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(1) (See 仙人・1) hermit; wizard; (2) (See 仙術) wizardry; (personal name) Hisa
僊 ṛṣi, 哩始 an immortal. 仙人; 人仙 the genī, of whom there is a famous group of eight 八仙; an ascetic, a man of the hills, a hermit; the Buddha. The 楞嚴經 gives ten kinds of immortals, walkers on the earth, fliers, wanderers at will, into space, into the deva heavens, transforming themselves into any form, etc. The names of ten ṛṣis, who preceded Śākyamuni, the first being 闍提首那? Jatisena; there is also a list of sixty-eight 大仙 given in the 大孔雀咒經下 A classification of five is 天仙 deva genī, 神仙 spirit genī, 人仙 human genī, 地仙 earth, or cavern genī, and 鬼仙 ghost genī.

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Power / Strength
power; force; strength; ability; strenuously
(suffix) strength; power; proficiency; ability; (given name) Riki
bala; power, strength, of which there are several categories: 二力 power of choice and of practice; 三力 the power of Buddha; of meditation (samādhi) and of practice. 五力 pañcabala, the five powers of faith, zeal, memory (or remembering), meditation, and wisdom. 六力 A child's power is in crying; a woman's in resentment; a king's in domineering; an arhat's in zeal (or progress); a Buddha's in mercy; and a bhikṣu's in endurance (of despite) . 十力 q.v. The ten powers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

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day; sky; heaven
(1) sky; (2) {Christn} heaven; (3) God; (4) {Buddh} svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth); (5) {Buddh} deva (divine being of Buddhism); (6) top (of a book); (7) sole (of a Japanese sandal); (8) beginning; start; (9) (abbreviation) (See 天ぷら) tempura; (10) (abbreviation) (obsolete) (See 天竺・1) India; (given name) Hiroshi
Heaven; the sky; a day; cf. dyo, dyaus also as 提婆 a deva, or divine being, deity; and as 素羅 sura, shining, bright.

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(bound form) to have to do with; to concern oneself with; one of the ten heavenly stems 天干[tian gan1]; (archaic) shield
(irregular okurigana usage) (n,n-pref) drying; dried; (male given name) Motomu
A shield; a stem, or pole; to offend; to concern; to seek.

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Patience / Perseverance
to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself
(archaism) endurance; forbearance; patience; self-restraint; (given name) Nin
kṣānti, 羼提 (or 羼底); patience, endurance, (a) in adverse circumstances, (b) in the religious state. There are groups of two, three, four, five, six, ten, and fourteen, indicating various forms of patience, equanimity, repression, forbearance, endurance, constancy, or "perseverance of the saints," both in mundane and spiritual things.

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Fight / Beat Someone
dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4]; decaliter; peck; cup or dipper shaped object; old variant of 陡[dou3]
kanji radical 68 at right; (given name) Hakaru
A bushel, i. e. ten Chinese pints.

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(of taste) hot or pungent; hard; laborious; suffering; eighth in order; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; letter "H" or Roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 285°; octa
(counter) (colloquialism) counter for spiciness of food (e.g. curry); (surname) Shinkou


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wǔ jiè
    wu3 jie4
wu chieh

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Five Precepts
{Buddh} the five precepts (prohibitions against killing, theft, sexual misconduct, lying, and intoxication)
pañca-veramaṇī; the first five of the ten commandments, against killing, stealing, adultery, lying, and intoxicating liquors. 不殺生; 不偸盜; 不邪婬; 不妄語; 不飮酒 They are binding on laity, male and female, as well as on monks and nuns. The observance of these five ensures rebirth in the human realm. Each command has five spirits to guard its observer 五戒二十五神.


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shí jiè
    shi2 jie4
shih chieh

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Ten Commandments
the ten commandments (religion)
(1) (Buddhist term) the 10 precepts; (2) Ten Commandments; Decalogue; Decalog; (surname) Jukkai
Śikṣāpada. The ten prohibitions (in Pāli form) consist of five commandments for the layman: (1) not to destroy life 不殺生 pāṇātipātāveramaṇi; (2) not to steal 不倫盜 adinnādānāver; (3) not to commit adultery 不婬慾 abrahmacaryaver.; (4) not to lie 不妄語musāvādāver.; (5) not to take intoxicating liquor 不飮酒 suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver. Eight special commandments for laymen consist of the preceding five plus: (6) not to eat food out of regulated hours 不非時食 vikāla-bhojanāver.; (7) not to use garlands or perfumes 不著華鬘好香塗身 mālā- gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūṣanaṭṭhānā; (8) not to sleep on high or broad beds (chastity) 不坐高廣大牀 uccāsayanā-mahāsayanā. The ten commandments for the monk are the preceding eight plus: (9) not to take part in singing, dancing, musical or theatrical performances, not to see or listen to such 不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanāver.; (10) to refrain from acquiring uncoined or coined gold, or silver, or jewels 不得捉錢金銀寶物 jātarūpa-rajata-paṭīggahaṇāver. Under the Māhayāna these ten commands for the monk were changed, to accord with the new environment of the monk, to the following: not to kill, not to steal, to avoid all unchastity, not to lie, not to slander, not to insult, not to chatter, not to covet, not to give way to anger, to harbour no scepticism.


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shí fǎ
    shi2 fa3
shih fa

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Ten perfect Mahayana rules
The ten 成就 perfect or perfecting Mahāyāna rules; i.e. in (1) right belief; (2) conduct; (3) spirit; (4) the joy of the bodhi mind; (5) joy in the dharma; (6) joy in meditation in it; (7) pursuing the correct dharma; (8) obedience to, or accordance with it; (9) departing from pride, etc.; (10) comprehending the inner teaching of Buddha and taking no pleasure in that of the śrāvaka and pratyeka-buddha order.


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hé shí
    he2 shi2
ho shih

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Namaste - Greeting
to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)
合爪; 合掌 To bring the ten fingers or two palms together; a monk's salutation.



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dà shī
    da4 shi1
ta shih

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Grand Master / Great Teacher
great master; master
(honorific or respectful language) {Buddh} great teacher (i.e. a buddha, bodhisattva or high monk, esp. Kobo Daishi); (place-name) Daishi
Great teacher, or leader, one of the ten titles of a Buddha.


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 tenyuu / tenyu

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Divine Grace
divine aid; divine grace; providential help; (personal name) Ten'yū



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rì lián
    ri4 lian2
jih lien

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(given name) Nichiren; (person) Nichiren (Buddhist priest, 1222-82, founder of the Nichiren sect)
Nichiren, the Japanese founder, in A. D. 1252, of the 日蓮宗 Nichiren sect, which is also known as the 法華宗 or Lotus sect. Its chief tenets are the three great mysteries 三大祕法, representing the trikāya: (1) 本尊 or chief object of worship, being the great maṇḍala of the worlds of the ten directions, or universe, i. e. the body or nirmāṇakāya of Buddha; (2) 題目 the title of the Lotus Sutra 妙法蓮華經 Myo-ho-ren-gwe-kyo, preceded by Namo, or, 'Adoration to the scripture of the lotus of the wonderful law, ' for it is Buddha's spiritual body; (3) 戒壇 the altar of the law, which is also the title of the Lotus as above; the believer, wherever he is, dwells in the Pure-land of calm light 寂光淨土, the saṃbhogakāya.



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wú jìn
    wu2 jin4
wu chin

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Endless / Without Limit
endless; inexhaustible
(given name) Mujin
Inexhaustible, without limit. It is a term applied by the 權教 to the noumenal or absolute; by the 實教 to the phenomenal, both being considered as infinite. The Huayan sūtra 十地品 has ten limitless things, the infinitude of living beings, of worlds, of space, of the dharmadhātu, of nirvāṇa, etc.


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tiān lì shì
    tian1 li4 shi4
t`ien li shih
    tien li shih
 ten rikishi

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Warrior of Heaven
heavenly warrior



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qiān chā wàn bié
    qian1 cha1 wan4 bie2
ch`ien ch`a wan pieh
    chien cha wan pieh
 sensha manbetsu

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(idiom) extremely diverse; to vary greatly
a thousand differences and ten thousand distinctions



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péng chéng wàn lǐ
    peng2 cheng2 wan4 li3
p`eng ch`eng wan li
    peng cheng wan li

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A Bright Future
the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles (idiom); one's future prospects are brilliant

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measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m); to measure; husband; polite appellation for an older male
(particle) (1) (kana only) only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone; (particle) (2) (kana only) as much as; to the extent of; enough to; (given name) Masuo
Ten feet; an elder; a wife's parents; a husband.

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 sousaku / sosaku
ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc); assorted; miscellaneous
(1) (See 十・1) 10; ten; (2) (archaism) book containing a collection of poems; (personal name) Sousaku
A file of ten; sundry, what.

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 shii / shi
ten; 10
(numeric) ten (chi: shí); (personal name) Yokotate

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to pick up; to collate or arrange; ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
(numeric) ten; (place-name) Jitsu
To gather, pick up, arrange; ten.

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ten days; ten years; full period
(1) ten-day period (in a month); (2) ten-year period (in one's age); decade; (male given name) Hitoshi
A decade, a period of ten days.

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 ki; mizunoto
    き; みずのと
tenth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; tenth in order; letter "J" or Roman "X" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 15°; deca
10th in rank; tenth sign of the Chinese calendar

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sable or marten (genus Martes)
(1) (kana only) Japanese marten (Martes melampus); (2) marten (any arboreal weasel-like mammal of genus Martes)


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shí bèi
    shi2 bei4
shih pei
 juubai / jubai
tenfold; ten times (something)
ten times; tenfold; (surname) Tobe


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shí fēn
    shi2 fen1
shih fen
    juubun / jubun
very; completely; utterly; extremely; absolutely; hundred percent; to divide into ten equal parts
(adjectival noun) (1) plenty; enough; sufficient; satisfactory; adequate; (noun/participle) (2) division into ten; (adverb) (3) perfectly; thoroughly; fully; in full; 10 minutes



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shí jiè
    shi2 jie4
shih chieh
ten commandments
Ten Commandments; Decalogue; Decalog
idem 十戒.


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xún rì
    xun2 ri4
hsün jih
(literary) ten days; short period
ten-day period
ten days


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yī mù shí háng
    yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2
i mu shih hang
 ichimokujuugyou / ichimokujugyo
ten lines at a glance (idiom); to read very rapidly
(yoji) outstanding reading ability; one glance, ten lines


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(Internet slang) ten thousand (abbr. for 萬|万[wan4])

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 hei(p); hinoe / he(p); hinoe
    へい(P); ひのえ
third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; third in order; letter "C" or Roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 165°; propyl
(1) (へい only) (See 甲乙丙丁) third rank; third class; third person (in a contract, etc.); (2) (esp. ひのえ) third sign of the Chinese calendar; (personal name) Minezaki
Fire, heat, south; the third of the ten stems.

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 kyou(p); kei / kyo(p); ke
    きょう(P); けい
capital city of a country; big; algebraic term for a large number (old); artificial mound (old)
(1) (きょう only) imperial capital (esp. Kyoto); (2) (きょう only) (See 伊呂波歌) final word of an iroha poem; (numeric) (3) (usu. けい) 10^16; 10,000,000,000,000,000; ten quadrillion; (surname, female given name) Miyako

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 tsukuda(p); ten
    つくだ(P); てん
to cultivate; to hunt
cultivated rice field; (surname) Den

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(bound form) hero; heroic; outstanding person; prominent; distinguished
(counter) the top (e.g. top ten); the best; (given name) Masaru

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canon; law; standard work of scholarship; literary quotation or allusion; ceremony; to be in charge of; to mortgage or pawn
(1) ceremony; celebration; (2) law code; (3) (abbreviation) (See 瑞典・スウェーデン) Sweden; (female given name) Michi
Canon, rule; allusion; to take charge of; mortgage.

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inner rooms of palace; ten billions

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to cut; to cut apart
(n,n-suf) (1) rate; ratio; proportion; percentage; (2) profit; (3) assignment; (4) 10%; unit of ten percent; (5) (sumo) match; schedule of matches; (suffix noun) (6) diluted with (of drinks); mixed with; (place-name) Wari
To cut, gash, sever.

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swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
swastika (esp. a counterclockwise swastika as a Buddhist symbol); fylfot; gammadion; (given name) Manji
sauvastika, 塞縛悉底迦; also styled 室利靺瑳 śrīvatsa, lucky sign, Viṣṇu's breast-curl or mark, tr. by 海雲 sea-cloud, or cirrhus. Used as a fancy form of 萬 or 萬; and is also written in a form said to resemble a curl. It is the 4th of the auspicious signs in the footprint of Buddha, and is a mystic diagram of great antiquity. To be distinguished from 卐svastika, the crampons of which turn to the right.

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Japanese variant of 吳|吴[Wu2]
(1) Wu (region in China, south of the lower Yangtze); (2) (hist) Wu (kingdom in China during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era; 902-937 CE); Southern Wu; (3) (hist) (See 三国・2) Wu (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era; 222-280 CE); Eastern Wu; Sun Wu; (4) (hist) Wu (kingdom in China during the Spring and Autumn era; 11th century-473 BCE); (surname) Gou

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to sing (of birds or insects); to warble; to chirp; to twitter
Translit. vā.

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cause; reason; because
(1) cause; factor; (2) {Buddh} (See 縁・えん・5) hetu (direct cause, esp. as opposed to indirect conditions); (3) (See 因明) the basis of one's argument (in hetuvidya); (personal name) Yukari
hetu: a cause: because: a reason: to follow, it follows, that which produces a 果 result or effect. 因 is a primary cause in comparison with 緣 pratyaya which is an environmental or secondary cause. In the 十因十果 ten causes and ten effects, adultery results in the iron bed, the copper pillar, and the eight hot hells; covetousness in the cold hells; and so on, as shown in the 楞嚴經. Translit. in, yin. Cf. 印.

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 jou / jo
city walls; city; town; CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4]
(suffix) (1) castle (in place names); (2) (rare) (See 城・しろ) castle; fortress; (personal name) Yakata
A city (or defensive) wall; a city, a walled and moat and all they contain.; See under Ten Strokes.

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 jin; mizunoe
    じん; みずのえ
ninth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; ninth in order; letter "I" or Roman "IX" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 345°; nona
9th in rank; ninth sign of the Chinese calendar; (surname) Mibu

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to fix; to settle; a libation to the dead
To settle, offer, condole.

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Ten millions, tr. of ayuta 阿由他, nayuta, 那由他; but another account says 100 millions.

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 sou / so
school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; clan; to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work); classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs
(1) (rare) origin; source; (2) (rare) virtuous ancestor; (given name) Motoi
Ancestors, ancestral; clan; class, category. kind; school, sect; siddhānta, summary, main doctrine, syllogism, proposition, conclusion, realization. Sects are of two kinds: (1) those founded on principles having historic continuity, as the twenty sects of the Hīnayāna, the thirteen sects of China, and the fourteen sects of Japan: (2) those arising from an individual interpretation of the general teaching of Buddhism, as the sub-sects founded by Yongming 永明 (d. 975), 法相宗, 法性宗, 破相宗, or those based on a peculiar interpretation of one of the recognized sects, as the Jōdo-shinshū 淨土眞宗 found by Shinran-shōnin. There are also divisions of five, six, and ten, which have reference to specific doctrinal differences. Cf. 宗派.

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to spread out; to open up; to exhibit; to put into effect; to postpone; to prolong; exhibition
(suffix) (abbreviation) (See 展示) exhibition; exhibit; (personal name) Hiromu
To extend, expand, stretch.

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 ki; tsuchinoto
    き; つちのと
self; oneself; sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; sixth in order; letter "F" or Roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; hexa
6th in rank; sixth sign of the Chinese calendar; (place-name) Ki
Self, personal, own.

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year; CL:個|个[ge4]
(1) (See 年に一度) year; (counter) (2) counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); (3) (abbreviation) (See 年季・1) period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years); (given name) Minoru
A year, years.

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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) phantom; vision; illusion; apparition; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) something fleeting; short-lived dream; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) fabled item; mythical thing; very rare thing; (surname) Maboroshi
māyā. Illusion, hallucination, a conjurer's trick, jugglery, i. e. one of the ten illustrations of unreality.

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inn; old-style hotel (CL:家[jia1]); (bound form) shop; store
(suffix noun) store; shop; restaurant; (surname) Mise

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 kanoe; kou / kanoe; ko
    かのえ; こう
age; seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; seventh in order; letter "G" or Roman "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 255°; hepta
7th in rank; seventh sign of the Chinese calendar; (surname, given name) Kō
Age; change; west; to reward; the seventh of the ten celestial stems.

see styles
quiet; calm; tranquil; peaceful
(adj-t,adv-to) (obsolete) (See 恬として) cool; indifferent; nonchalant; calm; (given name) Yasushi

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 tsuchinoe; bo
    つちのえ; ぼ
fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; fifth in order; letter "E" or Roman "V" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; penta
5th in rank; fifth sign of the Chinese calendar; (place-name) Bo
wu, mou; nourishing; the fifth of the ten 'stems'.

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 kai; ingoto(ok)
    かい; いんごと(ok)
to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing something; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger)
(1) (かい only) {Buddh} admonition; commandment; (2) sila (precept)
śīla, 尸羅. Precept, command, prohibition, discipline, rule; morality. It is applied to the five, eight, ten, 250, and other commandments. The five are: (1) not to kill; (2 ) not to steal; (3) not to commit adultery; (4) not to speak falsely; (5) not to drink wine. These are the commands for lay disciples; those who observe them will be reborn in the human realm. The Sarvāstivādins did not sanction the observance of a limited selection from them as did the 成實宗 Satyasiddhi school. Each of the five precepts has five guardian spirits, in all twenty-five, 五戒二十五神. The eight for lay disciples are the above five together with Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of the following; the ten commands for the ordained, monks and nuns, are the above five with the following: (6) not to use adornments of flowers, nor perfumes; (7) not to perform as an actor, juggler, acrobat, or go to watch and hear them; (8) not to sit on elevated, broad, and large divans (or beds); (9) not to eat except in regulation hours; (10) not to possess money, gold or silver, or precious things. The 具足戒full commands for a monk number 250, those for a nun are 348, commonly called 500. Śīla is also the first of the 五分法身, i.e. a condition above all moral error. The Sutra of Brahma's Net has the following after the first five: (6) not to speak of the sins of those in orders; (7) not to vaunt self and depreciate others; (8) not to be avaricious; (9) not to be angry; (10) not to slander the triratna.

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ancient measuring vessel; fifty liters; dry measure for grain equal to five dou 五斗 (before Tang, ten pecks)
(1) measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.); (2) measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters); (personal name) Teruo
droṇa, a tub, or wooden vessel; a measure of capacity. A square wooden vessel, a bushel, a picul.

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former times; the past; Taiwan pr. [xi2]
(n,adj-no,adv) (1) the old days; the past; former times; a long time ago; (2) (used as a unit of time) (See ふた昔) the past ten years; the past decade; (surname) Seki
Of old, formerly.

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firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person)
brushwood; firewood; (surname) Murasaki
Fuel, firewood, brushwood.; See under Ten Strokes.

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beam; rafter; classifier for rooms

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to exterminate
to negate

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to add; to increase; to replenish
(given name) Ten
Add, additional, increase.

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(1) dot; spot; point; speck; mark; (2) mark (in an exam, etc.); grade; score; points; (3) point (in a game); score; goal; run; (4) {geom} point; (5) point; aspect; matter; detail; part; respect; way; viewpoint; (6) (punctuation) mark (e.g. comma, period, decimal point); dot; (7) "dot" stroke (in a Chinese character); (counter) (8) counter for points, marks, goals, etc.; (counter) (9) counter for goods, items, articles of clothing, works of art, etc.; (female given name) Tomoru

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 kou / ko
first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; (used for an unspecified person or thing); first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc); letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; armor plating; shell or carapace; (of the fingers or toes) nail; bladed leather or metal armor (old); ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old); civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old); ancient Chinese compass point: 75°
(1) carapace; shell; (2) 1st in rank; grade A; (3) instep; back of hand; (4) {law} (See 乙・おつ・1) the A party (e.g. in a contract); the first party; plaintiff (label in legal documents); (surname) Yoroi
Scale, mail; the first of the ten 'celestial stems '.

see styles
 jou / jo
Japanese variant of 穰[rang2]
(numeric) 10^28; ten octillion; (given name) Yutaka

see styles
seal (of office); seal script (a calligraphic style); the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆; writing in seal script
(See 篆書) seal-engraving style (of writing Chinese characters); seal script

see styles

fine silk; Kangxi radical 120
(1) thread; (numeric) (2) 0.0001; one ten-thousandth; (surname) Itoyanagi

see styles
Japanese variant of 纖|纤
(1) (abbreviation) (See 繊蘿蔔) daikon julienne; julienned daikon; (numeric) (2) one ten-millionth

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bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly
(1) pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship; (2) {Buddh} (See 八苦) duhkha (suffering)
duḥkha, 豆佉 bitterness; unhappiness, suffering, pain, distress, misery; difficulty. There are lists of two, three, four, five, eight, and ten categories; the two are internal, i. e. physical and mental, and external, i. e. attacks from without. The four are birth, growing old, illness, and death. The eight are these four along with the pain of parting from the loved, of meeting with the hated, of failure in one's aims, and that caused by the five skandhas; cf. 四諦.

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 wan; man
    ワン; マン
ten thousand; a great number
(counter) {mahj} counter for character tiles; (surname) Yorozu
Myriad, 10,000; all.

see styles

to dress; to wear; to put on (clothes)
(1) clothes; garment; (2) gown; robe; (3) coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing); (female given name) Matoi
Clothes, especially a monk's robes which are of two kinds, the compulsory three garments of five, seven, or nine pieces; and the permissive clothing for the manual work of the monastery, etc. The 三衣 or three garments are (1) 安陀會衣 antarvāsas, an inner garment; the five-piece 袈裟 cassock; (2) 鬱多羅僧衣 uttarāsaṇga, outer garment, the seven-piece cassock; (3) 僧伽梨衣 saṁghāti, assembly cassock of from nine to twenty-five pieces. The permissive clothing is of ten kinds.

see styles
variant of 帙[zhi4]; variant of 秩[zhi4]; (classifier) ten years

see styles
to appear; also written 現|现[xian4]
(n-suf,n) (1) looking; viewing; (expression) (2) (colloquialism) (kana only) (after the -te form of a verb; irreg. imperative conj. of 見る) (See 見る・5) (please) try (to); (female given name) Miru
darśana, 捺喇捨曩; also dṛṣṭi; seeing, discerning, judgment, views, opinions; it is thinking, reasoning, discriminating, selecting truth, including the whole process of deducing conclusions from premises. It is commonly used in the sense of wrong or heterodox views or theories, i. e. 邪見 or 有見, especially such as viewing the seeming as real and the ego as real. There are groups of two, four, five, seven, ten and sixty-two kinds of 見.

see styles
to flatter; to cajole
To flatter, fawn, cajole, sycophancy.

see styles
Japanese variant of 轉|转
(1) {ling} change in pronunciation or meaning of a word; sound change; word with an altered pronunciation or meaning; (2) (abbreviation) (See 転句・てんく) turning or twisting part of a text (in Chinese poetry); (surname) Ten

see styles
 tsuu / tsu
classifier for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)
(n,n-suf,adj-na) (1) authority; expert; connoisseur; well-informed person; (counter) (2) counter for messages, letters, notes, documents, etc.; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) understanding (esp. of male-female relations); tact; insight; (4) supernatural powers; magical powers; (given name) Michiaki
Permeate, pass through, pervade; perceive, know thoroughly; communicate; current; free, without hindrance, unimpeded universal; e.g. 神通 supernatural, ubiquitous powers. There are categories of 五通, 六通, and 十通, all referring to supernatural powers; the five are (1) knowledge of the supernatural world; (2) deva vision; (3) deva hearing; (4) knowledge of the minds of all others; (5) knowledge of all the transmigrations of self and all others. The six are the above together with perfect wisdom for ending moral hindrance and delusion. The ten are knowing all previous transmigrations, having deva hearing, knowing the minds of others, having deva vision, showing deva powers, manifesting many bodies or forms, being anywhere instantly, power of bringing glory to one's domain, manifesting a body of transformation, and power to end evil and transmigration.

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variant of 顛|颠[dian1]
Overturn, upset, upside down; the forehead, top.

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point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1]; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items
To dot, touch, punctuate, light, nod; the stroke of a clock; to check off; a speck, dot, drop, etc.


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10,000; ten thousand; (personal name) Kazuma


see styles
ten percent


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ten days


see styles
ages; long time; decade; the past ten years


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qī zhī
    qi1 zhi1
ch`i chih
    chi chih
The seven (spreading) branches—three sins of the body and four of speech, 身三 killing, robbing, adultery; 口四 lying, slander, abuse, double-tongue (or vain conversation). These are the first seven of the ten evils 十惡.


