Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 552 total results for your in memory of search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Power / Strength
power; force; strength; ability; strenuously
(suffix) strength; power; proficiency; ability; (given name) Riki
bala; power, strength, of which there are several categories: 二力 power of choice and of practice; 三力 the power of Buddha; of meditation (samādhi) and of practice. 五力 pañcabala, the five powers of faith, zeal, memory (or remembering), meditation, and wisdom. 六力 A child's power is in crying; a woman's in resentment; a king's in domineering; an arhat's in zeal (or progress); a Buddha's in mercy; and a bhikṣu's in endurance (of despite) . 十力 q.v. The ten powers of Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

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 chuu / chu

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Universe / Space
eternity; (geology) eon
(1) space; air; midair; (2) (See 空・そら・5) (from) memory; (by) heart; (male given name) Hiroshi

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to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to give (sb) a tongue-lashing (CL:頓|顿[dun4]); to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿[nian4])
(1) (esp. 〜の念) sense; idea; thought; feeling; (2) desire; concern; (3) (esp. 念に〜、念の/が〜) attention; care; (personal name) Nen
smṛti. Recollection, memory; to think on, reflect; repeat, intone; a thought; a moment.

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silent; to write from memory
Dark, secret, silent, profound.



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jì yì
    ji4 yi4
chi i

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to remember; to recall; memory
(noun, transitive verb) (1) memory; recollection; remembrance; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} memory; storage



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míng jì
    ming2 ji4
ming chi
 meiki / meki

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to engrave in one's memory
(noun, transitive verb) keep in mind; take note of; remember


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bā zhèng dào
    ba1 zheng4 dao4
pa cheng tao

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The Noble Eightfold Path
the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)
(Buddhist term) noble eightfold path
(八正道分) Āryamārga. The eight right or correct ways, the "eightfold noble path" for the arhat to nirvāṇa; also styled 八道船, 八正門, 八由行, 八游行, 八聖道支, 八道行, 八直行, 八直道. The eight are: (1) 正見Samyag-dṛṣṭi, correct views in regard to the Four Axioms, and freedom from the common delusion. (2) 正思 Samyak-saṁkalpa, correct thought and purpose. (3) 正語 Samyag-vāc, correct speech, avoidance of false and idle talk. (4) 正業 Samyak-karmānta, correct deed, or conduct, getting rid of all improper action so as to dwell in purity. (5) 正命 Smnyag-ājīva, correct livelihood or occupation, avoiding the five immoral occupations. (6) 正精進 Samyag-vyāyāma, correct zeal, or energy in uninterrupted progress in the way of nirvāṇa. (7) 正念 Samyak-smṛti, correct remembrance, or memory, which retains the true and excludes the false. (8) 正定 Samyak-samadhi, correct meditation, absorption, or abstraction. The 正 means of course Buddhist orthodoxy, anything contrary to this being 邪 or heterodox, and wrong.

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to recollect; to remember; memory
(female given name) Omoi
To recall, reflect on.

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the back of a body or object; to turn one's back; to hide something from; to learn by heart; to recite from memory; unlucky (slang); hard of hearing
(dated) (See 背中) back (of the body)
Back, behind; turn the back on, go contrary on the back.


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wǔ lì
    wu3 li4
wu li
pañcabalāni, the five powers or faculties — one of the categories of the thirty-seven bodhipakṣika dharma 三十七助道品; they destroy the 五障 five obstacles, each by each, and are: 信力 śraddhābala, faith (destroying doubt); 精進力 vīryabala, zeal (destroying remissness); 念 or 勤念 smṛtibala, memory or thought (destroying falsity); 正定力 samādhibala, concentration of mind, or meditation (destroying confused or wandering thoughts); and 慧力 prajñābala, wisdom (destroying all illusion and delusion). Also the five transcendent powers, i. e. 定力 the power of meditation; 通力 the resulting supernatural powers; 借識力 adaptability, or powers of 'borrowing' or evolving any required organ of sense, or knowledge, i. e. by beings above the second dhyāna heavens; 大願力 the power of accomplishing a vow by a Buddha or bodhisattva; and 法威德力 the august power of Dharma. Also, the five kinds of Mara powers exerted on sight, 五大明王.


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wǔ gēn
    wu3 gen1
wu ken
pañcendriyāṇi. (1) The five roots, i. e. the five organs of the senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body as roots of knowing. (2) The five spiritual organs pr positive agents: 信 faith, 精進 energy, 念 memory, 定 visionary meditation, 慧 wisdom. The 五力 q. v. are regarded as negative agents.


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(1) reverberation; swelling (of a hymn); trailing note; (2) lingering memory; aftertaste; (3) suggestiveness (of a book, poem, etc.)



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nèi cún
    nei4 cun2
nei ts`un
    nei tsun
internal storage; computer memory; random access memory (RAM)



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liù cū
    liu4 cu1
liu ts`u
    liu tsu
The six 'coarser' stages arising from the 三細 or three finer stages which in turn are produced by original 無明, the unenlightened condition of ignorance; v. Awakening of Faith 起信論. They are the states of (1) 智相 knowledge or consciousness of like and dislike arising from mental conditions; (2) 相續相 consciousness of pain and pleasure resulting from the first, causing continuous responsive memory; (3) 執取相 attachment or clinging, arising from the last; (4) 計名字相 assigning names according to the seeming and unreal with fixation of ideas); (5) 起業 the consequent activity with all the variety of deeds; (6) 業繋苦相 the suffering resulting from being tied to deeds and their karma consequences.


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zài shēng
    zai4 sheng1
tsai sheng
 saisei / saise
to be reborn; to regenerate; to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person); recycling; regeneration
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) restoration to life; coming to life again; resuscitation; regeneration; (n,vs,vi) (2) reformation; rehabilitation; (noun, transitive verb) (3) recycling; reclamation; recovery; (noun, transitive verb) (4) playback; regeneration (of video or sound); views (of an online video); (n,vs,vt,vi) (5) {biol} regeneration (of lost or damaged tissue); regrowth; (noun, transitive verb) (6) rebirth; reincarnation; (n,vs,vt,vi) (7) {psych} recall (memory); retrieval



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fēn yè
    fen1 ye4
fen yeh
(computing) to insert a page break; to paginate; pagination; memory paging; tab (GUI element)


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yìn xiàng
    yin4 xiang4
yin hsiang
 inshou / insho
impression (something that stays in one's mind); a memory
impression; (given name) Inshou


see styles
(See 名残) remains; traces; vestiges; memory


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cherish the memory of; yearn for


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shàn wàng
    shan4 wang4
shan wang
to be forgetful; to have a short memory


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shī niàn
    shi1 nian4
shih nien
(noun, transitive verb) forgetting; lapse of memory
To lose the train of thought, or meditation; a wandering mind; loss of memory.



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shī yì
    shi1 yi4
shih i
to lose one's memory


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fèng chí
    feng4 chi2
feng ch`ih
    feng chih
(noun/participle) bearing; presenting; holding up (emperor's picture)
to bear in mind (or memory) with all respect



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cún chǔ
    cun2 chu3
ts`un ch`u
    tsun chu
to store up; to stockpile; (computer) to save; to store; memory; storage



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shǒu jié
    shou3 jie2
shou chieh
faithful (to the memory of betrothed); constant (of widow who remains unmarried)



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xún zhǐ
    xun2 zhi3
hsün chih
to address; to search for address; to input data into memory



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duì kè
    dui4 ke4
tui k`o
    tui ko
to give answering phrase (school exercise in memory or composition)


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(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) lapse of memory; forgetting for a moment something one knows well; (something) slipping one's mind


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 kyouki / kyoki
(noun, transitive verb) good memory; retentive memory; (personal name) Tsuyoki



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fù xiàn
    fu4 xian4
fu hsien
to reappear; to persist (in memory)


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 boukyaku / bokyaku
(noun, transitive verb) lapse of memory; forgetting completely; (consigning to) oblivion


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niàn lì
    nian4 li4
nien li
psychokinesis; telekinesis
(1) willpower; faith; (2) telekinesis; psychokinesis
smṛtibala, one of the five bāla or powers, that of memory. Also one of the seven bodhyaṅga 七菩提分.


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niàn dìng
    nian4 ding4
nien ting
Correct memory and correct samādhi.


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niàn xiǎng
    nian4 xiang3
nien hsiang
to miss (the presence of); to cherish the memory of; aspiration; desire; something one keeps thinking about; (coll.) keepsake; memento; (coll.) impression (of sb or something in one's mind)


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niàn chí
    nian4 chi2
nien ch`ih
    nien chih
To apprehend and hold in memory.


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niàn gēn
    nian4 gen1
nien ken
smṛtīndriya. The root or organ of memory, one of the five indriya 五根.


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niàn lòu
    nian4 lou4
nien lou
The leakages; or stream of delusive memory.



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niàn zhāo
    nian4 zhao1
nien chao
Through perverted memory to cling to illusion.



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niàn chù
    nian4 chu4
nien ch`u
    nien chu
smṛtyupasthāna. The presence in the mind of all memories, or the region which is contemplated by memory.


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niàn yán
    nian4 yan2
nien yen
(As) the mind remembers, (so) the mouth speaks; also the words of memory.


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sī mù
    si1 mu4
ssu mu
to cherish the memory of sb; to think of with respect
(noun, transitive verb) yearning; longing for; deep affection
longing for


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xiǎng qǐ
    xiang3 qi3
hsiang ch`i
    hsiang chi
 souki / soki
to recall; to think of; to call to mind
(noun, transitive verb) (1) remembering; recollection; calling to mind; (2) {phil} (See アナムネーシス) anamnesis; (noun, transitive verb) (3) {psych} (See 再生・7) recall (memory); retrieval



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huái gǔ
    huai2 gu3
huai ku
to recall the past; to cherish the memory of past events; to reminisce; nostalgic



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huái niàn
    huai2 nian4
huai nien
to cherish the memory of; to think of; to reminisce


see styles
chí niàn
    chi2 nian4
ch`ih nien
    chih nien
To hold in memory.



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chí sòng
    chi2 song4
ch`ih sung
    chih sung
to uphold or maintaining (in memory) by chanting


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 anshou / ansho
(noun/participle) recitation; reciting from memory



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àn jì
    an4 ji4
an chi
to commit to memory; secret mark
(noun/participle) memorization; memorisation; learning by heart


see styles
    anshou / ansho
(noun/participle) recitation; reciting from memory


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 kakunou / kakuno
(noun, transitive verb) (1) storage; housing for equipment and machines; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} putting into computer memory; saving



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mǐn mò
    min3 mo4
min mo
to sink into oblivion; to be lost to memory; to vanish


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dàn chū
    dan4 chu1
tan ch`u
    tan chu
to fade out (cinema); to withdraw from (politics, acting etc); to fade from (memory)


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dàn wàng
    dan4 wang4
tan wang
to gradually forget as time passes; to have (something) fade from one's memory


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qīng líng
    qing1 ling2
ch`ing ling
    ching ling
to restore something to its initial state; to reset (an odometer etc); to empty (a bank account); to eradicate (a disease); (computing) to clear (memory); to zero (a hard drive)



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wú jiǎn
    wu2 jian3
wu chien
The undiminished powers of a bodhisattva after attaining Buddhahood; i.e. undiminished power and zeal to save all beings, power of memory, wisdom, nirvāṇa, and insight attained through nirvāṇa; cf. 智度論 26; also for a list of twenty-two cf. 唯識論 10.


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(expression) (1) off the top of one's head; from thin air; (expression) (2) from memory



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jì niàn
    ji4 nian4
chi nien
to commemorate; to honor the memory of; memento; keepsake; souvenir
(noun/participle) commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory; (personal name) Kinen



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huǎn cún
    huan3 cun2
huan ts`un
    huan tsun
(computing) cache; buffer memory


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(1) {physics} degeneracy; degeneration; (2) {comp} degradation (CPU, memory, etc.)



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wén chí
    wen2 chi2
wen ch`ih
    wen chih
To hear and keep; hearing and keeping in mind; hearing and obeying.



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bèi shū
    bei4 shu1
pei shu
to recite (a text) from memory; to learn a text by heart; to back; to endorse (a political candidate, product, check etc); backing; endorsement



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bèi sòng
    bei4 song4
pei sung
to recite; to repeat from memory


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 douwasure / dowasure
(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) lapse of memory; forgetting for a moment something one knows well; (something) slipping one's mind



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nǎo jì
    nao3 ji4
nao chi
mind; memory


see styles
 chagoto; chaji; saji
    ちゃごと; ちゃじ; さじ
(1) tea gathering (for the tea ceremony); (2) some matter concerning tea; (3) family tea gathering held in memory of deceased ancestors


see styles
(1) retentive memory; (2) double-woven edge of cloth; (3) cryptotia; pocket ear


see styles
memory; sense; experience


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jiě fàng
    jie3 fang4
chieh fang
 kaihou / kaiho
to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4]
(noun, transitive verb) (1) release; unleashing; liberation; emancipation; setting free; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} deallocation (of computer memory)
to be free from



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jì xīn
    ji4 xin1
chi hsin



see styles
jì niàn
    ji4 nian4
chi nien
variant of 紀念|纪念[ji4 nian4]
(noun/participle) commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory



see styles
jì xing
    ji4 xing5
chi hsing
 kisei / kise
memory (ability to retain information)
(rare) (See 記憶力) memory


see styles
    anshou / ansho
(noun/participle) recitation; reciting from memory



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zhū gēn
    zhu1 gen1
chu ken
(surname) Morone
All roots, powers, or organs, e.g. (1) faith, energy, memory, meditation, wisdom; (2) eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body.



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dú chí
    du2 chi2
tu ch`ih
    tu chih
to read and bear in mind (or memory)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to follow (a road, path, etc.); to trace; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to follow (a clue, scent, tracks, plot, etc.); to trace (a route, history, family tree, etc.); to retrace (e.g. one's memory); to search; to go over; (transitive verb) (3) (kana only) to head towards (of a situation); to go in the direction of; to take (a course); to pursue (a path); to meet (a fate)


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) cherishing the memory of; yearning for


see styles
 ihou / iho
memory or autograph of deceased



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shǎn cún
    shan3 cun2
shan ts`un
    shan tsun
(computing) flash memory



see styles
xiǎn cún
    xian3 cun2
hsien ts`un
    hsien tsun
graphics memory; video random-access memory (VRAM)


see styles
mò zì
    mo4 zi4
mo tzu
to write from memory



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mò xiě
    mo4 xie3
mo hsieh
to write from memory



see styles
mò shū
    mo4 shu1
mo shu
to write from memory



see styles
mò jì
    mo4 ji4
mo chi
to learn by heart; to commit to memory; to remember; to memorize in silence


see styles
 dii emu ee; diiemuee(sk) / di emu ee; diemuee(sk)
    ディー・エム・エー; ディーエムエー(sk)
{comp} direct memory access; DMA


see styles
 ii emu esu; iiemuesu(sk) / i emu esu; iemuesu(sk)
    イー・エム・エス; イーエムエス(sk)
(1) Express Mail Service; EMS; (2) European Monetary System; (3) Engine Management System; (4) Electronics Manufacturing Services; (5) {comp} Expanded Memory Specification (MS-DOS); (6) Environmental Management System


see styles
{comp} random-access memory; RAM


see styles
(1) {comp} read-only memory; ROM; (2) (See ロムる) lurker (on a forum); read-only member


see styles
 yuu esu bii; yuuesubii(sk) / yu esu bi; yuesubi(sk)
    ユー・エス・ビー; ユーエスビー(sk)
(1) {comp} USB; universal serial bus; (2) (abbreviation) (See USBメモリー) USB flash drive; USB memory stick


see styles
(noun/participle) lapse of memory; forgetting for a moment something one knows well; (something) slipping one's mind


see styles
(abbreviation) {comp} (See メモリーカード) memory card


see styles
main memory; main storage


see styles
jiàn wàng zhèng
    jian4 wang4 zheng4
chien wang cheng
 kenboushou / kenbosho
amnesia; loss of memory



see styles
sì niàn chù
    si4 nian4 chu4
ssu nien ch`u
    ssu nien chu
Four objects on which memory or the thought should dwell— the impurity of the body, that all sensations lead to suffering, that mind is impermanent, and that there is no such thing as an ego. There are other categories for thought or meditation.; (四念處觀); 四念住 smṛtyupasthāna. The fourfold stage of mindfulness, thought, or meditation that follows the 五停心觀 five-fold procedure for quieting the mind. This fourfold method, or objectivity of thought, is for stimulating the mind in ethical wisdom. It consists of contemplating (1) 身 the body as impure and utterly filthy; (2) 受 sensation, or consciousness, as always resulting in suffering; (3) 心 mind as impermanent, merely one sensation after another; (4) 法 things in general as being dependent and without a nature of their own. The four negate the ideas of permanence, joy, personality, and purity 常, 樂, 我, and 淨, i. e. the four 顚倒, but v. 四德. They are further subdivided into 別 and 總 particular and general, termed 別相念處 and 總相念處, and there are further subdivisions.



see styles
cún chǔ kǎ
    cun2 chu3 ka3
ts`un ch`u k`a
    tsun chu ka
memory card



see styles
cún chǔ qì
    cun2 chu3 qi4
ts`un ch`u ch`i
    tsun chu chi
memory (computing)


see styles
yǐ zhī gēn
    yi3 zhi1 gen1
i chih ken
 ichi kon
ājñendriya. The second of the 三無漏根 q. v. One who already knows the indriya or roots that arise from the practical stage associated with the Four Dogmas, i. e. purpose, joy, pleasure, renunciation, faith, zeal, memory, abstract meditation, wisdom.


see styles
(noun/participle) lapse of memory; forgetting for a moment something one knows well; (something) slipping one's mind


see styles



see styles
niàn jué zhī
    nian4 jue2 zhi1
nien chüeh chih
 nen kakushi
Holding in memory continually, one of the sapta bodhyaṅga 七覺支.


see styles
(transitive verb) to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "in memory of" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary