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There are 1507 total results for your Fei search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
qí bó lín fēi tǐng
    qi2 bo2 lin2 fei1 ting3
ch`i po lin fei t`ing
    chi po lin fei ting
Zeppelin dirigible airship



see styles
qí gé fēi fáng xiàn
    qi2 ge2 fei1 fang2 xian4
ch`i ko fei fang hsien
    chi ko fei fang hsien
Siegfried Line, line of German military defenses during WWI and WWII



see styles
bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
    bu4 fei4 chui1 hui1 zhi1 li4
pu fei ch`ui hui chih li
    pu fei chui hui chih li
as easy as blowing off dust; effortless; with ease



see styles
zhōng guó shāng yòng fēi jī
    zhong1 guo2 shang1 yong4 fei1 ji1
chung kuo shang yung fei chi
COMAC (Chinese aeronautics company)



see styles
zhōng dù xìng fèi shuǐ zhǒng
    zhong1 du4 xing4 fei4 shui3 zhong3
chung tu hsing fei shui chung
toxic pulmonary edema



see styles
dī fàng shè xìng fèi wù
    di1 fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4
ti fang she hsing fei wu
low-level waste



see styles
kǎ bù qí nuò kā fēi
    ka3 bu4 qi2 nuo4 ka1 fei1
k`a pu ch`i no k`a fei
    ka pu chi no ka fei
cappuccino coffee



see styles
hé féi gōng yè dà xué
    he2 fei2 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
ho fei kung yeh ta hsüeh
Hefei University of Technology



see styles
chuí zhí qǐ luò fēi jī
    chui2 zhi2 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1
ch`ui chih ch`i lo fei chi
    chui chih chi lo fei chi
vertical takeoff and landing aircraft



see styles
rú lái sǐ hòu fēi yǒu
    ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 fei1 you3
ju lai ssu hou fei yu
 nyorai shigo hiu
non-existence of Buddha after passing into nirvāṇa



see styles
ān ní · xià fēi wéi
    an1 ni2 · xia4 fei1 wei2
an ni · hsia fei wei
see 安妮·海瑟薇[An1 ni2 · Hai3 se4 wei1]



see styles
ān lì fēi ān lì dì
    an1 li4 fei1 an1 li4 di4
an li fei an li ti
 anryū hi anryū tai
provisional and ultimate truths



see styles
duì fāng fù fèi diàn huà
    dui4 fang1 fu4 fei4 dian4 hua4
tui fang fu fei tien hua
collect call



see styles
ēn lǐ kē · fèi mǐ
    en1 li3 ke1 · fei4 mi3
en li k`o · fei mi
    en li ko · fei mi
Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born US nuclear physicist



see styles
yì shì nóng suō kā fēi
    yi4 shi4 nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1
i shih nung so k`a fei
    i shih nung so ka fei
espresso; Italian-style strong coffee



see styles
lā mǔ sī fēi ěr dé
    la1 mu3 si1 fei1 er3 de2
la mu ssu fei erh te
Donald Rumsfeld (1932-), former US Secretary of Defense



see styles
sī pǔ lín fēi ěr dé
    si1 pu3 lin2 fei1 er3 de2
ssu p`u lin fei erh te
    ssu pu lin fei erh te



see styles
shì fēi zì yǒu gōng lùn
    shi4 fei1 zi4 you3 gong1 lun4
shih fei tzu yu kung lun
to determine right and wrong based on public opinion (idiom); Public opinion will judge what's right and wrong.



see styles
wò lún · bā fēi tè
    wo4 lun2 · ba1 fei1 te4
wo lun · pa fei t`e
    wo lun · pa fei te
Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway



see styles
xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù
    xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4
hsiao fei chia ko chih shu
consumer price index CPI



see styles
wēn shì fèi qì chǔ cún
    wen1 shi4 fei4 qi4 chu3 cun2
wen shih fei ch`i ch`u ts`un
    wen shih fei chi chu tsun
greenhouse gas sequestration


see styles
jiǎ jī ān fēi tā mìng
    jia3 ji1 an1 fei1 ta1 ming4
chia chi an fei t`a ming
    chia chi an fei ta ming



see styles
duǎn jù qǐ luò fēi jī
    duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1
tuan chü ch`i lo fei chi
    tuan chü chi lo fei chi
short takeoff and landing aircraft



see styles
fèi cì jī xìng dú jì
    fei4 ci4 ji1 xing4 du2 ji4
fei tz`u chi hsing tu chi
    fei tzu chi hsing tu chi
lung irritant



see styles
xī shuāng bǎn nà cū fěi
    xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 cu1 fei3
hsi shuang pan na ts`u fei
    hsi shuang pan na tsu fei
Cephalotaxus mannii (botany)



see styles
fèi lā dé ěr fēi yà
    fei4 la1 de2 er3 fei1 ya4
fei la te erh fei ya
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; abbr. to 費城|费城[Fei4 cheng2]



see styles
fèi ěr gàn nà pén dì
    fei4 er3 gan4 na4 pen2 di4
fei erh kan na p`en ti
    fei erh kan na pen ti
the Ferghana Valley in modern Uzbekistan



see styles
fèi ěr gàn nà pén dì
    fei4 er3 gan4 na4 pen2 di4
fei erh kan na p`en ti
    fei erh kan na pen ti
the Ferghana Valley in modern Uzbekistan



see styles
fèi ěr mǎ dà dìng lǐ
    fei4 er3 ma3 da4 ding4 li3
fei erh ma ta ting li
Fermat's last theorem



see styles
lí sì jù jué bǎi fēi
    li2 si4 ju4 jue2 bai3 fei1
li ssu chü chüeh pai fei
 ri shiku zetsu hyappi
free from the four lemmas, cutting off the one hundred negations


see styles
fēi yī zhòng duō zhǒng zhǒng
    fei1 yi1 zhong4 duo1 zhong3 zhong3
fei i chung to chung chung
not one, nay, myriad kinds


see styles
fēi zuò fēi wú zuò yè
    fei1 zuo4 fei1 wu2 zuo4 ye4
fei tso fei wu tso yeh
neither evident nor non-evident



see styles
fēi dòng wù xìng míng cí
    fei1 dong4 wu4 xing4 ming2 ci2
fei tung wu hsing ming tz`u
    fei tung wu hsing ming tzu
inanimate noun


see styles
fēi jí fēi lí yùn wǒ
    fei1 ji2 fei1 li2 yun4 wo3
fei chi fei li yün wo
the self that is neither identical to nor different from the aggregates



see styles
fēi tóng zhì huà dài bì
    fei1 tong2 zhi4 hua4 dai4 bi4
fei t`ung chih hua tai pi
    fei tung chih hua tai pi
non-fungible token (NFT)



see styles
fēi guó jiā xíng wéi tǐ
    fei1 guo2 jia1 xing2 wei2 ti3
fei kuo chia hsing wei t`i
    fei kuo chia hsing wei ti
non-state actor


see styles
fēi xué fēi wú xué zhì
    fei1 xue2 fei1 wu2 xue2 zhi4
fei hsüeh fei wu hsüeh chih
wisdom of neither training nor no-treatings


see styles
fēi cháng kǔ kōng fēi wǒ
    fei1 chang2 ku3 kong1 fei1 wo3
fei ch`ang k`u k`ung fei wo
    fei chang ku kung fei wo
Impermanent, suffering, empty, non-ego— such is life.


