Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 484 total results for your Don search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
hé bù shí ròu mí
    he2 bu4 shi2 rou4 mi2
ho pu shih jou mi
lit. "Why don't they eat meat?" (said by Emperor Hui of Jin 晉惠帝|晋惠帝[Jin4 Hui4 di4] when told that his people didn't have enough rice to eat); fig. (of people from higher class etc) to be oblivious to other people's plight


see styles
(See 女たらし) womanizer; Lothario; Don Juan; philanderer; lady-killer


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(expression) (kana only) if you please; if you don't mind; when you're ready; if you want; if that's alright with you


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(expression) don't worry; never mind


see styles
(expression) (polite language) please don't fuss over me


see styles
 shinpaigomuyou / shinpaigomuyo
(expression) Don't worry about it; There is nothing to fear; There is no need for anxiety; Everything is under control


see styles
 shinpaigomuyou / shinpaigomuyo
(expression) Don't worry about it; There is nothing to fear; There is no need for anxiety; Everything is under control


see styles
(adverb) (kana only) don't get me wrong, but ...; I'm sorry


see styles
(expression) (proverb) (See 善は急げ) don't hasten into action when you have doubts



see styles
ná nǐ méi bàn fǎ
    na2 ni3 mei2 ban4 fa3
na ni mei pan fa
don't know what to do with you (used to express mild exasperation)


see styles
(expression) who cares?; I don't give a damn; what does it matter?


see styles
(exp,int) never mind!; don't worry about it


see styles
 messoumonai / messomonai
(expression) Don't be absurd; That's out of the question; Nonsense; Don't mention it


see styles
 messoumonai / messomonai
(expression) Don't be absurd; That's out of the question; Nonsense; Don't mention it



see styles
wú lì bù qǐ zǎo
    wu2 li4 bu4 qi3 zao3
wu li pu ch`i tsao
    wu li pu chi tsao
(saying) people don't get up early unless there is some benefit in doing so; won't lift a finger unless there's something in it for oneself



see styles
wú gōng bù shòu lù
    wu2 gong1 bu4 shou4 lu4
wu kung pu shou lu
Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. (idiom)


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(expression) (colloquialism) don't push yourself too hard; don't force yourself


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(expression) (osb:) how should I know?; don't ask me


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(expression) (colloquialism) (softening end to a statement; orig. Kansai dialect) but I don't know; or something like that; or that's what I heard; one could assume; I guess



see styles
ròu làn zài guō lǐ
    rou4 lan4 zai4 guo1 li3
jou lan tsai kuo li
lit. the meat falls apart as it stews, but it all stays in the pot (idiom); fig. some of us may lose or gain, but in any case the benefits don't go to outsiders


see styles
 haramominouchi / haramominochi
(expression) (proverb) moderation is its own medicine; take care of your stomach; don't overeat


see styles
(expression) (kana only) (See 訳ではない) it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that


see styles
(expression) (kana only) it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...


see styles
(expression) (kana only) it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...


see styles
 kougokitai / kogokitai
(expression) don't miss it; stay tuned; coming soon; look forward to it



see styles
shuāng hú tè bié qū
    shuang1 hu2 te4 bie2 qu1
shuang hu t`e pieh ch`ü
    shuang hu te pieh chü
Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet


see styles
(expression) (proverb) (See 牛は牛連れ馬は馬連れ) birds of a feather flock together; horses work best together; don't mix your horses with your cows


see styles
(expression) (idiom) Don't be too hard on me (us, them)


see styles
(expression) don't do anything rash!; keep composed!


see styles
(expression) don't miss it!


see styles
 sunna; suna
    すんな; すな
(expression) (colloquialism) (contraction of するな) (See する・1,な・1) don't


see styles
 dessharou / dessharo
(expression) (osb:) right?; don't you think?; don't you agree?


see styles
 doudemoii / dodemoi
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (See どうでもよい・1) inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; trivial; (expression) (2) (See どうでもよい) whatever; whichever; I don't care


see styles
 doudemoii(p); doudemoyoi / dodemoi(p); dodemoyoi
    どうでもいい(P); どうでもよい
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (kana only) inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; trivial; (expression) (2) (kana only) whatever; whichever; I don't care


see styles
(exp,v5u) I don't want to hear it from you; are you in any position to say that?


see styles
(exp,v5u) I don't want to hear it from you; are you in any position to say that?


see styles
 don fan
(1) Don Juan; (2) womanizer; libertine


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 donamechii / donamechi
(person) Don Ameche


see styles
(wk,ch) Don Quixote (book, titular character); (c) Don Quijote (discount chain store)


see styles
(adjective) (1) (kana only) unthinkable; unexpected; outrageous; offensive; terrible; (expression) (2) (colloquialism) (kana only) absolutely not!; not at all!; far from it!; impossible!; preposterous!; what a thing to say!; no way!; bullshit; (3) (kana only) don't mention it; you're welcome


see styles
(expression) (1) (after a verb) there is no need to; it is fine if you don't; unnecessary; (expression) (2) (after a noun) does not match; out of reach of


see styles
 yarou; yaro / yaro; yaro
    やろう; やろ
(expression) (1) (ksb:) (See だろう・1) seems; I think; I guess; (expression) (2) (ksb:) (See だろう・2) right?; don't you agree?


see styles
(expression) (kana only) it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...


see styles
(expression) if one is unlucky; if one is careless; if things don't go well



see styles
bù dǎ bù chéng xiāng shí
    bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 xiang1 shi2
pu ta pu ch`eng hsiang shih
    pu ta pu cheng hsiang shih
don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship


see styles
(exp,n) (principle of) letting sleeping dogs lie; peace-at-any-price; don't rock the boat


see styles
 betsuniiikedo / betsuniikedo
(expression) I don't care; fine, whatever; that's okay; sure, go ahead



see styles
wù wèi yán zhī bù yù
    wu4 wei4 yan2 zhi1 bu4 yu4
wu wei yen chih pu yü
(idiom) don't say you haven't been forewarned (threat used by the PRC in international diplomacy)


see styles
(exp,n) None of your business!; Don't bother me!


see styles
(expression) (kana only) if you don't mind; if you like



see styles
jiā chǒu bù kě wài chuán
    jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2
chia ch`ou pu k`o wai ch`uan
    chia chou pu ko wai chuan
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public



see styles
jiā chǒu bù kě wài yáng
    jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2
chia ch`ou pu k`o wai yang
    chia chou pu ko wai yang
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public


see styles
(expression) (idiom) Don't be too hard on me (us, them)


see styles
 shinpaiiranai / shinpairanai
(expression) don't worry; there's no need to worry


see styles
 shinpaiiranai / shinpairanai
(expression) don't worry; there's no need to worry


see styles
 kiouhatogamezu / kiohatogamezu
(expression) (proverb) don't dwell on the past; let bygones be bygones



see styles
shā jī yān yòng niú dāo
    sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1
sha chi yen yung niu tao
don't use a sledgehammer on a nut; aquila non capit muscam


see styles
(expression) don't worry about it; forget about it


see styles
(expression) (after a verb) don't feel like doing; can't bring oneself to do; can't face


see styles
(expression) (See 無理・むり・5) don't overwork yourself; don't overdo it


see styles
 minamadeiuna / minamadeuna
(expression) don't finish what you're saying; stop what you're saying


see styles
(expression) (sensitive word) (proverb) fools rush in where angels fear to tread; the blind don't fear snakes


see styles
(suffix noun) (1) not having; unaffected by; (conjunction) (2) (often as ~は知らず) aside; I don't know about ...; (conjunction) (3) (archaism) (at the beginning of a sentence) I know not whether; I know not if


see styles
 iiyagatte / iyagatte
(expression) (See やがる) don't try and tell me that!; don't try that shit on me


see styles
 jaakuninaruna / jakuninaruna
(expression) (quote) (former Google motto) don't be evil


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (adjective) (1) (kana only) unthinkable; unexpected; outrageous; offensive; terrible; (expression) (2) (colloquialism) (kana only) absolutely not!; not at all!; far from it!; impossible!; preposterous!; what a thing to say!; no way!; bullshit; (3) (kana only) don't mention it; you're welcome


see styles
(expression) (See 気にしないで) not at all; don't worry about it; forget about it


see styles
(exp,n) (principle of) letting sleeping dogs lie; peace-at-any-price; don't rock the boat


see styles
 sorekaaranuka / sorekaranuka
(expression) I don't know for certain, but ...; I don't know if that's the reason, but ...


see styles
 sorehadoukana / sorehadokana
(expression) I wonder about that; don't bet on it; famous last words


see styles
 doudatteii / dodatte
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (See どうでもいい・1) inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; trivial; (expression) (2) (See どうでもいい・2) whatever; whichever; I don't care


see styles
 doudatteii; doudatteyoi / dodatte; dodatteyoi
    どうだっていい; どうだってよい
(exp,adj-ix) (1) (kana only) (See どうでもいい・1) inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; trivial; (expression) (2) (kana only) (See どうでもいい・2) whatever; whichever; I don't care


see styles
 douitashimashite / doitashimashite
(interjection) (kana only) you are welcome; don't mention it; not at all; my pleasure


see styles
 don kihoote
(wk,ch) Don Quixote (book, titular character); (c) Don Quijote (discount chain store)


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 donki hoote
(personal name) Don Quijote


see styles
(work) Don Giovanni (opera by Mozart); (wk) Don Giovanni (opera by Mozart)


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(person) Don Johnson


see styles
(expression) you can't give (use) what you don't have; nothing comes from nothing; you can't shake sleeves you don't have


see styles
(place-name) Volga-Don canal; Volga-Donskoy Kanal


see styles
 minamadeiuna / minamadeuna
(expression) don't finish what you're saying; stop what you're saying



see styles
 me; me; me
    めっ; め; メッ
(interjection) (used to scold small children and pets) no!; don't!; tsk!


see styles
(expression) (kana only) if you don't mind; if you like; if you feel up for it; if you're interested


see styles
yī bù zuò , èr bù xiū
    yi1 bu4 zuo4 , er4 bu4 xiu1
i pu tso , erh pu hsiu
lit. either don't do it, or don't rest (idiom); fig. if you do it at all, you may as well go the whole hog; in for a penny, in for a pound


see styles
(expression) (slang) Don't you ever come here again!



see styles
bù dào huǒ hòu bù jiē guō
    bu4 dao4 huo3 hou4 bu4 jie1 guo1
pu tao huo hou pu chieh kuo
don't act until the time is ripe (idiom)



see styles
bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng
    bu4 jian4 tu4 zi5 bu4 sa1 ying1
pu chien t`u tzu pu sa ying
    pu chien tu tzu pu sa ying
you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom); one doesn't act before one is sure to succeed


see styles
(expression) I can say now (what I couldn't before); now (that things have changed) I don't mind telling you; I couldn't tell you until now; I couldn't have told you this back then



see styles
tù zi wěi ba cháng bu liǎo
    tu4 zi5 wei3 ba5 chang2 bu5 liao3
t`u tzu wei pa ch`ang pu liao
    tu tzu wei pa chang pu liao
rabbits don't have long tails (idiom); its days are numbered; won't last long


see styles
(expression) (proverb) without life, there is nothing; don't waste your life


see styles
 daijinomaenoshouji / daijinomaenoshoji
(expression) (1) (proverb) don't put the trivial ahead of the important; don't sweat the small stuff; don't bother with the details (before embarking on a great enterprise); (expression) (2) (proverb) read the fine print; be careful of the small things (before embarking on a great enterprise)



see styles
hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo
    hao3 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3
hao ma pu ch`ih hui t`ou ts`ao
    hao ma pu chih hui tou tsao
lit. a good horse doesn't turn around and graze the same patch again (idiom); fig. once you've moved on, don't go back again (romantic relationship, job etc); leave the past behind


see styles
 douitashimashite / doitashimashite
(interjection) (kana only) you are welcome; don't mention it; not at all; my pleasure


see styles
 negotohaneteie / negotohanetee
(expression) (joc) don't talk nonsense; sleep talk after you go to sleep



see styles
xīn yǒu yú , lì bù zú
    xin1 you3 yu2 , li4 bu4 zu2
hsin yu yü , li pu tsu
The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects).; I really want to do it, but don't have the resources.; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.



see styles
shā rén bù guò tóu diǎn dì
    sha1 ren2 bu4 guo4 tou2 dian3 di4
sha jen pu kuo t`ou tien ti
    sha jen pu kuo tou tien ti
It's all exaggeration, you don't need to take it seriously; a fuss about nothing; nothing to write home about


see styles
(expression) you can't give (use) what you don't have; nothing comes from nothing; you can't shake sleeves you don't have


see styles
 reinihaoyobanai / renihaoyobanai
(expression) (See お礼には及びません・おれいにはおよびません) it's nothing; don't mention it; no thanks necessary


see styles
féi shuǐ bù liú wài rén tián
    fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2
fei shui pu liu wai jen t`ien
    fei shui pu liu wai jen tien
lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)


see styles
(expression) I don't want to boast but



see styles
gǒu fù guì , wù xiāng wàng
    gou3 fu4 gui4 , wu4 xiang1 wang4
kou fu kuei , wu hsiang wang
don't forget your friends when you become rich

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Don" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary