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There are 3832 total results for your food search. I have created 39 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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 yuzugoshou / yuzugosho
    yuzukoshou / yuzukosho
(food term) condiment paste made from yuzu zest and chili peppers (chile)


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 yuugayaki / yugayaki
(suffix) (food term) citrus-grilled


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{food} (See 泥鰌・1) loach stew; loaches boiled in soy sauce with stewed eggs and slivered burdock root


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(food term) Kyoto-style chopped vegetables pickled in salt with red shiso leaves


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 eiyouka / eyoka
nutritional value; food value


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 eiyoubutsu / eyobutsu
nutritious food; nourishing food; nutrition; nutrients


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 umesuishou / umesuisho
{food} strips of shark cartilage served with dried plum


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(food term) (kana only) noodles made in flat strips


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(ktb:) food cooked by boiling or stewing


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cì dì qǐ
    ci4 di4 qi3
tz`u ti ch`i
    tzu ti chi
 shidai kotsu
begging for food in order


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feel (consistency) of food while being chewed


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texture (e.g. chewiness, hardness, crispiness, crunchiness, etc.) of food


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leftovers (esp. food); remnants


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(food term) food (esp. chicken and vegetables) boiled in plain water (or sometimes dashi, etc.) and served with dipping sauce (esp. ponzu)


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(food term) food (esp. chicken and vegetables) boiled in plain water (or sometimes dashi, etc.) and served with dipping sauce (esp. ponzu)


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 minazuki; minatsuki
    みなづき; みなつき
(adv,n) (1) (obsolete) sixth month of the lunar calendar (approx. July); (adv,n) (2) June; sixth month of Gregorian calendar; (3) {food} triangles of sweet rice jelly topped with adzuki beans (eaten in the sixth month); (female given name) Minazuki



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shuǐ lù huì
    shui3 lu4 hui4
shui lu hui
 suiriku e
or (水陸齋) The festival of water and land, attributed to Wudi of the Liang dynasty consequent on a dream; it began with placing food in the water for water sprites, and on land for 鬼 ghosts; see 釋門正統 4.


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{food} (See 餃子・ギョーザ) boiled gyoza


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(food term) thinly-sliced salmon head cartilage and daikon seasoned with vinegar


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(food term) thinly-sliced salmon head cartilage and daikon seasoned with vinegar


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 chiikoojii; chiiguojii / chikooji; chiguoji
    チーコージー; チーグオジー
{food} steam pot chicken (Yunnan cuisine) (chi: qìguōjī)


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(1) (food term) small fish sliced open and pickled in a mixture of vinegar, sake, and salt; (2) (food term) seafood pickled in soy (esp. squid)


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(1) oil cake (fertilizer made of oily vegetable dregs); (2) (food term) deep-fried meat (esp. beef offal) resembling a pork rind


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oil deflector; shallow tray with rack for draining food after deep frying


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(noun/participle) fried food; frying food


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oil deflector; shallow tray with rack for draining food after deep frying


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 aburaage / aburage
(1) (food term) fried tofu; (n,vs,adj-no) (2) fried in oil; frying in oil


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 yuurinchii / yurinchi
{food} Chinese-style fried chicken topped with chopped scallions and sweet vinegar and soy sauce (chi: yóu lín jī)


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 chiryoushoku / chiryoshoku
therapeutic diet; therapeutic food


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fǎ tóng shè
    fa3 tong2 she4
fa t`ung she
    fa tung she
 hō dōsha
A communal religious abode, i. e. a monastery or convent where religion and food are provided for spiritual and temporal needs.


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fǎ xǐ shí
    fa3 xi3 shi2
fa hsi shih
 hōki jiki
The food of joy in the Law.


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 youshokuka / yoshokuka
Westernization of food; Westernization of dietary habits


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(rare) {food} (See 酢洗い) vinegar used to wash or season seafood


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 ryuudoushoku / ryudoshoku
liquid food (diet)


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liú shuǐ xí
    liu2 shui3 xi2
liu shui hsi
banquet where guests arrive at various times and are served with food as they arrive


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liú lǐ tái
    liu2 li3 tai2
liu li t`ai
    liu li tai
kitchen counter (generally including sink, food preparation area and gas range) (Tw)


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(food term) vinegared rice rolled in nori (laver)


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{food} seafood hot pot; seafood stew


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{food} (See 海鼠・こ) dried sea-cucumber ovaries


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niè pán shí
    nie4 pan2 shi2
nieh p`an shih
    nieh pan shih
 nehan jiki
Nirvāṇa food; the passions are faggots, wisdom is fire, the two prepare nirvāṇa as food.



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tiān jiā jì
    tian1 jia1 ji4
t`ien chia chi
    tien chia chi
additive; food additive


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{food} draining hot water (e.g. from noodles)


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(noun, transitive verb) (1) soaking (fabric) in lukewarm water (to soften and remove starch); desizing; moistening with steam; (noun, transitive verb) (2) blanching (food term); parboiling


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(noun/participle) (1) having enough of (food, drink, etc.); having one's fill; (2) fully enjoying


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 jiyoubutsu / jiyobutsu
nutritious food; nourishment


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 ruuroohan / ruroohan
(food term) minced pork rice (chi:); Taiwanese dish of pork stewed in soy, served on rice


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(food term) (kana only) strained bean paste; smooth anko; fine-grained sweet bean paste



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hàn bǎo wáng
    han4 bao3 wang2
han pao wang
Burger King (fast food restaurant)


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(food term) dish broiled in a mix of soy sauce, mirin, etc.; broiling with soy sauce, mirin, etc.


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woman who assists in food preparation


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stir-frying then boiling in liquid sauce; food that has been stir-fried and boiled in liquid sauce


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(See 揚げ物) stir-fry; fried food (cooked in wok, frying pan, etc.)


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(food term) fried rice


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(food term) (kana only) chop suey


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zhá wán zi
    zha2 wan2 zi5
cha wan tzu
croquettes; deep fried food balls


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(food term) yakifu; light, bread-like dish made from baked wheat gluten


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(1) earthenware; pottery; porcelain; china; (2) flame-broiled food (esp. fish); (3) tempered blade


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(1) (food term) yakiniku; Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue; (2) (food term) roasted meat; grill


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(food term) cooked salmon


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(food term) yakifu; light, bread-like dish made from baked wheat gluten


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(irregular okurigana usage) (food term) yakisoba; fried noodles, usu. with with vegetables and meat


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(food term) yakisoba; fried noodles, usu. with with vegetables and meat


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(food term) pan-fried gyoza


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(food term) dish of vegetables, konnyaku, etc. simmered in soy sauce and water until the liquid is almost gone


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(food term) egg boiled, peeled, and steeped in soy sauce marinade



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rè hū hū
    re4 hu1 hu1
je hu hu
warm; (of food) piping hot; (fig.) roused to warm feelings


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(food term) (abbreviation) warm soba noodles (esp. for dipping, either served after being boiled, or cooled and then rewarmed)


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(1) swallow's nest; (2) (food term) swift's nest (used to make bird's nest soup)


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 gyuusuji / gyusuji
(food term) beef sinew; beef tendon


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 gyuusune / gyusune
(food term) beef shin; beef shank; gravy beef


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 gyuubara / gyubara
{food} boneless beef rib; boned beef rib


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(food term) boar meat hot pot; boar stew


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{food} rice cooked together with oyster meat, etc.


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 mossoumeshi / mossomeshi
single serving of rice (esp. as prison food)


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(1) (food term) rolled egg; rolled omelette (omelet); (2) frying pan for making rolled eggs


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kē dàn ní
    ke1 dan4 ni2
k`o tan ni
    ko tan ni
佉陀 (or 佉闍尼) khādanīya, food that can be masticated, or eaten.