see styles
fēi xiǎng fēi fēi xiǎng tiān
    fei1 xiang3 fei1 fei1 xiang3 tian1
fei hsiang fei fei hsiang t`ien
    fei hsiang fei fei hsiang tien
neither thought nor no-thought heaven


see styles
fēi xiǎng fēi fēi xiǎng chù
    fei1 xiang3 fei1 fei1 xiang3 chu4
fei hsiang fei fei hsiang ch`u
    fei hsiang fei fei hsiang chu
neither-thought-nor-no-thought concentration



see styles
fēi hé wǔ qì guó jiā
    fei1 he2 wu3 qi4 guo2 jia1
fei ho wu ch`i kuo chia
    fei ho wu chi kuo chia
non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS)



see styles
fēi zhōu tǒng yī zǔ zhī
    fei1 zhou1 tong3 yi1 zu3 zhi1
fei chou t`ung i tsu chih
    fei chou tung i tsu chih
Organization of African Unity



see styles
fēi zhōu kāi fā yín háng
    fei1 zhou1 kai1 fa1 yin2 hang2
fei chou k`ai fa yin hang
    fei chou kai fa yin hang
African Development Bank



see styles
fēi yíng lì de zǔ zhī
    fei1 ying2 li4 de5 zu3 zhi1
fei ying li te tsu chih
nonprofit organization


see styles
fēi xíng fēi zuò sān mèi
    fei1 xing2 fei1 zuo4 san1 mei4
fei hsing fei tso san mei
neither walking nor sitting samādhi



see styles
fēi cí chóng fù cè yàn
    fei1 ci2 chong2 fu4 ce4 yan4
fei tz`u ch`ung fu ts`e yen
    fei tzu chung fu tse yen
nonword repetition test



see styles
fēi yí chuán duō xíng xìng
    fei1 yi2 chuan2 duo1 xing2 xing4
fei i ch`uan to hsing hsing
    fei i chuan to hsing hsing



see styles
diǎn jī fù fèi guǎng gào
    dian3 ji1 fu4 fei4 guang3 gao4
tien chi fu fei kuang kao
pay-per-click advertising



see styles
bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn
    bu4 dao4 chang2 cheng2 fei1 hao3 han4
pu tao ch`ang ch`eng fei hao han
    pu tao chang cheng fei hao han
lit. until you reach the Great Wall, you're not a proper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal



see styles
shì jiān fēi cháng fēi wú cháng
    shi4 jian1 fei1 chang2 fei1 wu2 chang2
shih chien fei ch`ang fei wu ch`ang
    shih chien fei chang fei wu chang
 seken hijō hi mujō
the world is neither permanent nor impermanent



see styles
zhōng guó xiāo fèi zhě xié huì
    zhong1 guo2 xiao1 fei4 zhe3 xie2 hui4
chung kuo hsiao fei che hsieh hui
China Consumers' Association (CCA)



see styles
rén pà chū míng zhū pà féi
    ren2 pa4 chu1 ming2 zhu1 pa4 fei2
jen p`a ch`u ming chu p`a fei
    jen pa chu ming chu pa fei
lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter); fig. fame has its price



see styles
bù lái tè nī · mò fēi
    bu4 lai2 te4 ni1 · mo4 fei1
pu lai t`e ni · mo fei
    pu lai te ni · mo fei
Brittany Murphy (1977-2009), American actress



see styles
lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě
    lai2 er2 bu4 wang3 fei1 li3 ye3
lai erh pu wang fei li yeh
not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind



see styles
tóng pǐn yǒu yì pǐn fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 you3 yi4 pin3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in yu i p`in fei yu
    tung pin yu i pin fei yu
 dōhon u ihon hi u
presence in similar instances and absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
tóng pǐn fēi yǒu yì pǐn yǒu
    tong2 pin3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 you3
t`ung p`in fei yu i p`in yu
    tung pin fei yu i pin yu
 dōhon hiu ihon u
absence in similar instances, presence in dissimilar instances


see styles
màn xìng zǔ sè xìng fèi bìng
    man4 xing4 zu3 se4 xing4 fei4 bing4
man hsing tsu se hsing fei ping
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)



see styles
shě jiā fǎ qù yú fēi jiā
    she3 jia1 fa3 qu4 yu2 fei1 jia1
she chia fa ch`ü yü fei chia
    she chia fa chü yü fei chia
 sha kehō shu o hike
abandoning the householder's life and going to the renunciant's life


see styles
sā hā lā yǐ nán fēi zhōu
    sa1 ha1 la1 yi3 nan2 fei1 zhou1
sa ha la i nan fei chou
sub-Saharan Africa



see styles
yǒu chóu bù bào fēi jun zǐ
    you3 chou2 bu4 bao4 fei1 jun1 zi3
yu ch`ou pu pao fei chün tzu
    yu chou pu pao fei chün tzu
a real man, if he takes a hit, will seek to even the score (idiom)



see styles
zhǔ shú de yā zi fēi le
    zhu3 shu2 de5 ya1 zi5 fei1 le5
chu shu te ya tzu fei le
the cooked duck flew away (proverb); (fig.) to let a sure thing slip through one's fingers



see styles
zhēn zhū fěi cuì bái yù tāng
    zhen1 zhu1 fei3 cui4 bai2 yu4 tang1
chen chu fei ts`ui pai yü t`ang
    chen chu fei tsui pai yü tang
cabbage, rice and tofu soup



see styles
hóng wài xiàn dǎo yǐn fēi dàn
    hong2 wai4 xian4 dao3 yin3 fei1 dan4
hung wai hsien tao yin fei tan
infrared guided missile



see styles
shèng suǒ fēi yà dà jiào táng
    sheng4 suo3 fei1 ya4 da4 jiao4 tang2
sheng so fei ya ta chiao t`ang
    sheng so fei ya ta chiao tang
Hagia Sophia (the main cathedral of Constantinople, subsequently the major mosque of Istanbul)


see styles
féi shuǐ bù liú wài rén tián
    fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2
fei shui pu liu wai jen t`ien
    fei shui pu liu wai jen tien
lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)


see styles
fèi yán kè léi bó shì jun
    fei4 yan2 ke4 lei2 bo2 shi4 jun1
fei yen k`o lei po shih chün
    fei yen ko lei po shih chün
Klebsiella pnenmoniae



see styles
fēi tóng bù chuán shū mó shì
    fei1 tong2 bu4 chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4
fei t`ung pu ch`uan shu mo shih
    fei tung pu chuan shu mo shih
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)


see styles
fēi xiǎng fēi fēi xiǎng chù dì
    fei1 xiang3 fei1 fei1 xiang3 chu4 di4
fei hsiang fei fei hsiang ch`u ti
    fei hsiang fei fei hsiang chu ti
realm of neither perception nor non-perception


see styles
fēi xiǎng fēi fēi xiǎng chù dìng
    fei1 xiang3 fei1 fei1 xiang3 chu4 ding4
fei hsiang fei fei hsiang ch`u ting
    fei hsiang fei fei hsiang chu ting
concentration of neither perception nor non-perception



see styles
fēi yǒu xiǎng fēi wú xiǎng tiān
    fei1 you3 xiang3 fei1 wu2 xiang3 tian1
fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang t`ien
    fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang tien
(or非有想非無想天處) Nāivasaṃjñānāsṃjñāyatana. 非想非非想天 The heaven or place where there is neither thinking nor not-thinking; it is beyond thinking; the fourth of the 四 空 天 four immaterial heavens, known also as the 有頂天.


see styles
fēi yǒu xiǎng fēi wú xiǎng chù
    fei1 you3 xiang3 fei1 wu2 xiang3 chu4
fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang ch`u
    fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang chu
realm of neither perception nor non-perception


see styles
fēi fǎ xíng bù píng děng xíng
    fei1 fa3 xing2 bu4 ping2 deng3 xing2
fei fa hsing pu p`ing teng hsing
    fei fa hsing pu ping teng hsing
immoral behavior and unfair behavior



see styles
fēi zhōu rén guó mín dà huì
    fei1 zhou1 ren2 guo2 min2 da4 hui4
fei chou jen kuo min ta hui
African National Congress, ANC



see styles
fēi wù zhì wén huà yí chǎn
    fei1 wu4 zhi4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3
fei wu chih wen hua i ch`an
    fei wu chih wen hua i chan
(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage



see styles
yī sè yī xiāng wú fēi zhōng dào
    yi1 se4 yi1 xiang1 wu2 fei1 zhong1 dao4
i se i hsiang wu fei chung tao
 isshiki ikkō muhi chūdō
An atom or an odour is a complete microcosm of the 中道 middle way or golden mean; the Mean is found in all things.



see styles
shì jiān fēi yǒu biān fēi wú biān
    shi4 jian1 fei1 you3 bian1 fei1 wu2 bian1
shih chien fei yu pien fei wu pien
 seken hi uhen hi muhen
the world is neither finite nor infinite



see styles
lún dūn dà xué yà fēi xué yuàn
    lun2 dun1 da4 xue2 ya4 fei1 xue2 yuan4
lun tun ta hsüeh ya fei hsüeh yüan
London University School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)



see styles
tóng pǐn yǒu yì pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 you3 yi4 pin3 you3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in yu i p`in yu fei yu
    tung pin yu i pin yu fei yu
 dōhon u ihon u hiu
presence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
tóng pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu yì pǐn yǒu
    tong2 pin3 you3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 you3
t`ung p`in yu fei yu i p`in yu
    tung pin yu fei yu i pin yu
 dōhon u hiu ihon u
both presence and absence in similar instances, and presence in dissimilar instances



see styles
tóng pǐn fēi yǒu yì pǐn fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in fei yu i p`in fei yu
    tung pin fei yu i pin fei yu
 dōhon hiu ihon hiu
absence in similar instances and absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
sài wēng shī mǎ ān zhī fēi fú
    sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3 an1 zhi1 fei1 fu2
sai weng shih ma an chih fei fu
the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good; also written 塞翁失馬焉知非福|塞翁失马焉知非福



see styles
sài wēng shī mǎ yān zhī fēi fú
    sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3 yan1 zhi1 fei1 fu2
sai weng shih ma yen chih fei fu
the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good



see styles
hǎo xīn dào zuò le lǘ gān fèi
    hao3 xin1 dao4 zuo4 le5 lu:2 gan1 fei4
hao hsin tao tso le lü kan fei
(idiom) to mistake good intentions for ill will



see styles
jū mín xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù
    ju1 min2 xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4
chü min hsiao fei chia ko chih shu
consumer price index CPI



see styles
dì lì lù jiā yě fèi shé yé
    di4 li4 lu4 jia1 ye3 fei4 she2 ye2
ti li lu chia yeh fei she yeh
 taireirokaya beishaya
Trailokya-vijaya, victor or lord over the 三世 three realms.|靑 Indranila, an emerald. 幽 Hidden, dark, mysterious. |儀 The mysterious form, the spirit of the dead. |冥 Mysterious, beyond comprehension; the shades. |途 The dark paths, i. e. of rebirth in purgatory or as hungry ghosts or animals. |靈 Invisible spirits, the spirits in the shades, the souls of the departed.



see styles
fǎ lán xī sī · fěi dí nán
    fa3 lan2 xi1 si1 · fei3 di2 nan2
fa lan hsi ssu · fei ti nan
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir to the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I


see styles
fēi yǒu xiǎng fēi wú xiǎng yǒu qíng
    fei1 you3 xiang3 fei1 wu2 xiang3 you3 qing2
fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang yu ch`ing
    fei yu hsiang fei wu hsiang yu ching
beings neither with nor without ideation



see styles
tóng pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu yì pǐn fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 you3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in yu fei yu i p`in fei yu
    tung pin yu fei yu i pin fei yu
 dōhon u hiu ihon hiu
both presence and absence in similar instances, absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
tóng pǐn fēi yǒu yì pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 you3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in fei yu i p`in yu fei yu
    tung pin fei yu i pin yu fei yu
 dōhon hiu ihon u hiu
absence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
chuí zhí hé duǎn jù qǐ luò fēi jī
    chui2 zhi2 he2 duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1
ch`ui chih ho tuan chü ch`i lo fei chi
    chui chih ho tuan chü chi lo fei chi
vertical or short takeoff and landing aircraft



see styles
rú lái sǐ hòu yì yǒu yì fēi yǒu
    ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 yi4 you3 yi4 fei1 you3
ju lai ssu hou i yu i fei yu
 nyorai shigo yaku u yaku hiu
a Buddha who is both existent and non-existent after passing into peace



see styles
rú lái sǐ hòu fēi yǒu fēi fēi yǒu
    ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 fei1 you3 fei1 fei1 you3
ju lai ssu hou fei yu fei fei yu
 nyorai shigo hiu hihiu
a Buddha who is neither existent nor non-existent after passing into peace



see styles
ān lì fēi ān lì dì zuò yì mén
    an1 li4 fei1 an1 li4 di4 zuo4 yi4 men2
an li fei an li ti tso i men
 anryū hi anryū tai sa-i mon
practice of contemplation of both defined and undefined truths



see styles
fēng yān sì qǐ , zhàn huǒ fēn fēi
    feng1 yan1 si4 qi3 , zhan4 huo3 fen1 fei1
feng yen ssu ch`i , chan huo fen fei
    feng yen ssu chi , chan huo fen fei
lit. fire beacons in all four directions (idiom); the confusion of war



see styles
fēi duì chèn shì shù jù yòng hù xiàn
    fei1 dui4 chen4 shi4 shu4 ju4 yong4 hu4 xian4
fei tui ch`en shih shu chü yung hu hsien
    fei tui chen shih shu chü yung hu hsien
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line; ADSL



see styles
bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán
    bing1 dong4 san1 chi3 , fei1 yi1 ri4 zhi1 han2
ping tung san ch`ih , fei i jih chih han
    ping tung san chih , fei i jih chih han
three feet of ice does not form in a single day (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day



see styles
tóng pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu yì pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu
    tong2 pin3 you3 fei1 you3 yi4 pin3 you3 fei1 you3
t`ung p`in yu fei yu i p`in yu fei yu
    tung pin yu fei yu i pin yu fei yu
 dōhon u hiu ihon uhiu
both presence and absence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances



see styles
bù zi tài dà , róng yì chě zhe dàn
    bu4 zi5 tai4 da4 , rong2 yi4 che3 zhe5 dan4
pu tzu t`ai ta , jung i ch`e che tan
    pu tzu tai ta , jung i che che tan
if you take too big a stride, you could easily rip your balls (catchphrase) (line spoken by actor 葛優|葛优[Ge3 You1] in the 2010 action comedy movie 讓子彈飛|让子弹飞[Rang4 Zi3 dan4 Fei1]); (fig.) take things one step at a time



see styles
wú shì xiàn yīn qín , fēi jiān jí dào
    wu2 shi4 xian4 yin1 qin2 , fei1 jian1 ji2 dao4
wu shih hsien yin ch`in , fei chien chi tao
    wu shih hsien yin chin , fei chien chi tao
one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions (idiom)



see styles
pú tí dá mó nán zōng dìng shì fēi lùn
    pu2 ti2 da2 mo2 nan2 zong1 ding4 shi4 fei1 lun4
p`u t`i ta mo nan tsung ting shih fei lun
    pu ti ta mo nan tsung ting shih fei lun
 Bodaidatsuma nanshū jō zehi ron
Putidamo nanzong ding shifei lun

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Fei" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary