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There are 46 total results for your ananda search.

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Happiness / Joyful / Joy
to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad
(female given name) Yoshimi
prīti; ānanda. Joy; glad; delighted, rejoice; to like.



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qī mèng
    qi1 meng4
ch`i meng
    chi meng
(female given name) Hiyu
Ānanda's seven dreams, which are explained in the 七夢經.



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wǔ shī
    wu3 shi1
wu shih
(surname) Goshi
The five masters or teachers, i. e. respectively of the sutras, the vinaya, the śāstras, the abhidharma, and meditation. A further division is made of 異世五師 and 同世五師. The first, i. e. of different periods, are Mahākāśyapa, Ānanda, Madhyāntika, Śāṇavāsa, and Upagupta; another group connected with the Vinaya is Upāli, Dāsaka, Sonaka, Siggava, and Moggaliputra Tissva. The 同世 or five of the same period are variously stated: the Sarvāstivādins say they were the five immediate disciples of Upagupta, i. e. Dharmagupta, etc.; see 五部.


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shì zhě
    shi4 zhe3
shih che
attendant; waiter
attendant; valet; altar boy; acolyte
An attendant, e. g. as Ānanda was to the Buddha; assistants in general, e. g. the incense-assistant in a temple.


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nǚ ren
    nu:3 ren5
nü jen
 nyonin; jojin
    にょにん; じょじん
Woman, described in the Nirvāṇa sūtra 浬槃經 9 as the "abode of all evil", 一切女人皆是衆惡之所住處 The 智度論 14 says: 大火燒人是猶可近, 淸風無形是亦可捉, 蚖蛇含毒猶亦可觸, 女人之心不可得實 "Fierce fire that would burn men may yet be approached, clear breezes without form may yet be grasped, cobras that harbour poison may yet be touched, but a woman's heart is never to be relied upon." The Buddha ordered Ānanda: "Do not Look at a woman; if you must, then do not talk with her; if you must, then call on the Buddha with all your mind"— an evidently apocryphal statement of 文句 8.



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pó luó
    po2 luo2
p`o lo
    po lo
pāla; keeper, guardian, warden; vihārapāla, warden of a monastery. bala; power, strength, especially the 五力 five powers, pañca bālani, i.e. 五根; also the 十力 daśabala, ten powers. Name of the sister of Ānanda who offered milk to Śākyamuni. bāla; 'young,' 'immature,' 'simpleton, fool,' 'hair' (M.W.); ignorant, unenlightened, see bālapṛthagjana, below.



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bǎo xiàng
    bao3 xiang4
pao hsiang
The precious likeness, or image (of Buddha). ratnaketu, one of the seven tathāgatas; a name of Ānanda as a future buddha; the name under which 2,000 of Śākyamuni's disciples are to be reborn as buddhas.


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mò tián
    mo4 tian2
mo t`ien
    mo tien
(place-name, surname) Matsuda
Madhyāntika, 末田地 (末田地那); 末田底加, 末田提; 末田鐸迦; 末彈地; 末闡地 or a 摩 is also used for 末. It is tr. by 中; 日中, 水中河中, and 金地. One of the two chief disciples of Ānanda, to whom he handed down the Buddha's doctrine. He is reputed to have been sent to convert 罽賓 Kashmir, the other, 商那和修 Śāṇakavāsa, to convert 中國 which is probably Central India, though it is understood as China. Another account makes the latter a disciple of the former. Eitel says that by his magic power he transported a sculptor to the Tuṣita heavens to obtain a correct image of Maitreya.



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yàn kǒu
    yan4 kou3
yen k`ou
    yen kou
UIkā-mukha. Flaming mouth, a hungry ghost or preta, that is represented as appearing to Ānanda in the 救拔燄ロ餓鬼陀羅尼經 (B.N. 984).



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jié jí
    jie2 ji2
chieh chi
 kesshuu / kesshu
(n,vs,vt,vi) concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.); gathering together; regimentation; marshalling; mobilization
The collection and fixing of the Buddhist canon; especially the first assembly which gathered to recite the scriptures, Saṅgīti. Six assemblies for creation or revision of the canon are named, the first at the Pippala cave at Rājagṛha under Ajātaśatru, the second at Vaiśālī, the third at Pāṭaliputra under Aśoka, the fourth in Kashmir under Kaniṣka, the fifth at the Vulture Peak for the Mahāyāna, and the sixth for the esoteric canon. The first is sometimes divided into two, that of those within 'the cave', and that of those without, i.e. the intimate disciples, and the greater assembly without; the accounts are conflicting and unreliable. The notable three disciples to whom the first reciting is attributed are Kāśyapa, as presiding elder, Ānanda for the Sūtras and the Abhidharma, and Upāli for the Vinaya; others attribute the Abhidharma to Pūrṇa, or Kāśyapa; but, granted the premises, whatever form their work may have taken, it cannot have been that of the existing Tripiṭaka. The fifth and sixth assemblies are certainly imaginary.



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jīng jiā
    jing1 jia1
ching chia
One who collected or collects the sūtras, especially Ānanda, who according to tradition recorded the first Buddhist sūtras.


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měi yīn
    mei3 yin1
mei yin
a sweet voice; (female given name) Riri
Beautiful sound, a king of the Gandharvas (乾闥婆), Indra's musicians. Also, the name of a son of Sudhīra and Sumitra converted by Ānanda.



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qí shé
    qi2 she2
ch`i she
    chi she
gṛdhra, a vulture, also an abbrev. for 耆闍崛; 伊沙堀; 揭梨 馱羅鳩胝; 姞栗陀羅矩叱 Gṛdhrakūṭa; a mountain near Rājagṛha said to be shaped like a vulture's head, or to be famous for its vultures and its caverns inhabited by ascetics, where Piśuna(Māra), in the shape of a vulture, hindered the meditations of Ānanda. It has numerous other names.


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yé shè
    ye2 she4
yeh she
Yaśas, or 耶舍陀 Yaśojā. There were two persons of this name: (1) a disciple of Ānanda; (2) another who is said to have 'played an important part in connection with the second synod'.


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zhēng shā
    zheng1 sha1
cheng sha
Steaming or cooking sand for food: an impossibility, like Ānanda trying to meditate without cutting off evil conduct.



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ē nán
    e1 nan2
o nan
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple
(person) Ananda (disciple of Gautama Buddha)



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nán tuó
    nan2 tuo2
nan t`o
    nan to
難陁 nanda, "happiness, pleasure, joy, felicity." M.W. Name of disciples not easy to discriminate; one is called Cowherd Nanda, an arhat; another Sundarananda, to distinguish him from Ānanda, and the above; also, of a milkman who gave Śākyamuni milk; of a poor woman who could only offer a cash to buy oil for a lamp to Buddha; of a nāga king; etc.



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jiù shān
    jiu4 shan1
chiu shan
(place-name, surname) Washiyama
Gṛdhrakūṭa, Vulture Peak near Rājagṛha, 'the modern Giddore, so called because Piśuna (Māra) once as assumed there the guise of a vulture to interrupt the meditation of Ānanda' (Eitel); more probably because of its shape, or because of the vultures who fed there on the dead; a place frequented by the Buddha; the imaginary scene of the preaching of the Lotus Sūtra, and called 靈鷲山 Spiritual Vulture Peak, as the Lotus Sūtra is also known as the 鷲峯偈 Vulture Peak gāthā. The peak is also called 鷲峯; 鷲頭 (鷲頭山); 鷲臺; 鷲嶽; 鷲巖; 靈山; cf. 耆闍崛山.



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duì gào zhòng
    dui4 gao4 zhong4
tui kao chung
 tai gō shu
The intermediary for the Buddha' s address to the assembly, especially Ānanda.



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mó dèng qié
    mo2 deng4 qie2
mo teng ch`ieh
    mo teng chieh
Mātaṇga, also 摩登伽 (or 摩燈伽) Elephant, greatest, utmost, lowest caste, outcast, barbarian. 摩鄧祇 Mātaṅgī. Both words bear a low meaning in Chinese, e.g. low caste. Mātaṅgī is the name of the low-caste woman who inveigled Ānanda. The 摩鄧祇咒 spell is performed with blood, etc.



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luó huó luó
    luo2 huo2 luo2
lo huo lo
Rāhula, the eldest son of Śākyamuni and Yaśodharā; also羅睺; 羅吼; 羅云; 羅雲; 曷怙羅 or 何怙羅 or 羅怙羅. He is supposed to have been in the womb for six years and born when his father attained buddhahood; also said to have been born during an eclipse, and thus acquired his name, though it is defined in other ways; his father did not see him till he was six years old. He became a disciple of the Hīnayāna, but is said to have become a Mahāyānist when his father preached this final perfect doctrine, a statement gainsaid by his being recognized as founder of the Vaibhāṣika school. He is to be reborn as the eldest son of every buddha, hence is sometimes called the son of Ānanda.



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shè tóu jiàn
    she4 tou2 jian4
she t`ou chien
    she tou chien
Śārdūla-karṇa. The original name of Ānanda, intp. 虎耳 tiger's ears.



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bō jí dì
    bo1 ji2 di4
po chi ti
prakṛti, natural; woman; etc. Name of the woman at the well who supplied water to Ānanda, seduced him, but became a nun.



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ē nán tuó
    e1 nan2 tuo2
o nan t`o
    o nan to
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple
(person) Ananda (disciple of Gautama Buddha)
Ānanda, 阿難; intp. by 歡喜 Joy; son of Droṇodana-rāja, and younger brother of Devadatta; he was noted as the most learned disciple of Buddha and famed for hearing and remembering his teaching, hence is styled 多聞; after the Buddha's death he is said to have compiled the sutras in the Vaibhāra cave, v. 畢, where the disciples were assembled in Magadha. He is reckoned as the second patriarch. Ānandabhadra and Ānandasāgara are generally given as two other Ānandas, but this is uncertain.


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èr shí bā zǔ
    er4 shi2 ba1 zu3
erh shih pa tsu
The twenty-eight Buddhist patriarchs as stated by the Mahāyānists. The Tiantai school reckons twenty-three, or twenty-four, with the addition of Śaṇakavāsa, contemporary with his predecessors, but the Chan school reckons twenty-eight: (1) Mahākāśyapa, 摩訶迦葉 (摩訶迦葉波); (2) Ānanda, 阿難; (3) Śāṇakavāsa, 商那和修; 4) Upagupta, 優婆毱多; (5) Dhṛṭaka, 提多迦; (6) Mikkaka, or Miccaka, or Micchaka, 彌遮迦; (7) Vasumitra, 婆須蜜; (8) Buddhanandi, 佛陀難提; (9) Buddhamitra, 伏駄蜜多; (10) Pārśva, or Pārśvika, 波栗溼縛or 脇尊者; (11) Puṇyayaśas 那尊耶舍; (12) Aśvaghoṣa, 馬鳴大士; (13) Kapimala, 迦毘摩羅; (14) Nāgārjuna, 龍樹; (15) Kāṇadeva, 迦那提婆; (16) Rāhulata, 羅睺羅多; (17) Saṅghanandi, 僧伽難提; (18) Gayāśata, 伽耶舍多; (19) Kumārata, 鳩摩羅多; (20) Jayata, 闍夜多; (21) Vasubandhu, 婆修盤頭; (22) Manorhita, 摩撃羅; (23) Haklena, 鶴輸勒; (24) Ārasiṁha, 師子尊者; (25) Basiasita, 婆舍新多; (26) Puṇyamitra, 不如密多; (27) Prajñātāra, 般若多羅; (28) Bodhidharma, 菩提達磨.


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shí dà dì zǐ
    shi2 da4 di4 zi3
shih ta ti tzu
 juudaideshi / judaideshi
{Buddh} the ten great disciples (of Buddha)
The ten chief discip1es of Śākyamuni, each of whom was master of one power or gift. Śāriputra of wisdom; Maudgalyāyana of supernatural powers; Mahākāśyapa of discipline; Aniruddha of 天眼 deva vision; Subhūti of explaining the void or immaterial; Pūrṇa of expounding the law; Kātyāyana of its fundamental principles; Upāli of maintaining the rules; Rāhula of the esoteric; and Ānanda of hearing and remembering.



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mìng dào shā mén
    ming4 dao4 sha1 men2
ming tao sha men
 myōdō shamon
A śramaṇa who makes the commandments, meditation, and knowledge his very life, as Ānanda did.



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zhǔ lěi ān án
    zhu3 lei3 an1 an2
chu lei an an
 shokurui Anan
transmission to Ānanda



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duō wén dì yī
    duo1 wen2 di4 yi1
to wen ti i
 tamon daiichi
The chief among the Buddha's hearers: Ānanda.



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rú shì wǒ wén
    ru2 shi4 wo3 wen2
ju shih wo wen
so I have heard (idiom); the beginning clause of Buddha's quotations as recorded by his disciple, Ananda (Buddhism)
(yoji) thus I hear (quote from the sutras); these ears have heard
thus have I heard



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miào yīn biàn mǎn
    miao4 yin1 bian4 man3
miao yin pien man
 Myōon henman
Universal wonderful sound, Manojña-śabdābhigarjita, the kalpa of Ānanda as Buddha.



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zūn zhě ān án
    zun1 zhe3 an1 an2
tsun che an an
 Sonsha Anan
Venerable Ānanda



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shān hǎi rú lái
    shan1 hai3 ru2 lai2
shan hai ju lai
 sankai nyorai
Sāgara-varadhara-buddhi-vikiditā-bhijñā. 山海慧 (or 惠) 自在通王如來. The name under which Ānanda is to reappear as Buddha, in Anavanamita-vaijayanta, during the kalpa Manojna-sabdabhigarjita, v. 法華經.



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cháng lì shèng fān
    chang2 li4 sheng4 fan1
ch`ang li sheng fan
    chang li sheng fan
 jōryū shōhon
An-avanāmita-vaijayanta. With ever erect victorious banner; name of Ānanda's future buddha-realm.



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mì mì jié jí
    mi4 mi4 jie2 ji2
mi mi chieh chi
 himitsu ketsujū
The collection of mantras, dhāraṇīs, etc., and of the Vajradhātu and Garbhadhātu literature, attributed to Ānanda, or Vajrasattva, or both.



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ān án zūn zhě
    an1 an2 zun1 zhe3
an an tsun che
 Anan sonja
Venerable Ānanda



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ān án fàn yín
    an1 an2 fan4 yin2
an an fan yin
 Anan bonin
Ānanda's violation of the precept regarding sexual behavior


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 aananda / ananda
(person) Ananda (disciple of Gautama Buddha)



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shāng nuò jiā fú pó
    shang1 nuo4 jia1 fu2 po2
shang no chia fu p`o
    shang no chia fu po
(商諾縛婆) ; 商那和修; 舍那和修 (or 舍那波私) Sanakavisa; Sanavasa; a younger brother of Ānanda. Also an arhat, whom Eitel gives as the third patriarch, a native of Mathurā, and says: 'A Tibetan tradition identifies him with Yaśas, the leader of the II Synod. ' Because of his name he is associated with a hemp or linen garment, or a covering with which he was born.



see styles
zhǔ lěi ān án pǐn
    zhu3 lei3 an1 an2 pin3
chu lei an an p`in
    chu lei an an pin
 shokurui anan hon
chapter on the entrustment to Ānanda



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sūn tuó luó nán tuó
    sun1 tuo2 luo2 nan2 tuo2
sun t`o lo nan t`o
    sun to lo nan to
Sundarananda, or Sunanda, said to be younger brother of Śākyamuni, his wife being the above Sundarī; thus called to distinguish him from Ānanda.



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ān án tuó yè chā
    an1 an2 tuo2 ye4 cha1
an an t`o yeh ch`a
    an an to yeh cha
 Ānanda yasha
A yakṣa, called White Teeth.



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ān án tuó mù qìn ní hē lí tuó jīng
    an1 an2 tuo2 mu4 qin4 ni2 he1 li2 tuo2 jing1
an an t`o mu ch`in ni ho li t`o ching
    an an to mu chin ni ho li to ching
 Ananda mokukōni karita kyō
Anantuo muqieni helituo jing



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ān án tuó mù qiè ní hē lí tuó lín ní jīng
    an1 an2 tuo2 mu4 qie4 ni2 he1 li2 tuo2 lin2 ni2 jing1
an an t`o mu ch`ieh ni ho li t`o lin ni ching
    an an to mu chieh ni ho li to lin ni ching
 Ananda mokukōni kari darinni kyō
Anantuo muqieni heli tuolinni jing



see styles
yú qié jí yào jiù ān án tuó luó ní yàn kǒu guǐ yí jīng
    yu2 qie2 ji2 yao4 jiu4 an1 an2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 yan4 kou3 gui3 yi2 jing1
yü ch`ieh chi yao chiu an an t`o lo ni yen k`ou kuei i ching
    yü chieh chi yao chiu an an to lo ni yen kou kuei i ching
 Yugashū yōkyū anan darani enku kigi kyō
Conditions and Causes Which Gave Rise to the Teaching to Ānanda Concerning the Essentials of the Yoga [Tradition] on Distribution of Food to Burning Mouths



see styles
yú qié jí yào yàn kǒu shī shí qǐ jiào ān án tuó yuán yóu
    yu2 qie2 ji2 yao4 yan4 kou3 shi1 shi2 qi3 jiao4 an1 an2 tuo2 yuan2 you2
yü ch`ieh chi yao yen k`ou shih shih ch`i chiao an an t`o yüan yu
    yü chieh chi yao yen kou shih shih chi chiao an an to yüan yu
 Yuga shūyō enku sejiki kikyō ananda enyu
Conditions and Causes Which Gave Rise to the Teaching to Ānanda Concerning the Essentials of the Yoga [Tradition] on Distribution of Food to Burning Mouths

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 46 results for "ananda" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

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