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 kohakutou / kohakuto
{food} amber sweets; confection of brightly colored sweetened, melted agar-agar


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{food} kawara soba (soba dish served on top of a roof tile)


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sweets; sweet food



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gān nà dòu
    gan1 na4 dou4
kan na tou
 amanattou / amanatto
amanattō, traditional Japanese sweets made from azuki or other beans
{food} sugared red beans



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tián wèi jì
    tian2 wei4 ji4
t`ien wei chi
    tien wei chi
sweetener (food additive)


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kitchen waste; food scraps; raw garbage


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raw food; perishables


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(food term) fresh spring roll (i.e. not fried); summer roll; Vietnamese salad roll



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shēng wù liàn
    sheng1 wu4 lian4
sheng wu lien
food chain


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 shougazu / shogazu
(food term) vinegar mixed with ginger juice and soy sauce, etc.



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chǎn liáng qū
    chan3 liang2 qu1
ch`an liang ch`ü
    chan liang chü
food growing area


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 byouinshoku / byoinshoku
hospital food; hospital meals


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(food term) unflavored rice porridge; rice porridge made of only white rice and water


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internal organs such as intestines used as food


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 shiroshouyu / shiroshoyu
{food} white soy sauce; pale soy sauce made with more flour and less soy beans than regular soy sauce


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monk's allowed daily necessities (clothes, food, etc.)



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yú lán pén
    yu2 lan2 pen2
yü lan p`en
    yü lan pen
see 盂蘭盆會|盂兰盆会[Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4]
Bon festival (Buddhist ceremony held around July 15); Feast of Lanterns
(盂蘭); 鳥藍婆 (鳥藍婆拏) ullambana 盂蘭 may be another form of lambana or avalamba, "hanging down," "depending," "support"; it is intp. "to hang upside down", or "to be in suspense", referring to extreme suffering in purgatory; but there is a suggestion of the dependence of the dead on the living. By some 盆 is regarded as a Chinese word, not part of the transliteration, meaning a vessel filled with offerings of food. The term is applied to the festival of All Souls, held about the 15th of the 7th moon, when masses are read by Buddhist and Taoist priests and elaborate offerings made to the Buddhist Trinity for the purpose of releasing from purgatory the souls of those who have died on land or sea. The Ullambanapātra Sutra is attributed to Śākyamuni, of course incorrectly; it was first tr. into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, A.D. 266-313 or 317; the first masses are not reported until the time of Liang Wudi, A.D. 538; and were popularized by Amogha (A.D. 732) under the influence of the Yogācārya School. They are generally observed in China, but are unknown to Southern Buddhism. The "idea of intercession on the part of the priesthood for the benefit of" souls in hell "is utterly antagonistic to the explicit teaching of primitive Buddhism'" The origin of the custom is unknown, but it is foisted on to Śākyamuni, whose disciple Maudgalyāyana is represented as having been to purgatory to relieve his mother's sufferings. Śākyamuni told him that only the united efforts of the whole priesthood 十方衆會 could alleviate the pains of the suffering. The mere suggestion of an All Souls Day with a great national day for the monks is sufficient to account for the spread of the festival. Eitel says: "Engrafted upon the narrative ancestral worship, this ceremonial for feeding the ghost of deceased ancestors of seven generations obtained immense popularity and is now practised by everybody in China, by Taoists even and by Confucianists." All kinds of food offerings are made and paper garments, etc., burnt. The occasion, 7th moon, 15th day, is known as the盂蘭會 (or 盂蘭盆會 or 盂蘭齋 or 盂蘭盆齋) and the sutra as 盂蘭經 (or 盂蘭盆經).


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 mossou / mosso
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) cylindrical box used to measure rice; (2) shape for forming rice; (3) (abbreviation) single serving of rice (esp. as prison food)


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arrangement of food (on a dish); serving of (arranged) food


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assortment (of food); assorted dishes; combination platter


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(See 着色料) coloring agent; colorant; colourant; (food term) coloring; colouring


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 chakushokuryou / chakushokuryo
coloring agent; colorant; colourant; (food term) coloring; colouring


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(1) fat underbelly of a fish; (2) sand polishing; (3) sand finish (e.g. finishing a wall with sand mortar); (4) (food term) (colloquialism) chicken gizzard


see styles
(1) fat underbelly of a fish; (2) sand polishing; (3) sand finish (e.g. finishing a wall with sand mortar); (4) (food term) (colloquialism) chicken gizzard

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "food" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

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Japanese Chinese Dictionary