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There are 197 total results for your hill search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
 yama(p); yama
    やま(P); ヤマ

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mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4]); (coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on
(n,ctr) (1) mountain; hill; (n,ctr) (2) mine (e.g. coal mine); (n,ctr) (3) heap; pile; (4) crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw); tread (of a tire); protruding part of an object; high part; (5) climax; peak; critical point; (6) guess; speculation; gamble; (7) (slang) (police, crime reporter jargon; esp. as ヤマ) criminal case; crime; (8) mountain climbing; mountaineering; (9) (See 山鉾) festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd); (10) (See 山札・1) deck (of playing cards on table, face down, from which cards are drawn); stack; (11) {mahj} wall; wall tile; (12) (archaism) temple; temple grounds; (prefix noun) (13) wild; (personal name) Yamamura
A hill, mountain; a monastery.

see styles
 rei / re

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Cen / Shum
small hill
(female given name) Rei



see styles
xī ěr
    xi1 er3
hsi erh

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Hill (name); Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs

see styles
mound; hillock; grave; classifier for fields
(archaism) mound; hill; (1) hill; height; knoll; rising ground; (2) (mahj) (kana only) bonus points awarded to the winner at the end of a game; (female given name) Tsukasa
A mound, a plot; personal name of Confucius.

see styles
slope; hillside
slope; hill; (surname) Ban

see styles
 misasagi(p); mihaka; ryou / misasagi(p); mihaka; ryo
    みささぎ(P); みはか; りょう
mound; tomb; hill; mountain
(1) (See 御墓・みはか) imperial mausoleum; Emperor's tomb; (2) (りょう only) big hill; (personal name) Riyou
A mound, tomb; cf. 畢陵.

see styles

foot of a hill
(kana only) foot (of a mountain or hill); bottom; base; (surname) Roku


see styles
qiū líng
    qiu1 ling2
ch`iu ling
    chiu ling
 kyuuryou / kyuryo
(1) hill; hillock; (2) rolling hills; foothills


see styles
xiǎo qiū
    xiao3 qiu1
hsiao ch`iu
    hsiao chiu
 shoukyuu / shokyu
hill; knoll
hillock; small hill; knoll; hummock


see styles
shā qiū
    sha1 qiu1
sha ch`iu
    sha chiu
 sakyuu / sakyu
sand dune; sandy hill
sand dune; sand hill; (given name) Sakyū



see styles
jiǔ guān niǎo
    jiu3 guan1 niao3
chiu kuan niao
 kyuukanchou; kyuukanchou / kyukancho; kyukancho
    きゅうかんちょう; キュウカンチョウ
(Tw) (bird species of China) common hill myna (Gracula religiosa)
(kana only) common hill mynah (Gracula religiosa); hill myna; myna bird

see styles
variant of 阪[ban3]
slope; hill; (surname) Ban

see styles
mound; small hill; (used in place names)

see styles
small hill; used in geographic names

see styles
(dialect) hill

see styles
ridge between fields; crop row; mounded soil forming a ridge in a field; grave mound
hill; height; knoll; rising ground

see styles

(literary) a barren hill

see styles

bare hill

see styles

stony hill; rocky mountain; (used in place names)

see styles
ridge; mound
hill; height; knoll; rising ground; (place-name, surname) Oka

see styles
name of a hill in Hunan

see styles

rocky hill
(surname) Sowa

see styles
abbr. for 峴首山|岘首山[Xian4 shou3 shan1]; Mt Xianshou in Hubei; steep hill; used in place names

see styles
name of a legendary hill

see styles
mountain; hill

see styles
hill strewn with stones; (used in place names)

see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (kana only) foot (of a mountain or hill); bottom; base; (place-name) Fumoto

see styles

 souwa / sowa
rocky hill
(place-name) Souwa

see styles
roll stone down hill; stone pile

see styles

abundant; mound
(archaism) mound; hill; (personal name) Yutaka

see styles
hill; long and narrow highland; (used in place names)


see styles
 eichi esu; eichiesu(sk); ecchiesu(sk) / echi esu; echiesu(sk); ecchiesu(sk)
    エイチ・エス; エイチエス(sk); エッチエス(sk)
(abbreviation) {sports} (See ヒルサイズ) hill size (in ski jumping); HS


see styles
yī shān
    yi1 shan1
i shan
(1) whole temple complex; all the temples on a mountain; (2) (orig. meaning) (See 一山・ひとやま・1) one mountain; (surname) Hitotsuyama
A hill; a monastery; Yishan, the name of a Chinese monk who voyaged to Japan in A.D. 1299 and who was also styled 一寧 Yining.


see styles
sān zhào
    san1 zhao4
san chao
The three shinings; the sun first shining on the hill-tops, then the valleys and plains. So, according to Tiantai teaching of the Huayan sūtra, the Buddha's doctrine had three periods of such shining: (a) first, he taught the Huayan sūtra, transforming his chief disciples into bodhisattvas; (b) second, the Hīnayāna sūtras in general to śrāvakas and pratyeka-buddhas in the Lumbinī garden; (c) third, the 方等 sūtras down to the 涅槃經 for all the living. See the 六十華嚴經 35, where the order is five, i.e. bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, lay disciples, and all creatures.


see styles
shàng shān
    shang4 shan1
shang shan
 jouyama / joyama
to climb a hill; to go to the mountains; (of silkworms) to go up bundles of straw (to spin cocoons); to pass away; (of the sun or moon) to rise
(surname) Jōyama


see styles
xià shān
    xia4 shan1
hsia shan
 gezan(p); gesan
    げざん(P); げさん
to go down a hill; (of the sun or moon) to set
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 登山) descending a mountain; descent; (place-name) Nizayama


see styles
qiū jǐng
    qiu1 jing3
ch`iu ching
    chiu ching
(surname) Okai
A (dry) well on a hill top, symbolical of old age.


see styles
vicinity of a hill; (surname) Okabe


see styles
yǎng shān
    yang3 shan1
yang shan
 gyousan; gyoosan / gyosan; gyoosan
    ぎょうさん; ぎょーさん
(adj-na,adv) (1) (kana only) (ksb:) a lot; plenty; abundant; great many; (adjectival noun) (2) (kana only) exaggerated; grandiose; (surname) Ooyama
To look up to the hill; Yang-shan, name of a noted monk.


see styles
dāo shān
    dao1 shan1
tao shan
(surname) Katanayama
The hill of swords in one of the hells.



see styles
jiàn shān
    jian4 shan1
chien shan
劍樹地獄 Asipattra. The hill of swords, or sword-leaf trees hell, one of the sixteen hells; also called 刀刃路.


see styles
nán shān
    nan2 shan1
nan shan
Nanshan or Namsan, common place name; Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
(1) southern mountains; mountains to the south; (2) (See 北嶺・1) Mount Kōya (esp. Kongōbu-ji); (place-name, surname) Minamiyama
Southern hill, name of a monastery which gave its name to 道宣 Tao-hsuan of the Tang dynasty, founder of the 四分律 school.


see styles
hill road; (surname) Sakamichi


see styles
pō lù
    po1 lu4
p`o lu
    po lu
sloping road; hill road


see styles
duī fù
    dui1 fu4
tui fu
a hill



see styles
fén shān
    fen2 shan1
fen shan
hill cemetery; graveyard; grave; grave mound; low wall at the back of a traditional tomb


see styles
dà bǎn
    da4 ban3
ta pan
Japanese surname Osaka; old variant of 大阪[Da4ban3] (Osaka, city in Japan), used prior to the Meiji era
(archaism) large hill; (1) Osaka; (2) (archaism) large hill; (place-name) Daizaka


see styles
dà bǎn
    da4 ban3
ta pan
Ōsaka, a city and prefecture in Japan
(archaism) large hill; (1) Osaka; (2) (archaism) large hill; (surname) Oozaka


see styles
tiān zhú
    tian1 zhu2
t`ien chu
    tien chu
the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)
(1) (obsolete) India; (2) (abbreviation) (See 天竺木綿) cotton sheeting; (prefix noun) (3) foreign; imported; (prefix noun) (4) ultra-spicy; extra hot; (place-name, surname) Tenjiku
(天竺國) India; 竹 zhu is said to have the same sound as 篤 tu, suggesting a connection with the 度 tu in 印度 Indu; other forms are 身毒 Sindhu, Scinde; 賢豆 Hindu; and 印持伽羅. The term is explained by 月 moon, which is the meaning of Indu, but it is said to be so called because the sages of India illumine the rest of the world: or because of the half-moon shape of the land, which was supposed to be 90, 000 li in circumference, and placed among other kingdoms like the moon among the stars. Another name is 因陀羅婆他那 ? Indravadana, or Indrabhavana, the region where Indra dwells. A hill and monastery near Hangchow.


see styles
nà qié
    na4 qie2
na ch`ieh
    na chieh
naga, mountain, hill.


see styles
gū shān
    gu1 shan1
ku shan
isolated peak
(given name) Kozan
An isolated hill; a monastery in Kiangsu and name of one of its monks.


see styles
kè shān
    ke4 shan1
k`o shan
    ko shan
The guest hill, or branch monastery, in contrast with the 主山 chief one.


see styles
hill; knoll; (personal name) Shouzan


see styles
shǎo shì
    shao3 shi4
shao shih
Shaoshi, a hill on the 嵩山 Sungshan where Bodhidharma set up his 少林寺 infra.


see styles
shān qiū
    shan1 qiu1
shan ch`iu
    shan chiu
(surname) Yamaoka


see styles
shān sēng
    shan1 seng1
shan seng
(1) 'Hill monk', self-deprecatory term used by monks. (2) A monk dwelling apart from monasteries.


see styles
shān bāo
    shan1 bao1
shan pao
(dialect) hill


see styles
shān zhài
    shan1 zhai4
shan chai
fortified hill village; mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits); (fig.) knockoff (goods); counterfeit; imitation
mountain stronghold



see styles
shān gāng
    shan1 gang1
shan kang
mound; small hill
(personal name) Yamamoto



see styles
shān yuè
    shan1 yue4
shan yüeh
mountain; hill; lofty mountain
(out-dated kanji) (noun - becomes adjective with の) mountains; (surname) Yamatake


see styles
shān shuǐ
    shan1 shui3
shan shui
 sansui; yamamizu
    さんすい; やまみず
water from a mountain; mountains and rivers; scenery; landscape
(1) mountain and water; landscape (containing hills and rivers); (2) (さんすい only) (abbreviation) (See 山水画) landscape picture; (3) mountain stream; water that flows down from a mountain; (4) (さんすい only) (See 築山) garden which contains an artificial hill and a pond; (surname) Yamamizu
mountains and rivers



see styles
shān méi
    shan1 mei2
shan mei
(bird species of China) Beijing babbler; Chinese hill warbler (Rhopophilus pekinensis)


see styles
vicinity of a hill; (surname) Okabe


see styles
 kouryou / koryo
(archaism) hill



see styles
yán gē
    yan2 ge1
yen ko
(bird species of China) hill pigeon (Columba rupestris)


see styles
 kyuuhan; kyuuzaka / kyuhan; kyuzaka
    きゅうはん; きゅうざか
steep slope; steep hill


see styles
tóu zǐ
    tou2 zi3
t`ou tzu
    tou tzu
T'ou-tzu, name of a hill and monastery at 舒州 Shu-chou and of 義靑 I-ch'ing its noted monk.


see styles
chūn cén
    chun1 cen2
ch`un ts`en
    chun tsen
Hill of Spring (derivation of Tel Aviv 特拉維夫|特拉维夫 from the book of Ezekiel 以西結書|以西结书)


see styles
jǐng shān
    jing3 shan1
ching shan
Jingshan (name of a hill in Jingshan park)
(surname) Keyama


see styles
běn shān
    ben3 shan1
pen shan
(1) head temple; (2) this temple; (place-name, surname) Motoyama
Native hill; a monk's original or proper monastery; this (or that) monastery; also 本寺.



see styles
dōng shān
    dong1 shan1
tung shan
 tousan; touzan; higashiyama / tosan; tozan; higashiyama
    とうさん; とうざん; ひがしやま
Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian; Tungshan township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan
(1) eastern mountains; mountains to the east; (2) (とうさん only) (abbreviation) (hist) (See 東山道) Tōsandō (area between the Tōkaidō and Hokurikudō); (3) (ひがしやま only) Higashiyama (Kyoto district); (surname) Bigashiyama
An eastern hill, or monastery, general and specific, especially the 黃梅東山 Huangmei eastern monastery of the fourth and fifth patriarchs of the Chan (Zen) school.


see styles
sǐ shān
    si3 shan1
ssu shan
The hill of death.


see styles
bǐn à
    bin3 a4
pin a
(place-name) Bina
(比那多); 毗那 vinata, 不高 A low hill.


see styles
dòng shān
    dong4 shan1
tung shan
(surname) Horayama
Cave hill or monastery in Yün-chou, modern Jui-chou, Kiangsi, noted for its T'ang teacher悟本 Wu-pen.


see styles
 murei / mure
(archaism) mountain; hill; (place-name, surname) Murei


see styles
 touhan; tohan / tohan; tohan
    とうはん; とはん
(n,vs,vi) climbing a slope (hill); ascending a hill; (surname) Noborizaka


see styles
 sakyuu / sakyu
sand dune; sand hill; (place-name) Sakyuu


see styles
 sunayama; sayama
    すなやま; さやま
sand hill; dune; (place-name, surname) Sunayama


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) bald mountain; denuded mountain; bare hill; treeless hill; (given name) Mokuzan


see styles
very old type of kiln made by digging a hole in the side of a hill


see styles
artificial hill (in a garden); (place-name, surname) Tsukuyama


see styles
 seizan / sezan
holy mountain; sacred hill; (surname) Hijiriyama


see styles
cǎo shān
    cao3 shan1
ts`ao shan
    tsao shan
 souzan / sozan
Grassy Hill (hill in Hong Kong)
(given name) Souzan


see styles
huāng shān
    huang1 shan1
huang shan
desert mountain; barren hill
(surname) Areyama


see styles
(1) mountain (or hill) behind a house, village, etc.; (2) side of a mountain that gets little sunshine; (adjectival noun) (3) (net-sl) (joc) (pun on うらやましい) (See うらやましい・1) envious; jealous; jelly; (place-name, surname) Urayama


see styles
xī míng
    xi1 ming2
hsi ming
 nishimiyou / nishimiyo
(personal name) Nishimiyou
Ximing, name of 道宣 Daoxuan of the Tang who founded the Southern Hill school, and also of 圓測 Yuance, both of whom were from the 西明寺 monastery of Western Enlightenment established by Gaozong (650-684) at Chang'an, the capital.


see styles
hills and fields; hill and dale; (place-name, surname) Noyama



see styles
zuān fěn
    zuan1 fen3
tsuan fen
residue from drilling; slag hill



see styles
kāi shān
    kai1 shan1
k`ai shan
    kai shan
to cut into a mountain (to open a mine); to open a monastery
(noun/participle) founding a temple (on a hill-top); (surname) Kaiyama
To establish a monastery; to found a sect.


see styles
 ryoukyuu / ryokyu
(rare) (See 丘陵・1) hill


see styles
 kasumizakura; kasumizakura
    かすみざくら; カスミザクラ
(kana only) Korean hill cherry (Prunus verecunda); (female given name) Kao


see styles
xiāng shān
    xiang1 shan1
hsiang shan
Fragrance Hill (a park in Beijing)
(surname) Koyama
the fragrant or incense mountains, so called because the Gandharvas do not drink wine or eat meat, but feed on incense or fragrance and give off fragrant odours. As musicians of Indra, or in the retinue of Dhṛtarāṣtra, they are said to be the same as, or similar to, the Kinnaras. They are, or according to M. W., Dhṛtarāṣtra is associated with soma, the moon, and with medicine. They cause ecstasy, are erotic, and the patrons of marriageable girls; the apsaras are their wives, and both are patrons of dicers.; Gandhamādana. Incense mountain, one of the ten fabulous mountains known to Chinese Buddhism, located in the region of the Anavatapta lake in Tibet; also placed in the Kunlun range. Among its great trees dwell the Kinnaras, Indra's musicians.


see styles
(archaism) mound; hill


see styles
gāo tái
    gao1 tai2
kao t`ai
    kao tai
Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu
high ground; elevation; hill; plateau; (place-name, surname) Takadai



see styles
liáo gē
    liao2 ge1
liao ko
(bird species of China) common hill myna (Gracula religiosa)


see styles
bald mountain; denuded mountain; bare hill; treeless hill; (place-name) Hageyama


see styles
 ichigoume / ichigome
the start of a climb up a hill


see styles
 marubouzu / marubozu
close-cropped head; bald hill



see styles
yī shī jiā
    yi1 shi1 jia1
i shih chia
iṣīkā, an arrow, dart, elephant's eyeball; Ṛṣigiri, a high hill at Rājagṛha, v. 伊師迦私; a type of 我見, 我曼 egoism, etc.


see styles
guāng míng shān
    guang1 ming2 shan1
kuang ming shan
 koumyouzan / komyozan
(personal name) Kōmyouzan
The shining hill, or monastery, a name for the abode of Guanyin, said to be in India, and called Potala.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "hill" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

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