Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 110 total results for your dynamic search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition

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 you / yo

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Yako / Minami
positive (electric.); sun; male principle (Taoism); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1]
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (the) positive; (2) (ant: 陰・2) yang (in Chinese divination); (3) (See 陰に陽に) the open; visible place; public place; (personal name) Yōji
The side on which the sun shines, the sun, heat, this life, positive, masculine, dynamic, etc.



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dòng tài
    dong4 tai4
tung t`ai
    tung tai
 doutai / dotai

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movement; motion; development; trend; dynamic (science)
(See 静態) movement; dynamic state


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poise (unit of dynamic viscosity); (personal name) Boaz


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huó lì sì shè
    huo2 li4 si4 she4
huo li ssu she

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Dynamic Energy / Enthusiasm
dynamic; enthusiastic; energetic



see styles
dòng tú
    dong4 tu2
tung t`u
    tung tu
(computing) dynamic image


see styles
 douatsu / doatsu
{physics} (See 静圧) dynamic pressure



see styles
dòng gǎn
    dong4 gan3
tung kan
sense of movement (often in a static work of art); dynamic; vivid; lifelike


see styles
 douteki / doteki
(adjectival noun) dynamic; kinetic


see styles
 youryoku / yoryoku
dynamic lift; lifting power



see styles
yīn yūn
    yin1 yun1
yin yün
(literary) (of smoke, mist) dense; thick
(adjective) (rare) energetic; lively; dynamic; vigorous


see styles
fǎ xìng
    fa3 xing4
fa hsing
 hosshou; houshou / hossho; hosho
    ほっしょう; ほうしょう
{Buddh} (See 法相・ほっそう・1) dharmata (dharma nature, the true nature of all manifest phenomena); (personal name) Hosshou
dharmatā. Dharma-nature, the nature underlying all thing, the bhūtatathatā, a Mahāyāna philosophical concept unknown in Hīnayāna, v. 眞如 and its various definitions in the 法相, 三論 (or法性), 華嚴, and 天台 Schools. It is discussed both in its absolute and relative senses, or static and dynamic. In the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra and various śāstras the term has numerous alternative forms, which may be taken as definitions, i. e. 法定 inherent dharma, or Buddha-nature; 法住 abiding dharma-nature; 法界 dharmakṣetra, realm of dharma; 法身 dharmakāya, embodiment of dharma; 實際 region of reality; 實相 reality; 空性 nature of the Void, i. e. immaterial nature; 佛性 Buddha-nature; 無相 appearance of nothingness, or immateriality; 眞如 bhūtatathatā; 如來藏 tathāgatagarbha; 平等性 universal nature; 離生性 immortal nature; 無我性 impersonal nature; 虛定界: realm of abstraction; 不虛妄性 nature of no illusion; 不變異性 immutable nature; 不思議界 realm beyond thought; 自性淸淨心 mind of absolute purity, or unsulliedness, etc. Of these the terms 眞如, 法性, and 實際 are most used by the Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.


see styles
fǎ jiè
    fa3 jie4
fa chieh
 hokkai; houkai / hokkai; hokai
    ほっかい; ほうかい
(1) {Buddh} universe; (2) {Buddh} realm of thought; (3) {Buddh} underlying principle of reality; manifestation of true thusness; (4) (ほうかい only) (abbreviation) (See 法界悋気) being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one; being jealous of others who are in love with each other
dharmadhātu, 法性; 實相; 達磨馱都 Dharma-element, -factor, or-realm. (1) A name for "things" in general, noumenal or phenomenal; for the physical universe, or any portion or phase of it. (2) The unifying underlying spiritual reality regarded as the ground or cause of all things, the absolute from which all proceeds. It is one of the eighteen dhātus. These are categories of three, four, five, and ten dharmadhātus; the first three are combinations of 事 and 理 or active and passive, dynamic and static; the ten are: Buddha-realm, Bodhisattva-realm, pratyekabuddha-realm, śrāvaka, deva, Human, asura, Demon, Animal, and Hades realms-a Huayan category. Tiantai has ten for meditaton, i.e. the realms of the eighteen media of perception (the six organs, six objects, and six sense-data or sensations), of illusion, sickness, karma, māra, samādhi, (false) views, pride, the two lower Vehicles, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle.


see styles
fǎ shēn
    fa3 shen1
fa shen
 hosshin; houshin / hosshin; hoshin
    ほっしん; ほうしん
{Buddh} (See 三身) dharmakaya (dharma body, Buddhism's highest form of existence); (surname) Hotsushin
dharmakāya, embodiment of Truth and Law, the "spiritual" or true body; essential Buddhahood; the essence of being; the absolute, the norm of the universe; the first of the trikāya, v.三身. The dharmakāya is divided into 總 unity and 別 diversity; as in the noumenal absolute and phenomenal activities, or potential and dynamic; but there are differences of interpretation, e.g. as between the 法相 and 法性 schools. Cf. 法身體性. There are many categories of the dharmakāya. In the 2 group 二法身 are five kinds: (1) 理 "substance" and 智 wisdom or expression; (2) 法性法身 essential nature and 應化法身 manifestation; the other three couples are similar. In the 3 group 三法身 are (1) the manifested Buddha, i.e. Śākyamuni; (2) the power of his teaching, etc.; (3) the absolute or ultimate reality. There are other categories.



see styles
wú ài
    wu2 ai4
wu ai
without inconvenience; unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
(noun or adjectival noun) free from obstacles
apratihata. Unhindered, without obstacle, resistless, without resistance, permeating everywhere, all pervasive, dynamic omnipresence which enters everywhere without hindrance like the light of a candle.


see styles
zhēn rú
    zhen1 ru2
chen ju
(surname) Shinnyo
bhūtatathatā, 部多多他多. The眞 is intp. as 眞實 the real, 如 as 如常 thus always or eternally so; i.e. reality as contrasted with 虛妄 unreality, or appearance, and 不變不改 unchanging or immutable as contrasted with form and phenomena. It resembles the ocean in contrast with the waves. It is the eternal, impersonal, unchangeable reality behind all phenomena. bhūta is substance, that which exists; tathatā is suchness, thusness, i.e. such is its nature. The word is fundamental to Mahāyāna philosophy, implying the absolute, the ultimate source and character of all phenomena, it is the All. It is also called 自性淸淨心 self-existent pure Mind; 佛性 Buddha-nature; 法身 dharmakāya; 如來藏 tathāgata-garbha, or Buddha-treasury; 實相 reality; 法界 Dharma-realm; 法性Dharma-nature; 圓成實性 The complete and perfect real nature, or reality. There are categories of 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, and 12 in number: (1) The undifferentiated whole. (2) There are several antithetical classes, e.g. the unconditioned and the conditioned; the 空 void, static, abstract, noumenal, and the 不 空 not-void, dynamic, phenomenal; pure, and affected (or infected); undefiled (or innocent), i.e. that of Buddhas, defiled, that of all beings; in bonds and free; inexpressible, and expressible in words. (3) 無相 Formless; 無生 uncreated; 無性 without nature, i.e. without characteristics or qualities, absolute in itself. Also, as relative, i.e. good, bad, and indeterminate. (7, 10, 12) The 7 are given in the 唯識論 8; the 10 are in two classes, one of the 別教 cf. 唯識論 8; the other of the 圓教, cf. 菩提心義 4; the 12 are given in the Nirvana Sutra.


see styles
kōng fǎ
    kong1 fa3
k`ung fa
    kung fa
(1) To regard everything as unreal, i.e. the ego, things, the dynamic, the static. (2) The nirvana of Hīnayāna.


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 gunzou / gunzo
(1) (See 青春群像) lively group (esp. of young people); dynamic bunch; (2) {art} group


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 dii eru eru; diierueru(sk) / di eru eru; dierueru(sk)
    ディー・エル・エル; ディーエルエル(sk)
{comp} dynamic link library; DLL


see styles
 rikidouteki / rikidoteki
(adjectival noun) dynamic


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 chikarakankei / chikarakanke
balance of power (in a relationship); power dynamic


see styles
 doubane / dobane
(See 静ばね) dynamic stiffness; dynamic spring rate


see styles
 douantei / doante
dynamic stability



see styles
dòng píng héng
    dong4 ping2 heng2
tung p`ing heng
    tung ping heng
dynamic equilibrium; dynamic balancing


see styles
 doutokusei / dotokuse
(See 静特性) dynamic characteristics


see styles
fǎ xìng tǔ
    fa3 xing4 tu3
fa hsing t`u
    fa hsing tu
 hōsshō do
The kṣetra or region of the dharma-nature, i. e. the bhūtatathatā, or 眞如, in its dynamic relations.


see styles
 katsudouteki / katsudoteki
(adjectival noun) active; dynamic; energetic


see styles
 nenseiritsu / nenseritsu
viscosity (coefficient); dynamic viscosity (coefficient)


see styles
tāi zàng jiè
    tai1 zang4 jie4
t`ai tsang chieh
    tai tsang chieh
 taizō kai
Garbhadhātu, or Garbhakośa-(dhātu), the womb treasury, the universal source from which all things are produced; the matrix; the embryo; likened to a womb in which all of a child is conceived— its body, mind, etc. It is container and content; it covers and nourishes; and is the source of all supply. It represents the 理性 fundamental nature, both material elements and pure bodhi, or wisdom in essence or purity; 理 being the garbhadhātu as fundamental wisdom, and 智 acquired wisdom or knowledge, the vajradhātu. It also represents the human heart in its innocence or pristine purity, which is considered as the source of all Buddha-pity and moral knowledge. And it indicates that from the central being in the maṇḍala, viz. the Sun as symbol of Vairocana, there issue all the other manifestations of wisdom and power, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, demons, etc. It is 本覺 original intellect, or the static intellectuality, in contrast with 始覺 intellection, the initial or dynamic intellectuality represented in the vajradhātu; hence it is the 因 cause and vajradhātu the 果 effect; though as both are a unity, the reverse may be the rule, the effect being also the cause; it is also likened to 利他 enriching others, as vajradhātu is to 自利 enriching self. Kōbō Daishi, founder of the Yoga or Shingon 眞言 School in Japan, adopted the representation of the ideas in maṇḍalas, or diagrams, as the best way of revealing the mystic doctrine to the ignorant. The garbhadhātu is the womb or treasury of all things, the universe; the 理 fundamental principle, the source; its symbols are a triangle on its base, and an open lotus as representing the sun and Vairocana. In Japan this maṇḍala is placed on the east, typifying the rising sun as source, or 理. The vajradhātu is placed west and represents 智 wisdom or knowledge as derived from 理 the underlying principle, but the two are essential one to the other, neither existing apart. The material and spiritual; wisdom-source and intelligence; essence and substance; and similar complementary ideas are thus portrayed; the garbhadhātu may be generally considered as the static and the vajradhātu as the dynamic categories, which are nevertheless a unity. The garbhadhātu is divided into 三部 three sections representing samādhi or quiescence, wisdom-store, and pity-store, or thought, knowledge, pity; one is called the Buddha-section, the others the Vajra and Lotus sections respectively; the three also typify vimokṣa, prajñā, and dharmakāya, or freedom, understanding, and spirituality. There are three heads of these sections, i. e. Vairocana, Vajrapāṇi, and Avalokiteśvara; each has a mother or source, e. g. Vairocana from Buddha's-eye; and each has a 明王 or emanation of protection against evil; also a śakti or female energy; a germ-letter, etc. The diagram of five Buddhas contains also four bodhisattvas, making nine in all, and there are altogether thirteen 大院 or great courts of various types of ideas, of varying numbers, generally spoken of as 414. Cf. 金剛界; 大日; 兩部.


see styles
 koudouteki / kodoteki
(adjectival noun) (1) active; dynamic; (adjectival noun) (2) behavioural



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yī qiè yǒu wéi
    yi1 qie4 you3 wei2
i ch`ieh yu wei
    i chieh yu wei
 issai ui
All phenomena, the phenomenal; all that is produced by causative action; everything that is dynamic and not static.


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 zenkeigazou / zenkegazo
{comp} foreground image; dynamic image


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 doutaishiryoku / dotaishiryoku
dynamic visual acuity; DVA; kinetic vision; ability to identify objects in motion


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 doutaibunseki / dotaibunseki
dynamic analysis


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 doutaidoushi / dotaidoshi
{ling} (ant: 状態動詞) dynamic verb



see styles
dòng tài gēng xīn
    dong4 tai4 geng1 xin1
tung t`ai keng hsin
    tung tai keng hsin
dynamic update (Internet)


see styles
 doutaitoukei / dotaitoke
dynamic or vital or current statistics



see styles
dòng tài wǎng yè
    dong4 tai4 wang3 ye4
tung t`ai wang yeh
    tung tai wang yeh
dynamic webpage


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 doutekiheikou / dotekiheko
{chem;physics} dynamic equilibrium


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 doutekisokubaku / dotekisokubaku
dynamic restraints


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 doutekikaiseki / dotekikaiseki
{comp} dynamic response analysis



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yǒu wéi wú wéi
    you3 wei2 wu2 wei2
yu wei wu wei
 ui mui
Action and inaction; active and passive; dynamic and static; things and phenomena in general are 有爲; nirvāṇa quiescence, the void, etc., are 無爲.



see styles
fǎ xìng suí wàng
    fa3 xing4 sui2 wang4
fa hsing sui wang
 hosshō zuimō
The dharma-nature in the sphere of delusion; i. e. 法性隨緣; 眞如隨緣 the dharma-nature, or bhūtatathatā, in its phenomenal character; the dharma-nature may be static or dynamic; when dynamic it may by environment either become sullied, producing the world of illusion, or remain unsullied, resulting in nirvāṇa. Static, it is likened to a smooth sea; dynamic, to its waves.



see styles
dòng tài cún chǔ qì
    dong4 tai4 cun2 chu3 qi4
tung t`ai ts`un ch`u ch`i
    tung tai tsun chu chi
dynamic memory



see styles
dòng tài liàn jiē kù
    dong4 tai4 lian4 jie1 ku4
tung t`ai lien chieh k`u
    tung tai lien chieh ku
dynamic-link library (DLL); shared library (computing)


see styles
 doutekisaihaichi / dotekisaihaichi
{comp} dynamic relocation


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 doutekiwarifuri / dotekiwarifuri
{comp} dynamic (resource) allocation


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 doutekiyobidashi / dotekiyobidashi
{comp} dynamic access


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 doutekikanshouhou / dotekikanshoho
{comp} dynamic buffering


see styles
 doutekikeikakuhou / dotekikekakuho
{comp} dynamic programming; DP


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 doutekitekigousei / dotekitekigose
{comp} dynamic conformance


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 doutekiboueiryoku / dotekiboeryoku
{mil} (JSDF term) dynamic defense


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 dounenseikeisuu / donensekesu
coefficient of kinematic viscosity; dynamic coefficient of viscosity; kinematic viscosity


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{comp} dynamic set


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(noun or adjectival noun) dynamic


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 doutekikiokusouchi / dotekikiokusochi
{comp} dynamic storage


see styles
 doutekinataiikiwariate / dotekinataikiwariate
{comp} dynamic bandwidth allocation


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 doutekiruuchingu / dotekiruchingu
{comp} dynamic routing


see styles
 doutekisouchisaikousei / dotekisochisaikose
{comp} DDR; Dynamic Device Reconfiguration


see styles
 doutekishigenwarifuri / dotekishigenwarifuri
{comp} dynamic resource allocation


see styles
 doutekitekigouseiyouken / dotekitekigoseyoken
{comp} dynamic conformance requirements


see styles
 doutekiadoresuhenkan / dotekiadoresuhenkan
{comp} Dynamic Address Translation; DAT


see styles
 doutekiruutingu / dotekirutingu
{comp} dynamic routing


see styles
 doutekishigenwarifuri / dotekishigenwarifuri
{comp} dynamic resource allocation


see styles
{comp} (See DRAM・ディーラム) dynamic RAM; DRAM


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic memory


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(computer terminology) dynamic link


see styles
 dainamikkuruuto / dainamikkuruto
(computer terminology) dynamic route


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic range


see styles
 shinkuronasudiiramu / shinkuronasudiramu
{comp} Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory; SDRAM


see styles
 dainamikku memori
(computer terminology) dynamic memory


see styles
 dainamikku rinku
(computer terminology) dynamic link


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 dainamikku ruuto / dainamikku ruto
(computer terminology) dynamic route


see styles
 dainamikku renji
(computer terminology) dynamic range


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 dainamikkuecchitiiemueru / dainamikkuecchitiemueru
{comp} dynamic HTML


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic disk


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 dairekutoaadiiramu / dairekutoadiramu
{comp} Direct Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory


see styles
 maruchibankudiiramu / maruchibankudiramu
{comp} multibank Dynamic Random Access Memory; MDRA


see styles
 doutekiadoresuhenkankikou / dotekiadoresuhenkankiko
{comp} DAT; Dynamic Address Translation


see styles
 dainamikku disuku
(computer terminology) dynamic disk


see styles
 dainamikkusupiikaa / dainamikkusupika
dynamic speaker


see styles
 dainamikku supiikaa / dainamikku supika
dynamic speaker


see styles
 dainamikkuruutingu / dainamikkurutingu
(computer terminology) dynamic routing


see styles
 kousokupeejimoododiiramu / kosokupeejimoododiramu
{comp} Fast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory; FPM DRAM


see styles
 dainamikku ruutingu / dainamikku rutingu
(computer terminology) dynamic routing


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic allocation


see styles
dynamic programming


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic relocation


see styles
 dainamikku arokeeshon
(computer terminology) dynamic allocation


see styles
 dainamikku puroguramingu
dynamic programming


see styles
 dainamikku rirokeeshon
(computer terminology) dynamic relocation


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic linking library; DLL


see styles
 piano(p); piyano(ok)
    ピアノ(P); ピヤノ(ok)
(1) piano (instrument) (ita:); (2) {music} (ant: フォルテ) piano (dynamic)


see styles
 dainamikku rinku raiburari
(computer terminology) dynamic linking library; DLL


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic data exchange; DDE


see styles
 dainamikku deeta ekusuchenji
(computer terminology) dynamic data exchange; DDE


see styles
(computer terminology) dynamic-link library file


see styles
 dainamikkumemori; dainamikku memori
    ダイナミックメモリ; ダイナミック・メモリ
{comp} dynamic memory


see styles
 dainamikkurinku; dainamikku rinku
    ダイナミックリンク; ダイナミック・リンク
{comp} dynamic link


see styles
 dainamikkuruuto; dainamikku ruuto / dainamikkuruto; dainamikku ruto
    ダイナミックルート; ダイナミック・ルート
{comp} dynamic route


see styles
 dainamikkurenji; dainamikku renji
    ダイナミックレンジ; ダイナミック・レンジ
{comp} dynamic range

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "dynamic" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary