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There are 254 total results for your liberation search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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mù shé
    mu4 she2
mu she

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Wood Snake



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bù dòng jiě tuō
    bu4 dong4 jie3 tuo1
pu tung chieh t`o
    pu tung chieh to
 fudō gedatsu

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Immovable Liberation
liberation from being disturbed (by the illusions of life).


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jiě fàng
    jie3 fang4
chieh fang
 kaihou / kaiho
to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4]
(noun, transitive verb) (1) release; unleashing; liberation; emancipation; setting free; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} deallocation (of computer memory)
to be free from



see styles
jiě fàng yùn dòng
    jie3 fang4 yun4 dong4
chieh fang yün tung
 kaihouundou / kaihoundo
liberation movement
liberation movement; emancipation movement



see styles
rén mín jiě fàng jun
    ren2 min2 jie3 fang4 jun1
jen min chieh fang chün
 jinminkaihougun / jinminkaihogun
People's Liberation Army
People's Liberation Army

see styles
to estimate; Taiwan pr. [duo4]
(n,n-suf) (1) degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.); (counter) (2) counter for occurrences; (n,n-suf) (3) strength (of glasses); glasses prescription; (n,n-suf) (4) alcohol content (percentage); alcohol by volume; (5) (See 度を過ごす) extent; degree; limit; (6) (See 度を失う) presence of mind; composure; (given name) Wataru
pāramitā, 波羅蜜; intp. by 渡 to ferry over; to save. The mortal life of reincarnations is the sea; nirvana is the other shore; v. pāramitā, 波. Also, to leave the world as a monk or nun, such is a 度得 or 度者.

see styles
acrobatic display (esp. on horseback) (old); variant of 懈[xie4] and 邂[xie4] (old)
(1) {math} solution (of an equation, inequality, etc.); root (e.g. of a polynomial); (2) solution (to a given problem); answer; (3) explanation; interpretation; (surname) Shie
To unloose, let go, release, untie, disentangle, explain, expound; intp. by mokṣa, mukti, vimokṣa, vimukti, cf. 解脫.


see styles
yī jiě
    yi1 jie3
i chieh
one (kind of) liberation


see styles
sān shēng
    san1 sheng1
san sheng
(surname, given name) Mitsuo
The three births, or reincarnations, past, present, future. Tiantai has (a) 種 planting the seed; (b) 熟 ripening; (c) 脫 liberating, stripping, or harvesting, i.e. beginning, development, and reward of bodhi, a process either gradual or instantaneous. Huayan has (a) 見聞生 a past life of seeing and hearing Buddha-truth; (b) 解行生 liberation in the present life; (c) 證入生 realization of life in Buddhahood. This is also called 三生成佛, Buddhahood in the course of three lives. There is also a definition of three rebirths as the shortest term for arhatship, sixty kalpas being the longest. There are other definitions.



see styles
sān tuō
    san1 tuo1
san t`o
    san to
the three (gates of) liberation



see styles
sān dá
    san1 da2
san ta
(surname) Mitatsu
Three aspects of the omniscience of Buddha: knowledge of future karma, of past karma, of present illusion and liberation; v. 三明.


see styles
shì dù
    shi4 du4
shih tu
Salvation by observing the five commandments, the ten good deeds, etc.



see styles
èr tuō
    er4 tuo1
erh t`o
    erh to
two kinds of liberation


see styles
sēng qiā
    seng1 qia1
seng ch`ia
    seng chia
saṅkhyā, 僧企耶; intp. 數 number, reckon, calculate; Saṅkhyā, 'one of the great divisions of Hindu philosophy ascribed to the sage Kapila, and so called as 'reckoning up' or 'enumerating' twenty-five Tattvas or true principles, its object being to effect the final liberation of the twenty-fifth (Purusha, the Soul) from the fetters of the phenomenal creation by conveying the correct knowledge of the twenty-four other Tattvas, and rightly discriminating the soul from them.' M.W. Cf. 迦 and 數.



see styles
guāng fù
    guang1 fu4
kuang fu
 koufuku / kofuku
to recover (territory or power); the liberation of Taiwan from Japanese rule in 1945
restoration of independence (esp. Korea, China, etc.); (personal name) Kōfuku



see styles
nèi fán
    nei4 fan2
nei fan
The inner or higher ranks of ordinary disciples as contrasted with the 外凡 lower grades; those who are on the road to liberation; Hīnayāna begins the stage at the 四善根位 also styled 內凡位; Mahāyāna with the 三賢位 from the 十住 upwards. Tiantai from the 相似卽 of its 六卽 q. v.


see styles
bā jiě
    ba1 jie3
pa chieh
eight [aspects of ] liberation


see styles
shí lì
    shi2 li4
shih li
Daśabala. The ten powers of Buddha, giving complete knowledge of: (1) what is right or wrong in every condition; (2) what is the karma of every being, past, present, and future; (3) all stages of dhyāna liberation, and samādhi; (4) the powers and faculties of all beings; (5) the desires, or moral direction of every being; (6) the actual condition of every individual; (7) the direction and consequence of all laws; (8) all causes of mortality and of good and evil in their reality; (9) the end of all beings and nirvāṇa; (10) the destruction of all illusion of every kind. See the 智度論 25 and the 倶舍論 29.


see styles
qiǎo dù
    qiao3 du4
ch`iao tu
    chiao tu
skillful liberation


see styles
bā jiě
    ba1 jie3
pa chieh
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (abbr. for 巴勒斯坦解放組織|巴勒斯坦解放组织[Ba1le4si1tan3 Jie3fang4 Zu3zhi1])



see styles
dé tuō
    de2 tuo1
te t`o
    te to
To attain to deliverance (from the miseries of reincarnation).



see styles
xīn tuō
    xin1 tuo1
hsin t`o
    hsin to
liberation of the mind



see styles
rěn mén
    ren3 men2
jen men
the approach [to liberation] of patience


see styles
yì jiě
    yi4 jie3
i chieh
Intellectual explanation; liberation of the mind, or thought.



see styles
huì tuō
    hui4 tuo1
hui t`o
    hui to
wisdom liberation


see styles
zhuó dù
    zhuo2 du4
cho tu
A stupid, powerless salvation, that of Hīnayāna.


see styles
 houmen; houben / homen; hoben
    ほうめん; ほうべん
(noun, transitive verb) release (from custody); discharge; liberation; setting free; letting go; letting off; acquittal



see styles
míng tuō
    ming2 tuo1
ming t`o
    ming to
Enlightenment (from ignorance) and release (from desire).


see styles
mù dǐ
    mu4 di3
mu ti
 bokutei / bokute
(given name) Bokutei
mukti, 解脫 deliverance, liberation, emancipation; the same meaning is given to 目帝羅 mucira, which has more the sense of being free with (gifts), generosity.


see styles
mò qié
    mo4 qie2
mo ch`ieh
    mo chieh
mārga; track, path, way, the way; the fourth of the four dogmas 四諦, i. e. 道, known as the 八聖道, 八正道 (or 八正門), the eight holy or correct ways, or gates out of suffering into nirvana. Mārga is described as the 因 cause of liberation, bodhi as its 果 result.


see styles
zhū dé
    zhu1 de2
chu te
Zhu De (1886-1976), communist leader and founder of the People's Liberation Army



see styles
dōng tū
    dong1 tu1
tung t`u
    tung tu
East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), Chinese dissident group; abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织


see styles
niè pán
    nie4 pan2
nieh p`an
    nieh pan
nirvana (Buddhism)
(1) {Buddh} nirvana; supreme enlightenment; (2) {Buddh} death; death of Buddha
nirvāṇa, 'blown out, gone out, put out, extinguished'; 'liberated-from existence'; 'dead, deceased, defunct.' 'Liberation, eternal bliss'; '(with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation, complete extinction of individual existence.' M.W. Other forms are 涅槃那; 泥日; 泥洹; 泥畔 Originally translated 滅 to extinguish, extinction, put out (as a lamp or fire), it was also described as 解脫 release, 寂滅 tranquil extinction; 無爲 inaction, without effort, passiveness; 不生 no (re)birth; 安樂 calm joy; 滅度transmigration to 'extinction'. The meaning given to 'extinction' varies, e.g. individual extinction; cessation of rebirth; annihilation of passion; extinction of all misery and entry into bliss. While the meaning of individual extinction is not without advocates, the general acceptation is the extinction or end of all return to reincarnation with its concomitant suffering, and the entry into bliss. Nirvāṇa may be enjoyed in the present life as an attainable state, with entry into parinirvāṇa, or perfect bliss to follow. It may be (a) with a 'remainder', i.e. the cause but not all the effect (karma), of reincarnation having been destroyed; (b) without 'remainder', both cause and effect having been extinguished. The answer of the Buddha as to the continued personal existence of the Tathāgata in nirvāṇa is, in the Hīnayāna canon, relegated 'to the sphere of the indeterminates' (Keith), as one of the questions which are not essential to salvation. One argument is that flame when blown out does not perish but returns to the totality of Fire. The Nirvāṇa Sutra claims for nirvāṇa the ancient ideas of 常樂我淨 permanence, bliss, personality purity in the transcendental realm. Mahāyāna declares that Hīnayāna by denying personality in the transcendental realm denies the existence of the Buddha. In Mahāyāna final nirvāṇa is transcendental, and is also used as a term for the absolute. The place where the Buddha entered his earthly nirvāṇa is given as Kuśinagara, cf. 拘.



see styles
wú tuō
    wu2 tuo1
wu t`o
    wu to
no liberation



see styles
jié jiě
    jie2 jie3
chieh chieh
(surname) Ketsuke
Bondage and release; release from bondage.



see styles
fú tuō
    fu2 tuo1
fu t`o
    fu to
Bonds and freedom, escape from entanglement.



see styles
fú jiě
    fu2 jie3
fu chieh
binding and liberation



see styles
néng tuō
    neng2 tuo1
neng t`o
    neng to



see styles
tuō dào
    tuo1 dao4
t`o tao
    to tao
path to liberation


see styles
mào zhē
    mao4 zhe1
mao che
moca, the plantain tree, musa sapientum, associated with the idea of liberation from the passions.


see styles
jiě wù
    jie3 wu4
chieh wu
to understand; to comprehend; to grasp the meaning
Release and awareness: the attaining of liberation through enlightenment.


see styles
jiě huò
    jie3 huo4
chieh huo
to dispel doubts; to clear up confusion
liberation and mental disturbance



see styles
jiě tuō
    jie3 tuo1
chieh t`o
    chieh to
to untie; to free; to absolve of; to get free of; to extirpate oneself; (Buddhism) to free oneself of worldly worries
mukti, 'loosing, release, deliverance, liberation, setting free,... emancipation.' M.W. mokṣa, 'emancipation, deliverance, freedom, liberation, escape, release.' M.W. Escape from bonds and the obtaining of freedom, freedom from transmigration, from karma, from illusion, from suffering; it denotes nirvāṇa and also the freedom obtained in dhyāna-meditation; it is one of the five characteristics of Buddha; v. 五分法身. It is also vimukti and vimokṣa, especially in the sense of final emancipation. There are several categories of two kinds of emancipation, also categories of three and eight. Cf. 毘; and 八解脫.; v. 解.


see styles
(n,vs,vi) {Buddh} liberation from earthly desires and the woes of man; deliverance of one's soul; moksha; mukti; vimukti; (personal name) Gedatsu



see styles
tòu tuō
    tou4 tuo1
t`ou t`o
    tou to


see styles
 toudatsu; choutotsu / todatsu; chototsu
    とうだつ; ちょうとつ
{Buddh} liberation; reaching enlightenment



see styles
biān bì
    bian1 bi4
pien pi
Border Region currency, issued by the Communist Border Region governments during the War against Japan and the War of Liberation


see styles
 shakuhou / shakuho
(noun, transitive verb) release; liberation; acquittal


see styles
 piieruoo / pieruoo
(o) Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)



see styles
yī jiě tuō
    yi1 jie3 tuo1
i chieh t`o
    i chieh to
 ichi gedatsu
one liberation


see styles
sān sān mèi
    san1 san1 mei4
san san mei
 san zanmai
(三三昧地) The three samādhis, or the samādhi on three subjects; 三三摩 (三三摩地); 三定, 三等持; 三空; 三治; 三解脫門; 三重三昧; 三重等持. There are two forms of such meditation, that of 有漏 reincarnational, or temporal, called 三三昧; and that of 無 漏 liberation, or nirvāṇa, called 三解脫. The three subjects and objects of the meditation are (1) 空 to empty the mind of the ideas of me and mine and suffering, which are unreal; (2) 無相to get rid of the idea of form, or externals, i.e. the 十相 which are the five senses, and male and female, and the three 有; (3) 無願 to get rid of all wish or desire, also termed無作 and 無起. A more advanced meditation is called the Double Three Samādhi 重三三昧 in which each term is doubled 空空, 無相無相, 無願無願. The esoteric sect has also a group of its own.



see styles
sān tuō mén
    san1 tuo1 men2
san t`o men
    san to men
 san datsumon
V. 三解脫 (三解脫門), but the former is only associated with無漏, or nirvāṇa.



see styles
èr jiě tuō
    er4 jie3 tuo1
erh chieh t`o
    erh chieh to
 ni gedatsu
Two kinds of deliverance, mukti or mokṣa: (1) (a) 有爲解脫 Active or earthly deliverance to arhatship; (b) 無爲解脫 nirvana-deliverance. (2) (a) 性淨解脫 The pure, original freedom or innocence; (b) 障盡解脫 deliverance acquired by the ending of all hindrances (to salvation). (3) (a) 慧解脫 The arhat's deliverance from hindrances to wisdom; (b) 具解脫 his complete deliverance in regard to both wisdom and vision 慧 and 定. (4) (a) 時解脫 The dull who take time or are slow in attaining to 定 vision; (b) 不時解脫 the quick or clever who take "no time". (5) (a) 心解脫 A heart or mind delivered from desires; (b) 慧解脫 a mind delivered from ignorance by wisdom.



see styles
jù jiě tuō
    ju4 jie3 tuo1
chü chieh t`o
    chü chieh to
 gu gedatsu
Complete release, i.e. the freedom of the arhat from moral and meditative hindrances.



see styles
bā jiě tuō
    ba1 jie3 tuo1
pa chieh t`o
    pa chieh to
 hachi gedatsu
aṣṭa-vimokṣa, mokṣa, vimukti, mukti. Liberation, deliverance, freedom, emancipation, escape, release―in eight forms; also 八背捨 and cf. 解脫 and 八勝處. The eight are stages of mental concentration: (1) 内有色想觀外色解脱 Liberation, when subjective desire arises, by examination of the object, or of all things and realization of their filthiness. (2) 内無色想觀外色解脫 Liberation, when no subjective desire arises, by still meditating as above. These two are deliverance by meditation on impurity, the next on purity. (3) 淨身作證具足住解脫 Liberation by concentration on the pure to the realization of a permanent state of freedom from all desire. The above three "correspond to the four Dhyānas". (Eitel.) (4) 空無邊處解脫 Liberation in realization of the infinity of space, or the immaterial. (5) 識無邊處解脫 Liberation in realization of infinite knowledge. (6) 無所有處解脫Liberation in realization of nothingness, or nowhereness. (7) 非想非非想處解脫 Liberation in the state of mind where there is neither thought nor absence of thought. These four arise out of abstract meditation in regard to desire and form, and are associated with the 四空天. (8) 滅受 想定解脫 Liberation by means of a state of mind in which there is final extinction, nirvāṇa, of both sensation, vedanā, and consciousness, saṁjñā.



see styles
chū lí dào
    chu1 li2 dao4
ch`u li tao
    chu li tao
 shutsuri dō
the path conducive to liberation


see styles
shí gōng dé
    shi2 gong1 de2
shih kung te
 jū kudoku
(十功德論) Ten merits (or powers) commended by the Buddha to his bhikṣus—zealous progress, contentment with few desires, courage, learning (so as to teach), fearlessness, perfect observance of the commands and the fraternity, regulations, perfect meditation, perfect wisdom, perfect liberation, and perfect understanding of it.



see styles
shàn jiě tuō
    shan4 jie3 tuo1
shan chieh t`o
    shan chieh to
 zen gedatsu
excellent liberation



see styles
sòng rèn qióng
    song4 ren4 qiong2
sung jen ch`iung
    sung jen chiung
Song Renqiong (1909-2005), general of the People's Liberation Army



see styles
zhāng xué liáng
    zhang1 xue2 liang2
chang hsüeh liang
Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlord, then senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberation Army



see styles
dé jiě tuō
    de2 jie3 tuo1
te chieh t`o
    te chieh to
 toku gedatsu
to attain liberation



see styles
xīn jiě tuō
    xin1 jie3 tuo1
hsin chieh t`o
    hsin chieh to
 shin gedatsu
mental liberation


see styles
 seikaihou / sekaiho
(See 女性解放) sexual liberation; emancipation from gender restrictions



see styles
huì jiě tuō
    hui4 jie3 tuo1
hui chieh t`o
    hui chieh to
 e gedatsu
liberation through wisdom



see styles
pí mù chā
    pi2 mu4 cha1
p`i mu ch`a
    pi mu cha
v. 毘目叉.


see styles
pí mù dǐ
    pi2 mu4 di3
p`i mu ti
    pi mu ti



see styles
pí mù chā
    pi2 mu4 cha1
p`i mu ch`a
    pi mu cha
vimokṣa, vimukti, 毘木叉; 毘木底 liberation, emancipation, deliverance, salvation, tr. 解脫 q. v.



see styles
jìng dù jīng
    jing4 du4 jing1
ching tu ching
 Jōdo kyō
Samādhi-sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken by the Buddha



see styles
jìng jiě tuō
    jing4 jie3 tuo1
ching chieh t`o
    ching chieh to
 jō gedatsu
pure liberation



see styles
wú lòu guǒ
    wu2 lou4 guo3
wu lou kuo
 muro ka
The result of following the way of 戒, 定, and 慧, i.e. purity, meditation, and wisdom, with liberation from the passions and from lower incarnation.



see styles
wú xiàng mén
    wu2 xiang4 men2
wu hsiang men
 musō mon
approach of liberation from signs



see styles
wú jiě tuō
    wu2 jie3 tuo1
wu chieh t`o
    wu chieh to
 mu gedatsu
no liberation



see styles
wéi jiě tuō
    wei2 jie3 tuo1
wei chieh t`o
    wei chieh to
 i gedatsu
for liberation



see styles
mù dì luó
    mu4 di4 luo2
mu ti lo
木得羅 Intp. as mukti, release, emancipation 解脫, or as the knowledge or experience of liberation.



see styles
xiāng lí guǒ
    xiang1 li2 guo3
hsiang li kuo
 sōri ka
liberation effect



see styles
zhēn jiě tuō
    zhen1 jie3 tuo1
chen chieh t`o
    chen chieh to
 shin gedatsu
Release from all the hindrances of passion and attainment of the Buddha's nirvana, which is not a permanent state of absence from the needs of the living, but is spiritual, omniscient, and liberating.



see styles
zhǒng shóu tuō
    zhong3 shou2 tuo1
chung shou t`o
    chung shou to
 shu juku datsu
The seed of Buddha-truth implanted, its ripening, and its liberation or harvest.



see styles
zì jiě tuō
    zi4 jie3 tuo1
tzu chieh t`o
    tzu chieh to
 ji gedatsu
one's own liberation



see styles
kǔ jiě tuō
    ku3 jie3 tuo1
k`u chieh t`o
    ku chieh to
 ku gedatsu
liberation from suffering



see styles
jiě fàng qū
    jie3 fang4 qu1
chieh fang ch`ü
    chieh fang chü
Liberation city district; Jiefang district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan
See: 解放区



see styles
jiě fàng hòu
    jie3 fang4 hou4
chieh fang hou
after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory); after the establishment of PRC in 1949


see styles
 kaihoukan / kaihokan
sense of liberation; feeling of freedom


see styles
jiě fàng rì
    jie3 fang4 ri4
chieh fang jih
Liberation Day; cf Japan's surrender on 15th August 1945, celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea



see styles
jiě fàng jun
    jie3 fang4 jun1
chieh fang chün
People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)



see styles
jiě tuō zhù
    jie3 tuo1 zhu4
chieh t`o chu
    chieh to chu
 gedatsu jū
abiding in liberation



see styles
jiě tuō guàn
    jie3 tuo1 guan4
chieh t`o kuan
    chieh to kuan
 gedatsu kan
The crown of release.



see styles
jiě tuō fēn
    jie3 tuo1 fen1
chieh t`o fen
    chieh to fen
causes of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō shèng
    jie3 tuo1 sheng4
chieh t`o sheng
    chieh to sheng
 gedatsu shō
superior liberation



see styles
jiě tuō tóng
    jie3 tuo1 tong2
chieh t`o t`ung
    chieh to tung
 gedatsu dō
liberation is the same



see styles
jiě tuō wèi
    jie3 tuo1 wei4
chieh t`o wei
    chieh to wei
 gedatsu mi
The flavour of release, i.e. nirvāṇa.



see styles
jiě tuō pǐn
    jie3 tuo1 pin3
chieh t`o p`in
    chieh to pin
 gedatsu hon
class of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō dé
    jie3 tuo1 de2
chieh t`o te
    chieh to te
 gedatsu toku
merit of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō rěn
    jie3 tuo1 ren3
chieh t`o jen
    chieh to jen
 gedatsu nin
forbearance of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō huì
    jie3 tuo1 hui4
chieh t`o hui
    chieh to hui
 gedatsu e
wisdom of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō zhì
    jie3 tuo1 zhi4
chieh t`o chih
    chieh to chih
 gedatsu chi
wisdom of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō fú
    jie3 tuo1 fu2
chieh t`o fu
    chieh to fu
robe of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō hǎi
    jie3 tuo1 hai3
chieh t`o hai
    chieh to hai
 gedatsu kai
The ocean of liberation.



see styles
jiě tuō xiàng
    jie3 tuo1 xiang4
chieh t`o hsiang
    chieh to hsiang
 gedatsu sō
Liberation; the mark, or condition, of liberation, release from the idea of transmigration.



see styles
jiě tuō yùn
    jie3 tuo1 yun4
chieh t`o yün
    chieh to yün
 gedatsu un
aggregate of liberation



see styles
jiě tuō chù
    jie3 tuo1 chu4
chieh t`o ch`u
    chieh to chu
 gedatsu sho
v. 八解脫.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "liberation" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary