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There are 834 total results for your lake search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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 kou / ko

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Large River
river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]
(1) (archaism) large river (esp. the Yangtze); (2) (See 琵琶湖) Lake Biwa; (given name) Minkou
A river; the River, the Yangtsze.

see styles

 mizuumi / mizumi

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lake; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
lake; (female given name) Reiku
A lake.



see styles
dì yù
    di4 yu4
ti yü

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hell; infernal; underworld; (Buddhism) Naraka
(1) {Buddh} hell realm; Naraka; (2) {Christn} Hell; (3) hell; misery; nightmare; inferno; (4) place where a volcano or hot springs constantly spew smoke or steam; (place-name) Jigoku
naraka, 捺落迦 (or 那落迦) ; niraya 泥犂; explained by 不樂 joyless; 可厭 disgusting, hateful; 苦具, 苦器 means of suffering; if 地獄 earth-prison; 冥府 the shades, or departments of darkness. Earth-prison is generally intp. as hell or the hells; it may also be termed purgatory; one of the six gati or ways of transmigration. The hells are divided into three classes: I. Central, or radical, 根本地獄 consisting of (1) The eight hot hells. These were the original hells of primitive Buddhism, and are supposed to be located umder the southern continent Jambudvīpa 瞻部州, 500 yojanas below the surface. (a) 等活 or 更活 Saṃjīva, rebirth, where after many kinds of suffering a cold wind blows over the soul and returns it to this life as it was before, hence the name 等活. (b) 黑繩 Kaslasūtra, where the sufferer is bound with black chains and chopped or sawn asunder. (c) 線合; 衆合; 堆壓 Saṃghāta, where are multitudes of implements of torture, or the falling of mountains upon the sufferer. (d) 號呌; 呼呼; 叫喚 Raurava, hell of wailing. (e) 大呌; 大號呌; 大呼 Mahāraurava, hell of great wailing. (f) 炎熱; 燒炙 Tapana, hell of fames and burning. (g) 大熱; 大燒炙; 大炎熱 Pratāpana, hell of molten lead. (h) 無間; 河鼻旨; 阿惟越致; 阿毗至; 阿鼻; 阿毗 Avīci, unintermitted suffering, where sinners die and are reborn to suffer without interval. (2) The eight cold hells 八寒地獄. (a) 頞浮陀地獄 Arbuda, where the cold causes blisters. (b) 尼刺部陀 Nirarbuda, colder still causing the blisters to burst. (c) 頞哳吒; 阿吒吒 Atata, where this is the only possible sound from frozen lips. (d) 臛臛婆; 阿波波 Hahava or Apapa, where it is so cold that only this sound can be uttered. (e) 虎虎婆 Hāhādhara or Huhuva, where only this sound can be uttered. (f) 嗢鉢羅; 鬱鉢羅 (or 優鉢羅) Utpala, or 尼羅鳥 (or 漚) 鉢羅 Nīlotpala, where the skin is frozen like blue lotus buds. (g) 鉢特摩 Padma, where the skin is frozen and bursts open like red lotus buds. (h) 摩訶鉢特摩 Mahāpadma, ditto like great red lotus buds. Somewhat different names are also given. Cf. 倶舍論 8; 智度論 16; 涅槃經 11. II. The secondary hells are called 近邊地獄 adjacent hells or 十六遊增 each of its four sides, opening from each such door are four adjacent hells, in all sixteen; thus with the original eight there are 136. A list of eighteen hells is given in the 十八泥梨經. III. A third class is called the 孤地獄 (獨地獄) Lokāntarika, or isolated hells in mountains, deserts, below the earth and above it. Eitel says in regard to the eight hot hells that they range 'one beneath the other in tiers which begin at a depth of 11,900 yojanas and reach to a depth of 40,000 yojanas'. The cold hells are under 'the two Tchahavālas and range shaft-like one below the other, but so that this shaft is gradually widening to the fourth hell and then narrowing itself again so that the first and last hell have the shortest, those in the centre the longest diameter'. 'Every universe has the same number of hells, ' but 'the northern continent has no hell whatever, the two continents east and west of Meru have only small Lokāntarika hells... whilst all the other hells are required for the inhabitants of the southern continent '. It may be noted that the purpose of these hells is definitely punitive, as well as purgatorial. Yama is the judge and ruler, assisted by eighteen officers and a host of demons, who order or administer the various degrees of torture. 'His sister performs the same duties with regard to female criminals, ' and it may be mentioned that the Chinese have added the 血盆池 Lake of the bloody bath, or 'placenta tank' for women who die in childbirth. Release from the hells is in the power of the monks by tantric means.