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ten-thousand yen note


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(1) ten thousand years; (2) eternity; (place-name, surname) Mannen


see styles
immense sum (of money); ten thousand yen; (surname) Mangane


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 jouyo / joyo
over ten feet


see styles
sān shì
    san1 shi4
san shih
 sanze; miyo(ok)
    さんぜ; みよ(ok)
the Third (of numbered kings)
(1) {Buddh} three temporal states of existence; past, present and future; (2) (さんぜ only) three generations; (female given name) Miyo
The three periods, 過去, 現在, 未來or 過, 現, 未, past, present, and future. The universe is described as eternally in motion, like flowing stream. Also 未生, 巳生,後滅, or 未, 現, 過 unborn, born, dead The 華嚴經 Hua-yen sūtra has a division of ten kinds of past, present, and future i.e. the past spoken of as past, present, and future, the present spoken of in like manner, the future also, with the addition of the present as the three periods in one instant. Also 三際.


see styles
sān jiè
    san1 jie4
san chieh
(1) (from the Analects of Confucius) three lifetime commandments (youth's femininity, middle-aged struggle, old-age gain); (2) {Buddh} three categories of precepts (lay, ordination, moral)
The three sets of commandments, i.e. the ten for the ordained who have left home, the eight for the devout at home, and the five for the ordinary laity.


see styles
sān fú
    san1 fu2
san fu
(place-name, surname) Mifuku
The three (sources of) felicity: (1) The 無量壽經 has the felicity of (a) 世福 filial piety, regard for elders, keeping the ten commandments; (b) 戒福 of keeping the other commandments; (c) 行福 of resolve on complete bodhi and the pursuit of the Buddha-way. (2) The 倶舍論 18, has the blessedness of (a) 施類福 almsgiving, in evoking resultant wealth; (b) 戒類福 observance of the 性戒 (against killing, stealing, adultery, lying) and the 遮戒 (against alcohol, etc.), in obtaining a happy lot in the heavens; (c) 修類福 observance of meditation in obtaining final escape from the mortal round. Cf. 三種淨業.


see styles
sān xíng
    san1 xing2
san hsing
(g,p) Miyuki
Three lines of action that affect karma, i.e. the ten good deeds that cause happy karma; the ten evil deeds that cause unhappy karma; 不動業 or 無動行 karma arising without activity, e.g. meditation on error and its remedy.


see styles
shàng zuò
    shang4 zuo4
shang tso
 kamiza; jouza / kamiza; joza
    かみざ; じょうざ
seat of honor
(n,vs,adj-no) chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; (place-name) Jōza
Sthavira; or Mahāsthavira. Old man, or elder; head monk, president, or abbot; the first Buddhist fathers; a title of Mahākāśyapa; also of monks of twenty to forty-nine years standing, as 中座 are from ten to nineteen and 下座 under ten. The 釋氏要覽 divides presiding elders into four classes, those presiding over monasteries, over assemblies of monks, over sects, and laymen presiding over feasts to monks.


see styles
shàng xún
    shang4 xun2
shang hsün
 joujun / jojun
first third of a month
(See 中旬,下旬) first third of a month; first ten days of a month


see styles
shàng huàn
    shang4 huan4
shang huan
first ten days of a lunar month



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shàng wàn
    shang4 wan4
shang wan
over ten thousand; fig. untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands
(surname) Kamiman


see styles
xià huàn
    xia4 huan4
hsia huan
last ten days of the lunar month


see styles
 ryoute / ryote
(1) both hands; both arms; (2) (from the number of fingers on both hands; used as secret jargon) ten


see styles
zhōng xún
    zhong1 xun2
chung hsün
 chuujun / chujun
middle third of a month
(See 上旬,下旬) middle ten days of a month; 11th to 20th day of a month


see styles
Ten'ichijin; Nakagami; god of fortune in Onmyodo who descends to the northeast on the 46th day of the sexagenary cycle and completes a clockwise circuit, spending five days on each cardinal point and six days on each ordinal point, returning to heaven from the north on the 30th day of the next sexagenary cycle; travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky; (surname) Nakajin


see styles
(person) Kinoto Ten

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "ten" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary