnieCooganCourage to Do What is RightCraneCreativityDakotaDaliaDamianDanielDarceyDarcyDarinDarrenDarumaDashDavidDean

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.