see styles
míng jìng
    ming2 jing4
ming ching
 meikyou; myoukyou; meikei / mekyo; myokyo; meke
    めいきょう; みょうきょう; めいけい

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Mirror: Beautiful Clarity
mirror (as a metaphor for something beautiful, bright and flat – such as a lake – or something that provides clarity and insight)
polished mirror; clear mirror; (personal name) Meikyō
a [clear] mirror



see styles
jìng huā shuǐ yuè
    jing4 hua1 shui3 yue4
ching hua shui yüeh
 kyoukasuigetsu / kyokasuigetsu

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Flower in the Mirror, Moon on Water
lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom); fig. an unrealistic rosy view; viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles; also written 水月鏡花|水月镜花
(yoji) flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is visible but having no substance; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words


see styles
hú zhǎo
    hu2 zhao3
hu chao
 koshou / kosho
lakes and marshes
lake; marsh; wetland; inland waters


see styles
hú pàn
    hu2 pan4
hu p`an
    hu pan
(noun - becomes adjective with の) lake shore; (place-name) Kohan


see styles
rén gōng hú
    ren2 gong1 hu2
jen kung hu
 jinkouko / jinkoko
artificial lake
artificial lake


see styles
dàn shuǐ hú
    dan4 shui3 hu2
tan shui hu
freshwater lake
freshwater lake



see styles
xián shuǐ hú
    xian2 shui3 hu2
hsien shui hu
salt lake
saltwater lake

see styles

lake; Taiwan pr. [bo2]
(counter) (1) counter for nights of a stay; (2) (rare) overnight stay; lodging; (surname, given name) Haku
to stop

see styles
shallow lake
(1) stagnation; deposit; sediment; backwater; (2) faltering; hesitation; pause; pool (in river); (place-name, surname) Yodo

see styles
dye paper; lake; pond; mount scroll

see styles

Lishui River in north Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting 洞庭湖[Dong4ting2 Hu2]; surname Li

see styles
(bound form) water's edge; bank; shore; (bound form) to border on (a lake, river etc)
(surname) Hin

see styles

name of a lake


see styles
xià pǐn
    xia4 pin3
hsia p`in
    hsia pin
(noun or adjectival noun) vulgar; indecent; coarse; crude; (place-name) Shimoshina
The three lowest of the nine classes born in the Amitābha Pure Land, v. 無量壽經. These three lowest grades are (1) 下品上生 The highest of the three lowest classes who enter the Pure Land of Amitābha, i.e. those who have committed all sins except dishonouring the sūtras. If at the end of life the sinner clasps hands and says "Namo Amitābha", such a one will be born in His precious lake. (2) 下品中生 The middle class consists of those who have broken all the commandments, even stolen from monks and abused the law. If at death such a one hears of the great power of Amitābha, and assents with but a thought, he will be received into paradise. (3) 下品下生 The lowest class, because of their sins, should have fallen into the lowest gati, but by invoking the name of Amitābha, they can escape countless ages of reincarnation and suffering and on dying will behold a lotus flower like the sun, and, by the response of a single thought, will enter the Pure Land of Amitābha.


see styles
 naikai(p); uchiumi
    ないかい(P); うちうみ
(1) inland sea; inlet; gulf; bay; (2) (うちうみ only) (archaism) lake; (surname) Naigai


see styles
bīng hú
    bing1 hu2
ping hu
frozen lake


see styles
(1) garden pond; miniature lake; (2) fountain


see styles
běi hǎi
    bei3 hai3
pei hai
Beihai, park in Beijing to the northwest of the Forbidden City; the North Sea (Europe); Beihai prefecture-level city and seaport in Guangxi; Bohai Sea; Lake Baikal
(1) northern sea; (2) North Sea; (n,n-pref) (3) (abbreviation) (See 北海道) Hokkaido; (surname) Hokkai


see styles
qiān quán
    qian1 quan2
ch`ien ch`üan
    chien chüan
(female given name) Chisen
Bingheul 屛律 Mingbulak. A lake country 30 li E. of Talas.


see styles
qǔ shuǐ
    qu3 shui3
ch`ü shui
    chü shui
water intake; to obtain water (from a well etc)
(n,vs,vt,vi) drawing water from river or lake; water intake


see styles
hā mì
    ha1 mi4
ha mi
Hami, prefecture-level city in Xinjiang
Hami, 'an ancient city and kingdom in Central Asia north-east of lake Lop in Lat. 43゜3 N., Long, 93°10 E.' Eitel. From Han to Tang times known as I-wu 伊吾, now called Kumul by Turki Mohammadans. For more than 1500 years, owing to its location and supply of water, Hami was a bridgehead for the expansion and control of the outposts of the Chinese empire in Central Asia.


see styles
sì hé
    si4 he2
ssu ho
 shigou / shigo
(place-name) Shigou
The four rivers— Ganges, Sindhu (Indus), Vākṣu (Oxus), and Tārīm, all reputed to arise out of a lake, Anavatapta, in Tibet.


see styles
jī nài
    ji1 nai4
chi nai
Kenai (Peninsula, Lake, Mountains), Alaska (Tw)


see styles
salt lake; saline lake


see styles
 zousui / zosui
(n,vs,vi) (See 減水) rising water (of river, lake, etc.); swelling water; increased water; high water; (surname) Masumizu


see styles
tiān chí
    tian1 chi2
t`ien ch`ih
    tien chih
"heavenly lake", lake situated on a mountain; used as the name of numerous lakes, such as 長白山天池|长白山天池[Chang2 bai2 shan1 Tian1 chi2]
(personal name) Tenchi



see styles
bǎo chí
    bao3 chi2
pao ch`ih
    pao chih
(surname) Takaraike
The precious lake of the eight virtuous characteristics in the Pure Land.



see styles
hòu hǎi
    hou4 hai3
hou hai
Houhai, a lake and the area surrounding it in central Beijing


see styles
héng hé
    heng2 he2
heng ho
(personal name) Hisaka
恒水; 恒伽 (竸伽, 殑伽, or 強伽) Gaṅgā, the river Ganges, 'said to drop from the centre of Śiva's ear into the Anavatapta lake' (Eitel), passing through an orifice called variously ox's mouth, lion's mouth, golden elephant's mouth, then round the lake and out to the ocean on the south-east.



see styles
duàn qiáo
    duan4 qiao2
tuan ch`iao
    tuan chiao
The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)


see styles
(kana only) lake prawn (Palaemon paucidens)



see styles
tiáo zhī
    tiao2 zhi1
t`iao chih
    tiao chih
The Tajiks anciently settled 'near the Sirikol lake'. Eitel.



see styles
shū shèng
    shu1 sheng4
shu sheng
 shushou / shusho
(noun or adjectival noun) admirable; laudable
Rare, extraordinary, surpassing, as the 殊勝殿 and 池 surpassing palace and lake of Indra.


see styles
 marimo; marimo
    まりも; マリモ
(kana only) marimo (variety of algae, Cladophora aegagropila); round green algae; Cladophora ball; lake ball; moss ball; (surname, female given name) Marimo



see styles
shuǐ hǔ
    shui3 hu3
shui hu
edge of the water; shore or sea, lake or river; seashore



see styles
shuǐ biān
    shui3 bian1
shui pien
edge of the water; waterside; shore (of sea, lake or river)


see styles
 chitei / chite
arbor (arbour, bower) by a lake



see styles
chí yán
    chi2 yan2
ch`ih yen
    chih yen
salt from a salt lake


see styles
yuán jiāng
    yuan2 jiang1
yüan chiang
river in Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting 洞庭湖; Yuanjiang, county-level city in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang2], Hunan


see styles
quán shuǐ
    quan2 shui3
ch`üan shui
    chüan shui
spring water; CL:股[gu3]
(1) garden pond; miniature lake; (2) fountain; (place-name, surname) Senzui


see styles
ěr hǎi
    er3 hai3
erh hai
Erhai Lake



see styles
xiōng yǒng
    xiong1 yong3
hsiung yung
to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent


see styles
hǎi zi
    hai3 zi5
hai tzu
(dialect) wetlands; lake
(female given name) Mariko


see styles
freshwater lake


see styles
yóu yì
    you2 yi4
yu i
(of a naval vessel) to cruise; to patrol; (of ducks, boats etc) to move about on a lake or river etc


see styles
 kojou / kojo
on the lake; (surname) Kojō


see styles
hú běi
    hu2 bei3
hu pei
Hubei Province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. 鄂[E4], capital Wuhan 武漢|武汉[Wu3 han4]
north of a lake; north of Lake Biwa; (place-name) Hubei (China); Hupeh



see styles
hú qū
    hu2 qu1
hu ch`ü
    hu chü
Lake District, north England


see styles
hú kǒu
    hu2 kou3
hu k`ou
    hu kou
 kokou / koko
Hukou County in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi; Hukou township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
lake inlet; (surname) Koguchi


see styles
 kotei / kote
(noun - becomes adjective with の) bottom of a lake


see styles
center of a lake (centre); middle of a lake; (given name) Kokoro


see styles
lake; (surname, female given name) Kosui


see styles
hú pō
    hu2 po1
hu p`o
    hu po



see styles
hú bīn
    hu2 bin1
hu pin
lake front


see styles
lake surface


see styles
 kofuu / kofu
lake wind; lake breeze; (given name) Kofū


see styles
diān chí
    dian1 chi2
tien ch`ih
    tien chih
lake Dianchi in Yunnan


see styles
plunge basin; waterfall lake; plunge pool; basin under a waterfall


see styles
plunge basin; waterfall lake; plunge pool; basin under a waterfall; (place-name) Takitsubo


see styles
lǐ shuǐ
    li3 shui3
li shui
Lishui river in north Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting 洞庭湖


see styles
huǒ hú
    huo3 hu2
huo hu
burning lake; lake of burning sulfur; inferno (in Christian mythology)



see styles
yáo chí
    yao2 chi2
yao ch`ih
    yao chih
the Jade lake on Mount Kunlun, residence of Xi Wangmu 西王母
See: 瑶池


see styles
sī duō
    si1 duo1
ssu to
私陀; 悉陀; 徒多; 枲多 Sītā. Described as the 'cold' river; one of the four great rivers flowing from the Anavatpta or Anavadata Lake 阿耨達池 in Tibet. One account makes it 'an eastern outflux' which subsequently becomes the Yellow River. It is also said to issue from the west. Again, 'the Ganges flows eastward, the Indus south, Vatsch (Oxus) west, Sītā north.' Vatsch = Vākṣu. 'According to Xuanzang, however, it is the northern outflux of the Sirikol [Sarikkol] Lake (Lat. 38°20′N., Long. 74°E.) now called Yarkand daria, which flows into Lake Lop, thence underneath the desert of Gobi, and reappears as the source of the Huanghe.' Eitel. According to Richard, the Huanghe 'rises a little above two neighbouring lakes of Khchara (Charingnor) and Khnora (Oring-nor). Both are connected by a channel and are situated at an elevation of 14,000 feet. It may perhaps be at first confounded with Djaghing-gol, a river 110 miles long, which flows from the south and empties into the channel joining the two lakes'.


see styles
kē nài
    ke1 nai4
k`o nai
    ko nai
Kenai (Peninsula, Lake, Mountains), Alaska



see styles
jìng dù
    jing4 du4
ching tu
rowing competition; boat race; swimming competition (e.g. to cross river or lake)


see styles
(kana only) lake prawn (Palaemon paucidens)



see styles
fú chú
    fu2 chu2
fu ch`u
    fu chu
Vakṣu; Vaṅkṣu; 婆芻 (or 婆槎 or婆輸); 薄叉; 博叉; the Oxus 靑河 or Blue River, one of the 'four great rivers of Jambudvīpa', rising in the west of the Anavatapta lake (Tibet) and flowing into the north-west sea, the Caspian; cf. 西城記 1.


see styles
(1) (See バックウォーター) backwater; (2) (archaism) standing with one's back to water (river, lake, etc.); (given name) Haisui


see styles
cǎo hǎi
    cao3 hai3
ts`ao hai
    tsao hai
 soukai / sokai
Caohai Lake, Guizhou
(personal name) Soukai


see styles
xī hú
    xi1 hu2
hsi hu
Xihu or West lake (place name); West Lake in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang; Xihu or Hsihu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
(personal name) Nishiko


see styles
xiāng shān
    xiang1 shan1
hsiang shan
Fragrance Hill (a park in Beijing)
(surname) Koyama
the fragrant or incense mountains, so called because the Gandharvas do not drink wine or eat meat, but feed on incense or fragrance and give off fragrant odours. As musicians of Indra, or in the retinue of Dhṛtarāṣtra, they are said to be the same as, or similar to, the Kinnaras. They are, or according to M. W., Dhṛtarāṣtra is associated with soma, the moon, and with medicine. They cause ecstasy, are erotic, and the patrons of marriageable girls; the apsaras are their wives, and both are patrons of dicers.; Gandhamādana. Incense mountain, one of the ten fabulous mountains known to Chinese Buddhism, located in the region of the Anavatapta lake in Tibet; also placed in the Kunlun range. Among its great trees dwell the Kinnaras, Indra's musicians.


see styles
salt lake; lagoon



see styles
yán hú
    yan2 hu2
yen hu
salt lake



see styles
yán tān
    yan2 tan1
yen t`an
    yen tan
salt flats; salt lake



see styles
lóng wáng
    long2 wang2
lung wang
 ryouou / ryoo
Dragon King (mythology)
(1) Dragon King; (2) (shogi) promoted rook; (surname) Ryōou
nāgarāja, dragon king, a title for the tutelary deity of a lake, river, sea, and other places; there are lists of 5, 7, 8, 81, and 185 dragon kings.


see styles
(place-name) Ozero Alakol (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Iso Jarvi (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Lake Eyre


see styles
(place-name) Kamskoe Vodokhranilishche (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Kivu Lake; Lac Kivu


see styles
(place-name) Kurskii Zaliv (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Kemijarvi (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Kosi Lake


see styles
(place-name) Conn; Lake Conn


see styles
(place-name) Segozero (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Lake Tana


see styles
(place-name) Lake Tahoe


see styles
reservoir; lake formed by a dam


see styles
(place-name) Dal Lake (Jammu & Kashmir)


see styles
(place-name) Tinnsjo (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Tuz Golu (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Lake Debo


see styles
(place-name) Danau Toba (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Topozero (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Nasijarvi (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Nasi Jarvi (lake)


see styles
(place-name) Bala Lake

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "lake" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary